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Posts posted by danb

  1. No need to hijack this thread, litemage. Start a new thread if that's what you want to talk about.

    I'm new in here, but I must have missed something, because it seemed to me that LightMage was totally within the scope of the forum topic. Hence, I didn't understand your opening comment to start a new thread instead of "hijacking" this one. Everything he said seemed to apply to astral projection or OBE even if his main issue is reconciling the differences arising between science and mysticism. A seeker must address these issues of mental obstacles and it appeared to me that this was all lightMage was doing. I just feel that if you really want to invite dialog about this mysterious topic, it is unfruitful to run off anyone struggling to grapple with it.

  2. I had to do a little digging on the grape/raison thing, as I couldnt' remember for sure the toxin involved, and I discovered I didn't know because it has not yet exactly been figured out as to why grapes do poison dogs. (raisons do too) They cause kidney failure, symptoms are vomitting and weakness, among several others. It only takes a few grapes to do a real number on a dog.
    Funny because a few years ago before this got started around on the internet about grapes, I had a standard schnauzer pet dog that would eat anything she saw me eat. Except grapes. Those were the only thing she wouldn't touch. I knew that dog was smart!

    So, to be on the safe side, keep those grapes and raisons safely out of your pets reach. And call your vet immediatly if your dog should sneak a few grapes.

    I also had not heard of the grape/raison issue with dogs. But I had a wonderful Boston Terrier that enjoyed eating the ones I rejected after they 'seasoned' a few days. My lifestyle had changed (a divorce) and being single I didn't always eat them as fast as was necessary and my dog began to get a regular treat of grapes. I am aware now that no one seems to know why, just that they are harmful. One thing I do know, my pet's kidneys failed and I know it was my own fault that it happened. I urge you to believe what they say ... "Grapes/raisons will cause kidney failure in dogs and it is irreversable".
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