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Posts posted by mtnkatt69

  1. I miss you


    I miss your laugh,

    I miss your cooking.

    I miss your stories and your jokes.

    I miss telling you everything is okay.

    I will always remember what you did for me,

    And never be afraid of what's to come.

    I know you left this world for a reason,

    And I'm sure you are much happier.

    I just hope missing you isn't a bad thing!!

    I just wanted to let you know one more thing,

    I will always keep you in my heart, Grandma.

  2. Wondering'



    Watching the stars,

    Wondering where you are.

    Don't know how long this will last,

    Last time, it seemed forever.

    But as always you're not here.


    Coming around the corner,

    I thought saw your face.

    When I turned and looked again,

    I realized it really wasnt you.


    I spoke of you the other day,

    Wishing and wondering where you are.

    Hoping the next day will be better,

    Because when I'm not with you,

    My life just seems hopeless.


    All I can do is work everyday,

    Just to keep my mind off of you.

    Because it hurts so bad,

    But it feels so good,

    Just to dream of you

  3. Faith



    I cannot recall the last time I was happier.

    It seems with everyday you make it that way.

    My weeks get shorter, and days get better,

    Knowing you are by my side,

    Waiting and wishing we were one.

    I have faith it will get even better.

    I'm sure bad days will come and go,

    But they won't be what they used to.

    Every little detail used to matter,

    Now I see the big picture with every change.

    Loving you is the hardest thing to hold back,

    Knowing if I show you too much you will run.

    You've handled everything thrown at you,

    And just as I have, you have survived.

    It is our time now, just love and live!

  4. Everyday


    Clear hot day

    Makes me want to swim,

    Or better yet be in the snow.

    The places visited,

    The memories made,

    All makes sense to me.

    It does not matter anymore,

    What others say about me.

    I am me,

    And there is nothing they can say,

    To change my mind or ways.

    I have no regrets,

    And very few fears.

    I do fear sometimes,

    That I will not meet her,

    But when I sleep I see her.

    Hope always comes back to me,

    When I wake and know,

    Someday, somewhere,

    We will meet, and share this life.

    Otherwise, why would we live.

  5. My one and only


    You are all I've ever cared about.

    I've always just wanted you,

    Nothing more, nothing less,

    And definately, No one else.

    You always made me smile,

    And you still make me laugh.

    You understand me,

    You listen to me.

    I have always known,

    Whether or not, we "were too young"

    I have always known it was you.

    You and me just make sense.

    You bring out the "Real" me.

    I want to dance with you,

    I wanna sing for you.

    Why can't we just be,

    Together that is, and be a family?

    If there was someway to tell you,

    I try, but sometimes I'm afraid.

    I don't want to get hurt,

    And I sure don't want to hurt you.

  6. I like all of the first suggestions, and I was going to suggest folders as techclave did.That is the ONLY thing that Yahoo had, and I still use it b/c it's my subscription emailAnytime I need to "sign up" for something, i use the yahoo email.Important stuff, I keep to GMAIL. Yahoo needs to rent GMAIL's spam filter because I probably get 1 a month with GMAIL.Granted I have had Yahoo longer, but I click on SPAM button, and the same person will get back through the next week into the inbox. It's like a routine with Yahoo every morning, I open up mail "SPAM" at least 3 in my INBOX and read the real ones left.Anyway, back to GMAIL, sorry, I would really like to publish some emails, especially the Chain Letters. I don't think it would be that hard, they already do it for Documents, Photos and Calendar.Plus it would be fun to publish stuff people tell you to keep a secret, hehehehe, just kidding.Anyway, keep up the good suggestions.

  7. Hello All,I really want to help my wife out.Currently we are moving so she has been stressed, and she says that she's been feeling like a panic attack will come one soon.I usually can help calm her down, but I thought I would see if anyone else had good ideas on how to helpIt's been almost 7 years since she's actually had an attack, mainly because she has been taking Zoloft.Well, about 6 or 7 months ago, she stopped taking Zoloft. I don't think on purpose at first, but then she started getting scared of swallowing pills, even little ones.We have tried breaking them up, but does no good.So she has a fear of choking on everything. She eats very slowly which is not a big deal with me, I would wait to the World's end for her.I just feel so helpless sometimes, especially when I'm at work, because physically being there really helps her out.I am hoping once we move, that it will lift and she can go back to feeling normal.I have never had experience with this sort of thing. I don't get stressed easy, and have never had the thoughts she has.She says her tongue will feel tingly, and jaw feels funny. So then she starts thinking she will swallow her tongue, choke and die.We went to the hospital, and they helped by showing her how to breathe in a paper bag which helps the anxiety calm down.They said when you start breathing fast, you inhale to much oxygen and don't exhale enough Carbon Dioxide or something like that.They said when you breathe in a bag, you inhale more Carbon Dioxide instead of Oxygen which helps the body become stable.Medication in the forms of pills is out of the question. I haven't been able to find anything in liquid form yet for a Zoloft substitute.I would like to find a more permanent solution, like partial hypnosis or something, but I have no idea if she will even want to.Thanks,A worried Husband

  8. Hello All,Personally I love this book/CD/movie. I read the book and then watched the movie. I have always tried to think positive, but this book really helped me reword everything.For instance, instead of saying "I don't want to be in debt" I started saying "I will get rid of my debt, and I thank the universe" I have been focusing on the re-wording everytime a collection notice came in, and sure enough, about a month ago, one of the people I work with said she was going to help me out with my debt and fix my credit.She wrote a check for $10,000, bought me a Brand new '08 car, offered me a job where I will be making almost double my current salary, helping with the move to a different city.She is setting up the loan with her bank in my name with a low interest and will help my budget everything.I thank the world everyday for her help, she has always helped me out of tight spots before, but this was over the top.Anyway, sorry about the rambling, I am just so happy and stress-relieved.This book has really changed my life, even before the debt fix.In the past year, I found my soul mate, got married, had 2 honeymoons paid for, held a job for over a year, and we are now moving to a 3 bedroom house, and probably start a family within a year.What I really love about the Secret is that no matter what your "religion" or "beliefs" it can be applied. Some people ask the universe for what they want or you can replace universe with God if that is what you believe.Anyway, if you are having a tough time with life, read or watch the Secret and if you truly believe what you ask for then you will get it

  9. Hello All,


    This is my first post so bear with me. It seems like there is always a catch with the word FREE. Of course, Mama always said nothing is for FREE.

    Anyway, I just wanted to say the Xisto has a good concept, in giving free hosting for posting forums. I have not built a website yet on their server so I cannot rate their service, but I will in the future.


    I have had a few hosting providers, but I am still somewhat new in designing websites, so I am always looking for new host providers.


    Godaddy is fairly decent if you can handle the ad at the top, and I really liked 50webs.com in the beginning. I was good for the basic stuff without databases and such, which is the direction I have moved towards.

    I really got hooked on Joomla, so I am always looking for something decent with MySql that can handle Joomla, and I found freehostia.com


    All was good, the had a self-install script for Joomla, and seemed to work well with their Control Panel.

    Then I saw that they disabled SMTP on free accounts only. I am sure in the lenghty TOS that it said SMTP was turned off, but alot of people, especially new designers do not know that it means your website cannot send emails. If someone emails you from like GMail then you can receive the email, but not respond.

    I was really upset at first and opened a ticket. I got a good response at first, but after the First Reply the CSR Seemed really rude to me. I just don't see the point of "receiving" mail and not sending. I even tried using the Google Aps for your domain, and I can send and receive with an email from subdomain of freehostia, but my Joomla site cannot email registration details or anything alike.

    I could not find a workaround, and that's fine. I will find another host providers, probably Xisto.com that will fit my needs.


    I just wanted to kind of vent, so thanks for reading. I included a copy of the Ticket from Freehostia.com


    Ticket # Subject Status Avg Answer Time Date of Opening

    32690 Unable to send email... Unable to send email from Joomla Need Assistance 00 00:01:20 2008-01-02 23:20:24


    Details: The newest response is on top, the first one is at bottom

    2008-01-03 00:00:03 by jerada10 to Technical Support

    Just to be clear, I can write a basic php mail script and execute, and it acts like it is sending the email with no errors. So does that mean you guys keep the emails? Why wouldn't an error come back????

    2008-01-02 23:52:25 by jerada10 to Technical Support

    This does not make sense. I have tried responding 5 or 6 times, and it never posts my comment back to you. It is a simple question, that I should not have to read hours of documentation, and by the way, most of the F.A.Q is for paid plans, not the free ones. When signed up, it says you get 3 email accounts and POP access. I guess I assumed you could send basic emails, but my bad, I guess the new thing is "receiving" email, not sending.

    2008-01-02 23:45:49 by Technical Support to jerada10



    No! Please try to read most of our documentation in order to prevent future questions!


    Best Regards,



    Satisfaction 5

    Courtesy 1

    Overall 5

    Timeliness 5

    2008-01-02 23:44:37 by jerada10 to Technical Support

    If I transfer over my domain name from Godaddy.com will that enable the php mail function??

    2008-01-02 23:40:55 by Technical Support to jerada10



    No problem at all.


    Best Regards,



    Satisfaction 1

    Courtesy 5

    Overall 1

    Timeliness 2

    2008-01-02 23:39:08 by jerada10 to Technical Support

    I am sorry, I thought the mail() function was included in PHP. I don't understand because most free hosting sites include a basic mail program for registering users.

    2008-01-02 23:34:45 by Technical Support to jerada10



    Did you read my comment? No you can't use it.


    Best Regards,



    Satisfaction 5

    Courtesy 1

    Overall 5

    Timeliness 5

    2008-01-02 23:33:49 by jerada10 to Technical Support

    If I have email accounts at a different domain, can I use that setting to email?

    2008-01-02 23:21:46 by Technical Support to jerada10



    Thank you for contacting our Technical Support Department.

    That's because the SMTP service, and mail() function are not allowed for free hosting account, and if you plan to use them in the future, please try to select a payable hosting package in order those services to became available for you. If you need anything else in the future, be it a question or trouble, just feel free to let us know. You're always welcome!




    Best Regards,


    End of Details





    Thanks again,


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