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Posts posted by pursue77

  1. From my experience, i've been using glasses for 9 years. I am suffering from myopia(short sightedness). Before i was using -9.0 glasses but after using some simple steps my vision started to improve. Those simple steps are :1. Palming(closing your eyes with ur palm)2. Healthy habits(eating green vegetables & salad)3. Blinking(Reading books & newspapers without glasses)4. Swinging(moving your eyes left-right and vice-versa)Practise this 2wice a day for a month and see how your eyes sparkle like stars!!!!!!GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!

  2. Listen. Men usually gives excuses to girls whenthey are very busy at the moment or they have been seeing other girls at the moment and one of their favorite excusesis, "Sorry, I am kinda busy this week." Heck...I am a man and I use this excuse ALL THE TIMEto turn women down. It's innocent and you can turn away a person withouthurting his or her feelings. Here's the truth: If a man is REALLY attracted toyou, he WILL find SOME time to hang out with you no matterhow busy he is - even if it is just one hour a week. The only reason he won't is because he doesn'tlike you "enough". Let's use YOU as an example... If you were absolutely CRAZY about a guy, do you thinkyou could spare an hour of your busy schedule this week tohave a cup of coffee with her? I bet the answer is "yes". The same principle applies to men. If he lovesyou "enough", he will make SOME time for you - it'sas simple as that. So try to raise the attraction by pulling back and getting back again.

  3. First of all i want you to look in the mirror and give 5 smacks on your cheek and repeat these words 5times a day: I AM NOT GOING TO BE WUSSY ANYMORE!!!! Ok now listen breaking up several times is a bad sign for any relationship. You guyz may again patch up but its no use, you are again gonna lose her and i can bet a 100$ bucks for this. Here are some of the mistakes you are making while dating with her :1) Showing much more affection towards your partner than he or she does towards you. 2) Trying to advance and take the relationship to the next level when your partner does not share the same vision. 3) Forcing or manipulating your partner to change. 4) Being “too” eager about the relationship. 5) Acting needy. 6) Acting jealous. 7) Trying to control or manipulate your partner into loving you. 8) Begging, crying, or throwing tantrums to make your partner stay with you or be nice to you. 9) Not giving your partner enough room in the relationship. 10) Trying to keep your partner by “proving” to them how much you care. Remember the Push and Pull rule: The more you push a person, the more you push them away.If you have been pushing your partner too much in the past, then it?s time to stop and give the relationship some space. Instead of pushing your partner away from you, try to PULL BACK and see they react. If you pull back from a person while they still have a certain amount of attraction and "romantic respect" for you, they WILL freak out and give you more attention. You can THEN work on your relationship problems. Don't give her much attention for few weeks then again flirt with her more heavily and raise the chemistry between you two and see how your relationship is gonna work out. If not there are some other beautiful girls who can respects you more than her. Again i would say, hangout wid' other womens, tease them and act like a challenge infront of other people.

  4. 1. Raise you social lifeMake friends, go out for parties, and let others know you. This way you will met lots of womens and your love will know how much interesting person you are.2. Flirt with womenTease a women in such a way that she replys you back with her phone no. or home address. One of my favourite thing to say to a women while walking wid' them " Walking wid' you is so fun esp. when you have a shoe like a pencil glass". 3. Cocky & FunnyMake a women laugh.Not like by saying some creepy or stupid jokes.Let her know how much interesting and humorous you are.

  5. Its really bad when sum1 takes away your love right away infront of you. But you know its a universal truth that the stronger survives and the rest dies. Am not saying you to be physical stronger. You should just be a challenge than rest of the guyz by raising the chemistry with the women. Try getting out of the friendship zone with her. For that i would suggest you to stay out of contact with her for couple of weeks without even letting her know. Say that you are busy in some kindda work.If she comes to talk to you, you say that you are bg and have to go.Within the time of separation let her know that you are hanging out with sum beautiful galz.It might be your friend or cousin.But when she ask you abt the gal tell her that she is just a friend and tell her how interesting she is.Then after that go back and apoligize for being bg and take her out for a coffee. While having a conversation with her ask abt her love life but not more than once.If she says he's just a friend than damn good u've got the bulls eye. Then start flirting wid' her heavily and raise the chemistry. Flirting wid' a women is the best key to get closer into thier mind and chemistry is suchathing that takes you right inside the heart of a women.So wish you all the best. After couple of weeks come across her as a branded suit with a tag "CAUTION:BEAUTIFUL GALZ PLEASE MAKE SOME DISTANCE YOUR HEART MAY FALL ON MY SUIT".

  6. Ok answer my 1 simple question. Would you ever go out wid' sum1 whom u've known just a couple of minute ago? Ofcourse not ! First u talk to her then know abt her interest ,family bkgrd.... then only if that person is good enought for you, you would finally decide to ask her out. First just try asking for her email add then tell her you would try to mail her only at the weekends like Sunday or Saturday that also if possible. Let her know how bg you are. Then see how she reacts with you. She'll be puzzled for not asking for her phone no. but only an email add. You know women just loves mind-games. In most of the conditions the women gives our their ph. no. And even if you get her no. just tell her the same thing as above. And after 3days mail her or send a short message letting her know about some interesting stuffs going on like exibitions in a museum or concert of some famous artist and try asking her out OR you can also call her and ask her out for tea or coffee (again let her know how special is the place where you guyz are going).Finally don't make her feel uncomfortable around you and don't let her know that you like her.

    Alrite have fun and don't let bugs bite you. Some women get crazy and jump on you when a guy don't give them what they want :o .

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    Please write in proper English rather than in 'txt spk'. For example, use 'you' instead of 'u' and 'background' instead of 'bkgrd'. Read the readme and rules for more information. Thank you.

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