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Posts posted by Tunay

  1. I'd vote for alex. Honestly -.- i can't stand politics, but not to be racist of anything but i really don't think America is ready for a colored president. Nor is America ready for a women president. -.- I was going to vote but i chose not to now. lol I am not going to vote for this next president only because if i did i knew i would be making a hard choice and well i'm just sick of politics =.= and i DIDN"T vote for bush. hah. i voted for kerry last year but nooo heh. Kerry won illinois anyway and i'm glad he did!

  2. i wish i could take an 18 credit load x.x lol yea i must sound crazy but my parents don't allow me to work so i really have nothing else to do >.> i have 15 credit hours right now but eh its just i guess easy? that and the college i'm going to at the moment only allows you to take 16 credit hours max! lol i can't wait till i transfer to a University x-x then the fun really begins! :) well that and i'm transfering into Med School. I'm at a Local college at the moment to get my pre requisites done (plus its cheaper at a local college :) ) so one more year and i get to transfer! woo hoo! O.o; i still have to pick which med school i want to go to x-x and i hope i get accepted x.x because i have to take an entrance exam and its really hard to get into medschools D:

  3. I love where this is going :]I absolutely agree with everyone on this topic!People on Myspace usually spend most of their time on their site. I have one but i only go on it once ever 5 months cause i forget about it. Then you get those adds from people that are like fake porn stars. I mean come on seriously? only pervs and horny guys will add you. and i don't add just anyone. They have to be like my close family and best friends other wise. don't expect me to add you lol. Want to know how to spot a myspace *BLEEP*? if you click on their profile and see that they have more than 100 friends it SCREAMS myspace *BLEEP*. Oh and if they only have 1 fake looking picture yea no they aren't real, they don't talk to you, they just want to have thousands of friends because they don't have friends in real life.OH and i HATE when 9 year olds have myspaces it screams "RAPE ME 40 YEAR OLD MAN RAPE ME PLEASE". Come on, do parents have ANY common sense? Keep your child in check and make sure they aren't on stuff like myspace or facebook. its for their safety : :P Another thing i don't like about myspace is the fact that you atleast get your account hacked atleast once. it happened to me i don't know how the hell someone actually got my password. its like capitalized letters and numbers and regular letters combined. PLUS i just bashed on my keyboard when i did my password but meh. what can you do? anyways. i also hate when people post stupid surveys about themselves. :) who cares really. 1. What color are your eyes : blue2. do you like pie? yes3. who was the last person you smiled at? Hell i don't *BLEEP*ing know!!!Its gay things like that, that annoy me >.> and just because they are "bored" they do those surveys. Honestly if you are BORED go out and hang out with friends or go help your mom clean the house or Go cook a meal for your family. don't waste your time on a 150 question survey about random crap that isn't even important to other people.Oh and don't you love when people post bulletins like :for example: [subject] I[message] am really bored! hit me up and i'll give you my seven Dig yo!ugh that drives me insane!!! - it really does. i find it stupid and pointless just get to the damn point -.-And you can't forget those people that can't use proper english! ppl dat dun kno howz 2 spel rite bcauz dey 2 layz 2 spel lyke a normal person. i especially hate when people are like Oh Em Gee datz lyke Mi BaBi Rite der! or Datz mi n mi cuzin dnt we look Hawt! UGH YOU HAVE ENGLISH CLASS FOR A FREAKIN REASON!I also hate when people try to send me comments about "OMG i got a Macy's Card here at this site you should check it out ;DD because i'm a *BLEEP* and i don't get none!"I also hate when people send me invitations like "Go get your free iPhone, or Instead of an iPhone get a Wii! or a PS3!" YEAAAA!!! NO!! :)If i had a spam folder you know where all my messages and event invites would go to? STRAIGHT TO MY SPAM FOLDER! <3I also hate when girls hit on my fiancee on myspace. like "omg you are so hott! leave your gf and be with me cause i'm a skanky *BLEEP*" yea no he's mine thank you <3 thats why we are engaged *BLEEP*es!!!I have so much more but Eh lol i'll stop here for now x.x cause its almost 4 AM and i need to get up in about 3 hours!

  4. i tried to get a trial version of Adobe Photoshop cs3, it installed and everything but then when i went to go try the free trial it said it was invalid and i was like... uhmm what? and i got all confused and everything. cause it wouldn't let me do the trail version. so i just went back to Photoshop 7 its still just as good anyways :)

  5. i heard from my boyfriend that this game is really hard because of leveling and it was intentionally supposed to be like the FFIII from back in the day. he told me that you had to level a whole lot before you could actually beat bosses and what not and you spent alot of time leveling. but other then that he said it was fun haha (of course he did hes a gamer).

  6. Programmers are no more than good typists. I don't know about you but, when I was a student, I was besieged by my mom into typing some documents for her: contracts, inventory lists, sales reports etc. She'd draft the stuff on paper then ask me, the almighty Computer Science student to type and print it out for her. This fallacy is often seized upon by member of the older generation who could see nothing beyond equating computers with typewriters.

    :) Funny thing my mom made me do that stuff too cause, well, i'm the only one in the house who knows how to do that stuff! except my mom would make me do that with spread sheets and microsoft exel hahah. and she didn't know what she was doing when she was infront of the computer. so when she got confused she would make me do all of HER work from her job. That and during the holidays i hear "Dianne make christmas cards on the computer" or "Dianne i bought cards can you use the computer to put a message on the card then do the envelopes" i would complain but having a philippino mom who has a belt in hand is kinda scary :)

    Programmers make l33t kewl WEBSITES!!! LIk teh HAXorz. Ugh, please. Some people who know nothing else but their Friendster, Myspace, Multiply or Facebook account often fawn when they find out I'm a programmer.Ppl: "Do you have a website?"
    Me: "Why, yes, I do."
    Ppl: "Whoa! That's so kewl! So, what's your Facebook account?"
    Me: "Uh... I don't have any."
    Ppl: "Aheheh... I see... Uhm... okies, nice meeting you (noob)"

    And this is so true but those that have myspace,friendster,facebook and what not usually have a basic knowledge of the computer. that or they just take layouts from other websites that make the layouts for other people. and they think they know more about website designing. it makes me laugh because they don't know what it takes to set up a website.

    Programmers can and will repair their friends' PC's Uh... no. Only if I really love you. A lot. A whole lot. And no, I generally don't make websites for free either. No, I won't help you with your MySpace.

    Lol if you are qualified and get paid for this uhm they will have to pay lol. and don't worry about people with myspace they could just go to sites like myspacelayouts.com or something or some gay site called pimpmysite lmao :P even though making layouts are easy but people are too lazy to actually go and try.

  7. High School is just a game and popularity only gives you an ego boost. that and once you get popular you forget about the friends that have been your friends since forever! and along with that you don't need popularity. unless you want to become homecoming king or prom king or w/e. what kind of popular are you trying to get to ? the hanging out with cool kids popular or the everyone knows you in the whole school popular? popularity is just a game. Once you lose its game over, because once you screw something up with that popular crowd then no one sees you the same and you are stuck with nothing no friends because when you left your old friends they didn't care for you anymore and then don't expect them to see them with open arms. Just becareful with your choices that you make.

  8. well right now i'm having trouble finding a school loan and i've tried to get a government loan (FAFSA) but they denied me for some reason -.- anyways i tried to get a loan from the bank and i got denied also and so far i can't find any decent place to get a loan. and my dad is my cosigner and he has a great credit record. i don't have much of a credit record but maybe thats why its so hard to get a student loan for college. T.T anyone know any good sites for that? I've also tried to get some scholarships but i don't know i guess i'll just have to wait to see if i get them or not :)

  9. Not sure about the rest of the world where Dominos is located, but in the USA, Dominos has started a whole new marketing campaign around the whole "You Got 30 Minutes" idea. I was curious as to what they meant. I knew that in the past, they had an offer where if your pizza was delivered in over 30 minutes, you get it for free. So, is this another one of these deals?
    Well, their website has a disclaimer about this. On https://www.dominos.com/en/ if you look at the bottom of the page, you will see a legal disclaimer about the whole "You Got 30 Minutes" deal. It says:

    Because safety is a priority "You Got 30 Minutes" is not a guarantee but an estimate. You may get more. Must ask for offer. Minimum order required for delivery.

    This means that there's not even a guarantee that you'll get your piza in 30 minutes, because they can just say that safety was a priority when delivering your pizza. So what does this offer to the consumer? I guess it means that Dominos will try their very best to get you your pizza in 30 minutes.

    So, if you're trying to get a free pizza from Dominos, this might not be the way to do it.

    see i love how there is always a catch to those things but you have to read the fine print! Pizza Hut didn't have that sort of thing but one time it took pizza hut an hour and a half to get us our pizza so we got all the things for free which included 3 pizzas 4 boxes of wings 2 boxes of bread sticks 2 liters of soda and since we waiting an hour and a half we got 4 boxes of cinna stix free! hehe :) they lost about $100 of profit! AND we didn't tip the deliver guy. he was all like i'm sorry about your order. and we were like yea w/e haha. so he went back to get the cinna stix and brought the manager with him and the manager waslike you don't have to pay for this meal pizza hut will pay for it. and then we were like ok thank you and then he was like please take these free cinna stix. and i was in the back ground and screamed "SCORE!!!" :)

  10. I have a burning question, Has anyone dumped someone only to realize that it was a mistake. I ended a relationship about six months ago, and after three months, I started to miss my ex-girlfriend. At first i felt like she was the one who wanted to break up, so trying to protect myself, i did the dumping. It wasn't so hard, cause i felt I came out unscathed...but after a few months, I realized that i was wrong. I was not going through that guilt period that many went through in a break up, I really I did some bad stuff pushing my ex-girlfriend away. We haven't talked much, but I received an email today saying that I am loved, however, things are over. But I dont want it to be over. :D
    Has anything like this happened to anyone...whats your story. I am not depressed, nor desperate...I have moved on. I accept my loses, but just curious to hear other stories.

    Well i have a story but it really isn't about dumping someone but letting someone go out with someone else cause he couldn't choose between me and 3 other girls :) i really liked this boy too and i was excited when he said that he was going to pick me but then i told him to give other girls a chance and that if he broke up with that girl that he would go out with me next. lol well there was never a next time for me because he kept going straight from girl to girl and never seemed to make it in my direction! but really i'm glad that he didn't because i later realized that i fell in love with my best friend (my current bf) and now we are engaged :) . i do although think about how life would have been life if i decided to choose that guy from way back when. but the past is the past and now i'm happy :P so there is nothing to be disappointed about now. even though i think that guy lost the best future wife ever! <3 oh well :D

  11. My brother has a similar experence, he says theres some kind of ghost holding him down trying to kill him but I dont know. I dont believe its a ghost to be honest maybe some type of mental disorder, that sounds more logical then a ghost doing that too him.
    Make sure your mum knows your serious and go see a doctor like mich said. better safe then sorry.

    Yea i believe in that ghost thingy but yea thanks everyone for the feed back i'll definitely talk to my mom about it because it scares me lol thats why i'm on so late at night! till early morning :)


    I found out that my dad has sleep apnea and he had to get that weird respirator looking thing to breath properly at night! Except he got that machine thing because he would stop breathing for about 30 seconds at night and it cause him to have a hard time sleeping!!

  12. I thought I was experiencing some...but then I realised someone put something in my food.

    lol my uncle scared the crap out of me once because he was telling us a story about how when they first bought their house someone was murdered in the back yard. and like he said that the guy would come in and knock things down and the out of no where my uncle was like "EVERYONE STOP" and he was like "do you guys hear that...?" and then he farted -.- i almost died from the suspense lol :)

  13. I love these kinds of stories! I'd like to share some stories with everyone as well :DWhen i was younger, maybe around the age of 2, i lived in the country called the Philippines. The Philippines is a beautiful country, lots of plants and space and completely surrounded by ocean. Well one summer day there was an earth quake that shook all the houses in whole area and my mom got so scared that she grabbed my brother and she thought that i was already taken by her older brother but when she saw him out side without me they both realized that i was still in the house in my crib. My mom told me that they waited till the earthquake was over until they headed back inside! When the earth quake stopped they both ran in to check to see if i was ok. Many of our belongings and stuff were on the floor. picture frames broken and furniture moved around but the area around my crib was untouched and my mom told me that i when they looked over at my crib they told me that i was sitting in my crib laughing and playing with something but it wasn't visible. and they told me (once i was old enough to understand) that during that day there was a guardian angel covering my crib and that there was a little gnome playing with me in the crib to keep me distracted and kept me from crying. it kind of makes me wonder if babies can really see these things because i do believe in mythological creatures because in the philippines you will really find them there! I am also religious :D and i do believe in god. but i'm not super hard core about religion :DThis happened to my mom :My mom used to work in a nursing home and a few weeks before she quit one of the nurses she worked with had committed suicide by taking pain killers and douching her self in gasoline and lighting herself on fire. What cause this poor girl to commit suicide was the fact that her fiancee and cheated on her and she got furious because they were supposed to get married. So she ended up getting so upset that she took pain killers from the nursing home went back to her apartment and burned herself to death. After that happened they hung a picture of this nurse above the nurses station so that this picture over looked all the nurses while they worked. and one day they nurses got so freaked out by the picture that they took down the picture of the nurse. The Nurse that died got furious and while my mom was working grave yard shift the ghost nurse had pushed all paper work and everything on the nurses station on the floor. and it scared everyone that they hung up the picture again. Some of the residents say that they see the nurse in her favorite room (in this room she would call her fiancee because she got the best reception here) and some say that they here her talking on the phone saying her sweet good byes and i love yous. and another night when my mom was in the tv room she was sitting there watching the news and the door opened and she saw the seat next to her make a indent. and that scared her so much that she never went to that tv room and she quit of course.Another interesting thing i'd like to tell you guys. I just moved to my current address about 3 years ago. and a long time ago the area that my house stands used to be an insane asylum :) isn't that great? i'm living on a burned down insane asylum! My dad has had really weird occurrences with a female ghost or spirit in our house!!! So my dad was doing the renovations to our kitchen. we were adding tiles for splash back or what ever its called. and my dad measured the tile and marked it 3 times and when he cut it it came out 2 inches short. Now my dad did this over 4 times after getting it right the 5th time. and when i came home from school as i walked into the kitchen where my dad was measuring the tile that he needed to cut i walked in and i smelled a light smell of cherry blossoms. and i asked dad if he had cherries as a snack and he said that we didn't even have cherries and i told him that i smelled cherry blossoms but it was light. and then when i said that the cherry blossom fragrance disappeared. and my dad cut the tile and said "wow one time and i got it. now how come this didn't happen last time?" he told me that he kept getting the wrong measurements and i told him that maybe our guardian was messing with him. and he laughed and said yea probably. :D i have more stories but o.o its already 1 am!! i'll share more later :D:) thats if anyone wants to hear more? :P

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