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Posts posted by lailai

  1. Actually, while it may not be possible to remove the internet, it is possible to create a way to stop people from using it.
    Have you heard of, "Digital Doomsday"? This is a theory that, what with all the internet hackers getting smarter every day, soon someone will have figured out a way to send a powerful virus to everyone connected to the internet, with the ability to permanently jam the connections. This basically will make the internet useless, which is just as bad as destroying it, really.

    Yes, but this won't be happening. Because the fixers (or safers or whatever) are getting smarter every day as well. And there would be no way to send a virus to EVERYONE. At least not today

  2. I didn't know there were so many hoaxes this year! In case you don't know, see this(from wikipedia)

    In Gmail, Google featured information for an update called "Gmail Custom Time"; a feature that would allow its users to send emails back in time. While composing a message, a button labeled "Set Custom Time" would allow one to send the message a specific interval in the past, as well as choose if the message appeared as "read" or "unread". None of the features appear in the service itself, but rather in a description of the update found here: http://www.gmail.com/mail/help/customtime/index.html.

    Virgle Logo

    Google announces a joint project with the Virgin Group that aims to establish a permanent human settlement on Mars (https://www.google.com/virgle/index.html). This operation has been named Project Virgle.


    Google launches Dajare in Japan (google.co.jp), with the mission of "organizing the world’s laughter." [1]


    Google announces gDay in Australia (https://www.google.com.au/intl/en/gday/press.html), a new beta search technology that will search web pages 24 hours before they are created.

    Google Dialect Translation

    Google announces Google 사투리 번역 (Google dialect translation) for translating regional dialects of Korean to and from Standard Korean.[2]

    Gmail Custom Time

    Around 11:00 p.m. EST March 31, 2008, on the newer and older version of Gmail, but not in the basic HTML version, in the upper right corner, next to Settings, a link appeared labeled, "New! Gmail Custom Time". The link led to a 404 error before April 1st CST.[3] [4] - It now leads to their latest hoax, Gmail Custom Time --> [2]. The page claimed a new Gmail feature had been added that would allow people to date stamp their emails in the past, allowing for all sorts of mischief. Users would be limited to 10 Custom Times a year to minimize the number of fraudulent emails. Clicking any of the three links at the bottom of the page brought the user to a page indicating that Gmail Custom time was, in fact, their April Fools prank for 2008.[5]

    YouTube Rickroll

    YouTube users were Rickrolled when all of the featured videos on the main page were linked to a video of Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up."[6]

    Google Calendar is Feeling Lucky

    Google added the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button to its calendar feature. When you tried to create a new event, you were given the regular option of entering the correct details and hitting "Create Event," and also the new option of "I'm Feeling Lucky" which would set you up with an evening date with, among others, Matt Damon, Eric Cartman, or Angelina Jolie.

    Google Wake Up Kit

    Google launched their "Wake Up Kit" as a calendar notification option. The option sends a series of increasingly aggressive alerts, starting with an SMS message to your cellphone, and ending with a bucket of water dumped into your bed, which would then flip over, tossing you out (all using apparently free equipment).

    Notice from rvalkass:

    Anything you copy should have Quote tags around it.

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