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Posts posted by psyfish

  1. Well, one good thing is having lots of good content that attracts people to it. I havent seen your website so I don't know how good it is. Then start topics that you think people would be interested in anyting that's popular right now. I think it's best if the topics are realted tot he theme of your site, because that's what people who visit your site would be intersested in.

  2. I just downloaded it yesterday and it's been going slow for me. I think i'm going to stick with 6.2. The new features that they have arn't that great. Like the winks, they anoy me more than anyting. expetially the nudges, i don't see the point of those. of course you can dissable them. But i'd rather have a fast computer. it takes liek 10 seconds for the window to pop up when messenger is already running. They're was a beta version a couple months ago that all my friends were downloading and telling em to download. But i chose not to because I heared it had problems. Bu when i got the e-mail form hotmail yesterday saying that it was released i downlaoded it. But like I said earlier it's to slow and is freezing up my computer if i have to many other programs opened so I'm going to stay with 6.2 probobally.

  3. I play both the electric bass and electric guitar. I play the bass in concert band and jazz band at school. We just went to idaho for a jazz festival a couple months ago, and were going to the nationals in vancouver in a month. I play the guitar for fun. I usually play rock music, things like ac dc and led zeppelin. I'm trying to start a rock band but no luck yet.

  4. I think they're ugly to. When I see them I always assume that the person goes offroading in them. I prefer trucks for offroading though. If I wanted a car to show off how much money I have or what ever I would by a cool car. Not an ugly box.

  5. I use psyfish as a name for all foums and everything that I sign up for. So when I search for my website, psyfish.tk, I alwasy have to sort through all my posts. Posts on forums always seem to go onto google really fast. I used to have forums and just about everypage was indexed. Although since this is the first day I've been signed up for this I don't think that my posts will have been indexed yet.

  6. I think that it was good that they let her die. A lot of people keep saying that they're killing her because she has a feeding tube. THat's not the reason. They're taking her feeding tube away because she's brain dead. She can't feel anything. People are comparing her to handi capped people but she's not even that. She's like a plant that can move.

  7. I've been wondering about it to, from what I hear, it can play playstation games. It is also a mp3 player. And it can play videos. I beleive that you hook it up to your computer to get the stuff on to it.This imformation might be wrong, but that's what I've been told that it can do.

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