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Posts posted by Alain_Lalonde

  1. In many cases, especially outside the bounds of Resources, and Monetary Systems the Economy is a hindsight. Yet I wrote some articles back in 1998 and got aggressive mail back from certain large main stream media: I wonder what they think now about:The Euro Hammer

    The day which the European countries decided to get
    together, and make a union out of their great nations has been
    quite the change. For ever and forever is a long time, they have
    been at each others throats as vying competitors for regional and
    pan European superiority and hegemony. Now since the modern age, it
    as been possible, and after two world wars as a result of their
    dignity, perhaps lessons have been learned. The Euro pan community.

    Illusions need not be made concerning the Euro. A monetary unity is
    only as good as the policy behind it. But I have no doubt the
    Europeans can find the people who are able to steer it in the right
    directions. Would it not be an interesting observation to make
    however, that since its inception, they have indeed seemingly missed
    a step, by letting it drop from beyond the scope they wanted its
    range in respect to its value vis a vis the American Dollar. So
    much so that The Japanese have had to intervene by buying into it
    and sell off American values to prop it up.

    The Euro has however, only been in existence for a short
    time. A few months of life is no time at all to see what can be a
    expected from a new progeny. It would not be any stretch of
    conclusion to think they are watching to see what other nations
    policies will be, and also, what actions would be taken if it were
    to fluctuate in various respects.

    It would certainly not be the goal as they and everyone say,
    to let it become anterior to the value of the Dollar; superior
    neither for superiority promulgates trade protectionist measures ,
    and mefeance. They would like it to be at an even par or slightly
    better than the American dollar. And it would make perfect sense.
    Having this accomplished, they will be able to utilize its
    stability rendering effect for practices of trade as the Europeans
    are always a great hub, between the West and the East. It will in
    essence help to shape the changing of European trading practices,
    and approaches. Profiling from this, great strides could be made to
    expand relationships with Eastern developing nations including
    perhaps Africa. This would benefit the regions concerned along with
    Europe itself.

    Now however, we enter a new stage. A good indication of
    the practice they will employ to rectify the Euros position is the
    present day situation in the European community. Although what
    happens on the the international scene is secondary, it will always
    be an interest to Europe's proud nations. Perhaps they will indeed,
    finally become less reliant on the United States Of America. But of
    Primary issue is the cause of trades and domestic economies. Indeed,
    they will not be able to follow through with the vision of a better
    stronger Europe when both the European union whose reliant greatly
    on its principal project the Euro fail to be realized. It will thus
    be a necessity to build the Euro to the place where it was first
    envisioned at its inception.

    We have to remember that it was not a prognoses of the value
    it would hold; it was in fact a mark to set from which it would be
    of value to the world markets, and then the markets themselves.
    This is now a priority. We can expect that in the week or two
    ahead, there will be a tightening up on trading approaches, which
    will send a signal to the rest of the world that the Euro is a sound
    investment. This in turn will say the same of the countries who
    espouse the euro as their currency. On top of being a necessity for
    its success, it also has to be a source of desire for the United
    Kingdom, which as yet has to adopt it as their currency.

    Needless to say, the American dollar will be caught in a
    bind, which will force the federal bank in the United States of
    America, to increase interest rates, to offset the demand placed
    upon the yen to buy American dollars to keep the Euro from assailing
    it on both sides.

    For the present, the managing of the Euro is not too much
    far sweeping change, but later we will start to see the effects of
    greater influence. Due to its stabilizing effect. The Europeans
    will be able to venture into areas of finance and investment, which
    they were not able to as individual units. This will open doors
    unheretofore opened in the Asian markets. If, this were to
    coincide with the rebounding economies in Asia, then it could spell
    great competition for American interests in the region.

    The competition could become fierce, and furious, and fast
    paced. If, on the other hand it does not coincide with a rebound
    of Asian economies it will necessitate the modifications and
    different remedies. One such remedy could be stages of assistance
    and policies of favor for developing countries. The Europeans would
    see that even if Americans find it difficult to freely invest as
    before in Asia (due to the lack of regulation) it would be good for
    them to create liquidity for investment to be possible. Under
    proper management and adjustment, it could in turn even send the
    Euro considerably stronger in relation to the American dollar. Then
    the Americans would have to buckle down which means lower interest
    rates to minimize trade losses and increase investment at home.
    This could hasten any protectionist views which are bound to come as
    it did in the booming 80s. That was when the U.S. saw great trade
    deficits with Japan.
    Compared to then, the U.S. will have to deal with a slew of
    other Asian countries not just one. Isolationism in that case would
    in deed and practice, be wise.

    Notice from jlhaslip:
    Previously posted material needs quote tags, whether your original work or not.

  2. There are interesting observations upon this subject.

    Tom Lehrer had an interesting view of Mathematics, as is seen in his alliteration of the Periodic Table

    “There's antimony, arsenic, aluminum, selenium,
    And hydrogen and oxygen and nitrogen and rhenium,
    And chlorine, carbon, cobalt, copper, tungsten, tin, and sodium.
    These are the only ones of which the news has come to Ha'vard,
    And there may be many others but they haven't been discarvard.”

    Equally interesting is his "The Derivative Song" where everyone will learn easily without knowing anything about it in fact similarly Plato an Interesting view on courage:

    LYSIMACHUS, son of Aristides: "Some laugh at the very notion of advising others, and when they are asked will not say what they think. They guess at the wishes of the person who asks them, and answer according to his, and not according to their own, opinion."

    Following their request for advice they were given the answer by the speaker of said advice to use their own judgment and if we are to believe Plato was a wise man we would not find it surprising he knew the table of elements and it was no coincidence the subject of their search was a warrior in Armor.

    LACHES: “For my opinion is, that if the professor of this art be a coward, he will be likely to become rash, and his character will be only more notorious; or if he be brave, and fail ever so little, other men will be on the watch, and he will be greatly traduced; for there is a jealousy of such pretenders; and unless a man be preeminent in valour, he cannot help being ridiculous, if he says that he has this sort of skill.”

    Spoken of course through a fortunate invention by Plato; namely Socrates

    My view is that school today has more to do with learning the ropes or how much of it they'll give you, before you either hang yourself, or can hang with them; mathematics is the means by which extraordinary specialization manipulated algorithms in Nature. Yet nature is only able to create life based upon reason and balance of understanding, and as regards courage, you need to be pretty brave to attack the Industrial Academic Establishment.

    More likely than not, you will lose, and take the first option they give you when you first enter into their numinous company. However as a failure in Mathematics such as myself, and no hero although there’s only one instance of me it was mostly due to having low memorization skills---and I’m getting more brazen by the day. The front of the class having better memory, follow along and are corrected many times to find their way to the correct process in the guessing game of logical numbers use based upon this same redundancy, whilst it appears the students in the back don't have the courage to stand up and sing.

    To "If You Give Me Your Attention."
    If you give me your attention, I will tell you what I am.
    I'm a brilliant math'matician - also something of a ham.
    I have tried for numerous degrees, in fact I've one of each;
    Of course that makes me eminently qualified to teach.
    I understand the subject matter thoroughly, it's true,
    And I can't see why it isn't all as obvious to you.
    Each lecture is a masterpiece, meticulously planned,
    Yet everybody tells me that I'm hard to understand,
    And I can't think why.

    My diagrams are models of true art, you must agree,
    And my handwriting is famous for its legibility.
    Take a word like "minimum" (to choose a random word),
    This was performed at a blackboard, and the professor wrote:
    For anyone to say he cannot read that, is absurd.
    The anecdotes I tell get more amusing every year,
    Though frankly, what they go to prove is sometimes less than clear,
    And all my explanations are quite lucid, I am sure,
    Yet everybody tells me that my lectures are obscure,
    And I can't think why.

    Consider, for example, just the force of gravity:
    It's inversely proportional to something - let me see -
    It's r^3 - no, r^2 - no, it's just r, I'll bet -
    The sign in front is plus - or is it minus, I forget -
    Well, anyway, there is a force, of that there is no doubt.
    All these formulas are trivial if you only think them out.
    Yet students tell me, "I have memorized the whole year through
    Ev'rything you've told us, but the problems I can't do."
    And I can't think why!

    Plato excerpt from Laches, or Courage
    By Plato
    Written 380 B.C.E

    Tom Lehrer Excerpt from Tom Lehrer - The Professor's Song lyrics

    Notice from jlhaslip:
    Quoted material needs to be within Quote tags

  3. Absolute SpiritsBorne of a tendrilCarrying lightThrough space Hasn?t left anyone downHas not arisen over themWithout a fore-thoughtErased nightmaresWe wrote historyBrought the worldTo its knees and gave a speechSold the barPurchased czarsWas cruel and kindHard and SublimeWove the threadColonized expanseAbsolute and so grandeParallel requiteSoldiered conscriptsProps all fitJourney man with womanAbsolute spiritThe Prey That SwoonGod has seen fitto let me sitand watch the blue sky dance beneath the heavensAnd though I do not knowExactly how far up it isI believe that it is allright to try to guessthe things which god wanted to keep secretFor man is wonderwondering manWonder before wonder bornOvermanAnd super headsof minds estateTransforming man into greater manAnd distinct manHelp is under a great span of human bonesAnd forgiveness is its fleshFor under paths shared and walked upon in different mannerssociety has walked each as we continue toWe shall share in the path foreverWalk with me take my handMan is like a fishin the seaswimmingdowncurrentsof tidesWaves of oceanAnd tearssaltAnd as the salt of menThe spice of foodMan swims beneathThe prey that swoonsSeas warmThe fingers march across this bitter landcsapeColdness, wonderThe symptoms of our timeFade into the black waves babyAnd fade into the black nightIfIf I had a hammerI would bash it in the eveningI would bash till midnightI would *BLEEP* itAnd make an end of youIf I had a hammerI would lower it downI would timely roundI would gleefully soundIts silver moment rightI fIfIf you were uptightI would unwind youIf you were uprightI would unwrap youIf you were just rightI would just buy youI would remember your wordsI would forget your deedsI would invent what?s worseI would forsake your dreamsIn the them of ifBecause if you were itThen I would be betterAnd if I was betterIt would be your dirthIf you were not itThen I would be And If I was, I?d wish I had a hammerRepeatable Variation of Interoperable DependancyYou know I need youWhen the spaces in betweenAre threats unseen,Getting closer closer closerTo me to beOh you know I need youI need your policyEven if it isn?t mimeIsn?t kindIs it right?Oh you know I need yoursThere in the comingThere in the fallingThere where those are coming roundSee how they say they can when they can?tI know you have a helping handSee them, repeat them, uphold them, And twist themIt doesn?t matter what you say anymoreJust as long as you understandPh I need you even whenTheir complex and full of deceitI still bleedI still feelI still breatheOut every branch like the greenEternity of dependencyFor you know as well as meThese are both laws of war and scienceOne is the catalystThe other the choiceThe other the decisionAnd when all elementsArrayed one after anotherI can manipulate themAnd make them you: my servant Vast MindThis is your vast mindIt echoes songsThis is your vast findNames are screamsThis is your timeIt makes me seeThis is your vast lineProxies invite meThis is your vast mindIsn?t it surrealThis is your vast mindHow I fought your dreamsThis is your timeI borrowed to weaveThis is your vast lineEmperors new scheme

  4. Synchronicity has been studied by Carl Jung, his interpretation was it was a shared existence, where many elements are familiar-linked to a culture. I would not disagree with this perception for I do, have some interesting insights. For example, what differences are there between other existential parallel oriented thought experiences, namely reincarnation, d?j?-vu. I would as follows make the following observations from my own experience.1. Limited geographical or social variability potential2. Limited engagement or people who repeat their routines.3. Tangential perception of symbolic languages and or interpretations of circumstance, lucidity which are sharedThese are all elements which may make a real synchronicity, as a bad experience, or a devalued shared experience, in which case, they may take the overtones of the more drastic perceptions of being stuck, which would be those associated with repetition. The question one has to ask oneself at that point is crucially---is it really happening, am I really in a tandem flow with the world around me, or will this world be a negative experience, or a fruitful existence where I create rather than deconstruct a synchronicity. This was once a option which I experienced. So I set up a small experience experiment. The following is its outcome. I regarded the situation of my life as being open to the possibility that it was really happening, or that it was not really happening with any meaning beyond my perception. In other words it may or may not have been an outer force acting upon my being at that time. Then I waited to see if there would be any divergences where I could scrutinize danger areas fulfilled or non synchronistical. In hind sight I will attest, I have noticed the events of the repetitive over toned natures were usually instigated by meddlers, or trouble makers. As progression went on they seemed to be running out of options, and suddenly there began to be divergences between reality and repletion. The question arose therefore: are any divergences instigated on the first instance in every instance by closed minds who cannot but react negatively and deconstructively to a good fruitfulness. The method of experiment was therefore to watch one instant to see what familiarity there was which could reveal the inspiration and impetus of these at times very synchronistic backwards movements. Almost like a haunting where a force draws you into something. As I noticed there were many lapses at that time I watched, and observed to see if the same feeling of d?j?- vu would occur. It was a vey quit night therefore it took a bit of doing, and there was one single thing which happened---and it was disgusting?suddenly the feeling of d?j?-vu returned. This event was so perplexingly ironic I had no recourse but to assume it was definitely still a negative synchronicity?but this time with a twist?it was attempting to pull me down almost as a last drawn effort. However a studious person must realize in order to interpret something accurately, one must examine all its parts. These were: 1. They did not have anything to do with me. 2. I was simply an observer. 3. It was the most dismaying event I saw, it was almost a culminating event. 4. It was mundane, as much as it was ordained to be if negativity were to result in a real-life event. 5. This could not have been made up, for my implication, nor did it serve any purpose. I suddenly received an idea inspired by the perception of these elements of a long series of synchronicity. God cannot abide a world order which is based solely upon mundane issues, wholly within man?s experience. It t is also true of a culture or a society?no matter how small the location, it must rip itself from its own paradigm and cease its fascination with the conspiracies and that others arrange for it. ?A conspiracy is an agreement between two or more persons to commit an illegal act or to achieve a legal objective through illegal means. The essence of a conspiracy is the agreement; and the perceived harm is the increased danger from concerted action. An overt act in furtherance of the agreement is sometimes required by statute to complete a conspiracy, but the purpose of this requirement is merely to demonstrate an active agreement. Conspiracy may be prosecuted as a crime or as a civil cause of action. The presence of conspiracy expands the rules of evidence and procedure.? From US History Encyclopedia God will reward through the operation of the will the return of determinative force upon those which inveigle, and though law make all wholly restored to all its proper merits in so long as resource is applied, and quality is implicated by the people whose gift it has been God?s to invest. This is the only law we need, and the only one well endure. As an observer I was witnessing the mundane negative ordained by the real life existential reality of others. This clearly was never me. I was simply experiencing the effect of perception shared by others and my participation led me to see patterns which they could not so perceive. As a natural cause and effect study, I went back to the moment in time when the synchronicity began. This is important, for we must all realize synchronicity, reincarnation, d?j?-vu does not exist at all times as they are glimpses. The familiar aspect must happen, in order for their instance to be modifiable or modifying of their effectives. One is not born as a baby, then grow as a child into assured repletion, since all repetitions would be constrained to the birth itself, into a locality, and by the same people. Thereby a point in a life must show this demarcation. This logic would be seen as a point where an individual begins to think and operate on his own, or begins to have a preponderant effect rather than being affected. This would be most surely true with the event of the beginning and of birth. Where was my synchronicity? It was indeed at a certain point. At that time to me when strange familiarities began to construct their realities and paradigms about me, and, they were always from a point of origin outside of my doing! Indeed what was different were perceptions I had of a positive nature. The conclusion therefore was inevitable?I was watching the world unfolds as it was meant to operate within itself for it could not perceive any other way contrasting me and making me focus upon issues of which alacrity permitted a focus and perception of synchronicity.

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