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Everything posted by dreamerspiritt

  1. I speak English, some Spanish, and a little bit of Japanese.I'm taking Spanish at school, and will hopefully be starting Japanese lessons outside of school soon.
  2. Summer is the only time I have any free time, I'm in an advanced program at school, which is pretty demanding during the school year, but when I DO have free time I like watching anime, reading manga, and hanging out with my friends (mostly Rachel and Ant), drawing, painting, and taking pictures.
  3. I found this at onegoodmove.org (where I download a lotta my music)But it's hysterical! I couldn't breathe for a few minutes after reading it since I was lauging so hard:While suturing a laceration on the hand of a 70-year-old Texas rancher (whose hand had caught in a gate while working cattle), a doctor and the old man were talking about George W. Bush being in the White House.The old Texan said, "Well, ya know, Bush is a 'post turtle'.Not knowing what the old man meant, the doctor asked him what a post turtle was.The old man said, "When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a post turtle."The old man saw a puzzled look on the doctor's face, so he continued. "You know-- he didn't get there by himself, he doesn't belong there, he can't get anything done while he's up there, and you just want to help the poor creature get down."I think November 2nd should be declared national help the 'post turtle' ." day.
  4. Sounds like the US, only not half as bad.
  5. When I went to Toronto the canadians were all pretty friendly to the poor lost american tourists, but we kept getting asked what we thought of Bush.... apparently most of them hate him almost as much as I do! As far as sterotypes the Massachusetts one is pretty much correct, left-wing democrats who like to lecture people on the importance of education and can't pronounce R, but unlike sterotypes we're not all rich, most people here are actually lower and middle class, and we do have a few rednecks. I think what gives the USA such a GREAT reputation in foregin countries is our BRILLANT leader. [/sarcasem]
  6. The las book I read was "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy"(Highly amusing. I wonder what the authour is on... me and my friend were debating that. ) , and right now I'm reading "A Lesson Before Dying" for school.
  7. I'm not sure if I'd call this my <i>favorite</i> book, but it was certainly one of the most haunting, but Night by Elie Wisel. It's a real account of what life was like in concentration camps in Germany. It's extremely scary that all of it was TRUE.
  8. I love manga! :DI read a lot of it. I'm subscribed to Shonen Jump, and I have loads of manga other than that. My personal favorites are Ramna 1/2, InuYasha, Shaman King, DiGi Charat, and Love Hina....I espically like Love Hina, it's hysterical! Su: "dis soubiner dosn't taste bery good." <<< referring to Tama-chan.
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