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  1. Hello againMy view on RO:I've never really figured out why I actually love playing RO so much. I've made countless characters, taking most time in 1st class which is my favourite, but eventually getting to the higher classes as well. I've been playing RO for actually over 8 years now which is sort of scary when you think about it, and of course while running a server I do a lot more than just level characters (which has helped me keep interested in it) but I still feel the same level of fun when starting a new character again, it has just never ever lost its appeal to me. I find that pretty amazing!Some things I do like about RO compared to other newer games: - I love the bright graphics of RO, especially when compared to the muddy darkness of games like WoW. Who said realistic meant dark and brown? RO's colour is very appealing.- I've always liked the anime-style of the game- In many newer games I've seen, the camera view float uselessly at a low angle at the back of your character, making the world hard to see. I think RO's camera is easy to control and shows the world very well, and you can see your character and everything around it- Can't go wrong with monster fights, player vs player, guild base battles, custom monster pets, visual chat program, and styling your avatar, all in one place.RO's just never stopped being fun for me, and I'm constantly stunned by the map detail and the background music quality
  2. Excellent, I'm happy to hear that I hope to see you in-game.
  3. I'm glad you remember dRO! It was shut down because of a hosting switch. ie. I couldn't host it anymore and there was a period of time where it had no hoster. Means no server to play on, unfortunately. It's up now though! And yes RO has become quite interesting and full of new items and quests and skill, even newer jobs. Also, it appears something has happened to Morroc. It's officially destroyed, did you know? I think the RO world is still awaiting the full story on that one I tend to like the 10x rates, it seems like a happy medium to me - you don't finish all your levelling too fast and take all the fun out of the game, and yet it's not extremely slow like the official rates
  4. If you like RO and want to play for free, or you're just bored and trying to decide on a new game to play, you should check out DragonRO. It's a free RO server that was really popular a little while ago but had to shut down. Well it's now returning for v2:Refreshed! and needs more players It's a stable, lag-free server which is coming back as v2:Refreshed! and aiming to get more players to join. We have Patch Client, and an easy install guide, with experienced and helpful GMs if you happen to have any questions. 2. Server specifications/info - 10/10/10 rates - 24/7 uptime - Using eAthena SVN Stable - We have Custom Hats and 300+ Custom Palettes, PVP and MVP rooms, a free Warpra and Reset NPC, Custom Quests for hats, accessories, and pets, Healer, all the New Classes, and Functioning Homunculus. 3. Technical info - Our main gameserver is run on a dedicated machine, with more than enough processing power and RAM to handle a large number of players at once. It is a very stable Linux server. 4. GM's team Jaylor (admin) CuisinartBlade (admin) Gohan (GM) ImmunityBow (GM) 5. URL of website/forum - http://www.dragonro.org/ - Easy registration in-game - Patch Client: Download
  5. I still loooove the super smash bros games to death, I can't wait until I can play Brawl
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