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Posts posted by toolguy

  1. The awp is easy to shoot and hit people say its hard because u have to be perfictly still but that ain't the case all i do when running and see the enamey is stop pressing the movement keys and twitch fire. which is when u fire twitch your mouse right to left or left to right over your oponent like the head just move the crosshair over the whole head and its like shooting one long sideways bullet lol it works most of the time for me i;ve usually gotten the hs when doing it. for example over in de_dust2 i hide as a ct behind the wall after the box looking at cat-walk and when i see a head i just twitch over it and i almost all the time get a hs or even at long. but u cant twitch 2 inch of eather side of them eather it will miss u gotta be almost touching the person with the cross hairs at all times. the m4 i usually do 6-7 busts cuz witht he m4 the recoil on the m4 is low u can also spray with the m4 because of the recoil if you aim at the chest and you will spray just at the head so just move your crosshairs over their bodythe ak47 ou need to do 2-3 shots cuz the recoil is so extreme you need to aim at like the feet in order to get a hs and the spray is far so its really not worth trying to spry with the ak.

  2. i like source better now becaue the last time i played 1.6 there were so many people hacking at least 1 on every server i played. i love source they game is so much more realistic and its a bit harder to play and master...so far i've gotten a server and set it up so i can play cal and i wouldnt go back for anything i threw my other one away.lol

  3. my favorite host is counter-strike.com i love the game counter strike and i decided to buy a host for the game so i can make my own clan and get into the CAL league, a amature league for players who think they are good at playing counter strike. so i ended up buying the server and it only costs me thirty bucks for a 100tic 16 man server and it cost me seven fifty for a hlstats account and then four bucks for the vintrilo server which was a fifty percent off deal. they also offerd web hosting which i tryed but its so complex i cant figure it out.the server it self is so cool its fast never lags and its so easy to use most of the fetures are a click away and some of the things u need to do are html stuff but it has tips in the actual changer so it makes it easy i love the support they supply also most of my questions are problems are resolved instantly the few that are more complex never take more then an hour.i tryed browsing for cheaper and better servers but i couldn't believe that out of all the other services out there the counter strike.com one was the best. it was the cheapesta and had the best support and layout for your server. the others were way over proced it would cost like twenty bucks more just to get the same stuff i already had. and it would be like 66tic or 33 and i hated that

  4. They are supposed to charge u in the beginning if you read the terms and conditions it tells you that they take the money out, if you cancel the subscription then they will put the money back into your account. thats what they say, its because no one reads the terms and conditions because they arn't importaint and they can advertise they dont charge you because they technichly dont they give u the money back... it all works out but if u keep the money in there then they take it after the 14 day trial. they think people are serious about netflix and they dont think they are gonna quit after they try it.they ended up getting me that way also i payed the 14 bucks for the third option then i ended up stickin with it i dont mind because its a real cool service...

  5. I have been trying a few free web sites and some are nice and some are really lame cuz u can't do anything with them no music or images or no good templets...i found one called clan site manager thats pretty good i liked it but it lowered my registration questions to 3 and i didnt like that. and in order to have unlimited every thing i would have to pay 50 bucks a month and i wasnt gonna do that. but u could upload music images and everything own templets and good forums i liked it just the things it did restict i couldnt handle so im gonna try this one i hear it is the best i really hope it is.

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