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Posts posted by jcolanzi

  1. My friend uses adsense n yer gotta admit its great, he earns prob 5k a month, he is popular though, but cmon 5k :) thats his pocket money for yan ive seen his site lol.. got alot of content, i guess jst think carefully what you gona put on your site, i reckon its great as long as u know what ur doing :(

    I've just signed up for a new Pay For Play program. Rather than getting paid from ads being clicked it pays everytime someone visits your site and an audio of a sponsors ad runs. I'ts not live yet, but I think it may be a better option.


  2. When someone comes around to realizing that they personally have a need for spiritual development, in whatever form it may take, is a wonderful thing. To realize a need that is so essential and yet, in many cases, goes unrecognized; thus, without fulfillment; is like suddenly realizing that you haven't fed yourself in a month and suddenly realizing that you're so hungry you would die if you didn't eat. In this day and age, we are so tied up in making the almighty dollar, keeping up appearances, and for many people, pretending to be something that they are not; that, we forget to stop and refeul ourselves let alone eachother. We need to stop every once in a while and ask ourselves," What is this all for? Why am I doing this?" If you don't like the answer than something needs to change. Of course, there are some of you out there that can deal with everything being terrible forever, to you I take my hat off. The way I see it, why would you want to deal, when things can be so much better? To make things better sometimes all you need is to change your view. Change your view and you might want to change the direction of where you're going. :)

    I agree about personal development being based on our point of view. The problem is when others try to decide what spiritual development is for us. This may seem off the wall but I think we all live in our own worlds, thus one size doesn't fit all.

    The key is to decide how to live that makes you happy and follow it. What other people think is irrelevent to developing your dream life. We all get bogged down in semantics and what was said thousands of years ago or by some authority today. We're each our own authority living in our own world.

    Basically nothing is true or the reverse everything is true. It's all just our point of view.

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