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Everything posted by midnightangel1995

  1. My son's uncle on his dad side is married. Unfortunately, he's still a playa till this day. His infidelity makes me sick, but for the family sakes, I have to keep peace and not say a word. Isn't that sad?? Sad because his wife loves him to death, but I can't say anything. I'm not speaking of everyone, but I know a lot of guys that are playas. Never could understand that. Why one person isn't good enough for someone to stay with. I've had a guy cheat on me. Never knew why he would do it after I gave everything to him. He said he loved me, but what kind of love is that? Till this day I still don't know why he did it. I guess sometimes eventhough people love eachother, it's just not enough....People need more. Variety. I just know that I wish we didn't have playas but that's the way it is. Can't really do anything about it. I just know that in time what goes around, comes around. I tell that to my ex who now wants me back....Sorry babe! Once a playa always a playa and I need a man who's satisfied with just me. Thank God I have him. I don't know if my currently boyfriend will ever cheat because you never ever really know...but so far, he just needs only me and that's just fine with me because I just only need him too.
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