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Posts posted by mahirharoon

  1. Yes its true,All the muslims are not bad,every one is not bad ,but guys like Al-Qaida aren't good.I think that they shouldn't harm so many people.But who can make terrorists like Al-Qaida understand,they just like killing other people.Well I understand your problem and I think its really bad that some people think that all the muslims are bad.Due to terrorists like Al-Qaida,people think that all the muslims are bad .

    bush and the america army are doing the same thing
    (killing people for nothing

    And also there have been rumors that Al -qaida was responsible for the death of Benazir Bhutto .,its really bad to kill such a great political leader.

    al Qaida said that it did not do itmaybe the current president did it
    because he benefits whith it

  2. sony have been putting software ( called xcp ) on some of their audio cds.if you play these cds on your pc it automaticallyinstalls software on your pc.
    this software uses "rootkit" to hide the file from the user.

    here is a list of cds with the xcp software.

    the software limits listeners' ability to copy the music onto their computers, and locks copied files so they cannot be freely distributed over the Internet.
    it also also secretly communicates with sony over the internet when listeners play the discs.
    hackers must have looked at this and redesigned the xcp code to communicate other secret data to the hacker from the users pc , like bank details etc.
    it looks as though sony and first 4 internet ( the software writers ) might be facing a big law suit over this one.

    the same as microsoft did in xp sp2 (little differance)

  3. Enhanced Virus Protection in combination with WindowsŽ XP SP2 sets portions of system memory aside as data only meaning that any code resident in these areas may not be executed, only read from or written to.

    that is why some voice recorders begginers write won't workbecause some begginners set it to write the recorded file into memory
    instead of temporary folder

  4. Really? Thats pretty cool. Although I would wonder how far you could actually go into outer space. It would be rather repetitive until you got to other planets, or the moon. I would like to see the moon, maybe we could see if there's an American flag on it.

    how could anybody see american flag waving as there is no air ?? :)

  5. when we go to google.co.uk it goes to a 404 page or a search engine (browser default)

    The rollout of Google's new email service, Gmail, may have hit a snag. The Market Age, a smaller British company, claims they already have trademark rights for the name "Gmail", and have been using it since June of 2002.
    The Market Age states that their email service is available to over 80 countries and that it will not just relinquish rights to the name "Gmail." In an interview with The Guardian, Chief Executive of The Market Age, Shane Smith said, "it seems to me as a layman ... that we must have the right to the name since we were the first to use it. I do not think we want to give it up, we're not a charity."

    Google's representatives said they were unaware of any trademark dispute. The search engine's lawyers failed to find any registration of the name by The Market Age.

    News of the potential trademark face-off saw The Market Age's stock double in price. Currently, TMA is in the process of contacting the US Patents Office in hopes of registering its interest in the trademark.

  6. thanks alex the programmer
    i used it for my project

    <?php$filename=$_POST['check'];if (@file_exists($filename)) {	echo "The file $filename exists";} else {	echo "The file $filename does not exist , and the non existing file is created";		  fopen("$filename", "a+");}?> <form method="post"><input name="check"><input type="submit" /></form>
    now it checks whether it i there and makes one if not existing

  7. i found and pascal server page
    i found it in
    z505 offers psp support

    And here are some free hosts just to test out your psp programs...
    Note: do not use UPX to compress your programs on these free servers.. on some servers, UPX does not work.


  8. i wrote the code for writing into the switch

    <?php$filename = 'index.php';if (is_writable($filename)) {	echo 'The file is writable';} else {	echo 'The file is not writable';}if (is_writable($filename)) {$filename = 'index.php';$somecontent = "the code.....";// Let's make sure the file exists and is writable first.if (is_writable($filename)) {	if (!$handle = fopen($filename, 'a')) {		 echo "Cannot open file ($filename)";		 exit;	}	// Write $somecontent to our opened file.	if (fwrite($handle, $somecontent) === FALSE) {		echo "Cannot write to file ($filename)";		exit;	}	echo "\n Success, wrote ($somecontent) to file ($filename)";	fclose($handle);} else {	echo "\n The file $filename is not writable";};   }?>

  9. edit:sorry for the mistake it is php not html
    and its with not whith
    my code checking script=

    <?php$file = '$CHECK';if (file_exists($file)) {	echo "The file $filename exists";} else {	echo "The file $filename does not exist";}?>
    my question is how to check the file whith html
    example:on a page a text box is provided and a button
    the user writes a file name (or website)
    the user clicks on the submit button
    then it checks and show it (with the code above)

    i got the code
    <?php$filename=$_POST['check'];if (file_exists($filename)) {	echo "The file $filename exists";} else {	echo "The file $filename does not exist";}?> <form method="post"><input name="check"><input type="submit" /></form>

    the problem is , it will first show
    Notice: Undefined index: check in path\to\filecheck.php on line 2
    The file does not exist
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