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  1. Anyone for chaos and entropy? The fact is so little is actually chaos. Everything has the marks and scares and influence of everything else in the universe, however big ot miniscul that influence might be. Therefore everything in the universe has a slight variation of the universe as a whole. Therefore everything is made of patterns, shapes and subforms. Take the moon for example, seemingly empty but with form and subforms. It is round because of gravity and mass that it has, it has crater formed by the impacts of smaller objects hitting it. Take another example of a field of grass or wheat, it seems empty and random, yet it is made of of millions of precious forms of vegitation all formed to the DNA contained in them which is a result of millions of years of evolutions (history), Even the patterns they grow in are formed by earlier generations of the same product as well as the soil which is influence by millions of years of rain, erosion, fire, etc... these influences are also the result of patterns in the earths environment. Everything has many components that make up and influence its form, and many of the forms also exert their inherent purpose to their environment giving back to the cosmic all. If one can understand all, then one can understand destiny. But only by being everything would in my oppinion be anle to understand all, and that would let to loosing our own form and identity in the process. To that end we can only know slices of the universe if we hope to understand it, and then only within the context of that slice. Hence we seemly and practically have a degree of free will, that is by understand the slice we apply ourselves to, we can exert our will to modify its destiny, in the big picture this was innevitable. The more you know the more you realise you don't know. In this we escape boredom and keep ourselves busy, learning and entertain, or alternatively we suffer. Destiny is what you make it, or at least that is a practical concept that we can serve. Else we are a leaf blowing in the wind subject to the winds of change and those who are serving the universe with their personal taste. To take from the universe is to serve the universe and give back to it. To be the leaf blown by the wind is to be the observer and student of the universe. Let the god that is in your heart shine and shape the universe and you will serve not only yourself, but the universe and god as well.
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