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Posts posted by boy-thoj

  1. Trying to get a girlfriend. Well more like trying to tell the girl that I like that I like her. Not that easy for me, I'm type of shy guy who don't share a lot. And I'm also scared that she wouldn't like me back as I like her. But oh well, I have to take the risk to know that else I could never move on. And if she like me back like I like her, then I guess I'll have a girlfriend ahahaha. That would one of those thing you say made school fun, and I'm sure it will if we really like each other. And also I'm sure that she will force me to do all of my homework too ahahah.Other than having a girlfriend, join clubs, play sport for the school and all must be fun. I never tried out for any type of sport before and I think I never will because I'm really terrible at any sports. And because of me they'll just lose every games. Clubs, I'm having fun in some of them. Not all of them though, and that I have no idea why. But yeah, clubs and sports does make it fun too.And of course if you keep up with all your study and all and you have a passing grade in every class you would just be proud of yourself and just keep on contining like that. Because you would have understand the thing you learn and just think that it is fun. Or maybe not.Other things to make it fun? That I can't really think of any. Just don't get in troubles for doing anything you'll think would be funny maybe? I don't know. Can't think of any right now.

  2. I think love is when you really like someone for who they are. They always make you happy when you see them, and you always want to try to make them happy too. Ah, like that wasn't the case for crush. It just that a crush and love have lots in comment but the only thing is that love don't fade away as easily as a crush does.When you have a crush you think you love them, but after a while if you don't tell him/her and you're not showing that you have any interest in him/her it'll just fade away faster than you think it would. As for love, it doesn't go that easily. That is why so many people do stupid things after a break up.But if you do tell the person you have a crush on him/her and you really show it. That would be different, and it will really depend on how he/she respond to that.Well that's what I think of the difference is. I know I didn't really explain much but I couldn't come up with something better than just that already. Hope it'll help a little though.

  3. Awww.. wish I would remember more. Ahahha I don't have any favorite books. Only if I would read more I would have one maybe. But I guess I'll just stay what I am and won't keep on reading books ahaha.I know that's kind of bad for me, but I don't really enjoy reading books. I read other things on the internet though. Like news, mostly sports news ahah.

  4. Oh nice.I have a Malaysian friend. He's super nice. But I never asked him to teach any Malasian language yet. Maybe I should just not now. Ahahha.Anyway, nice to know that "apa khabar" means how are you. I always thought it mean hi for some reason.Well me doing ok. Nothing much really. How about yourself?

  5. Yeah, I hate dreams too. They always seems to ruin what I'm happy with. I mean I'm happy enough with some stuff I have that are not the best but those dream just make them even worst. Like, I dreamed of having a new labtop just because the comp I'm using is old and not many program run on it now a day. (Window 2000 for those who are wondering) Still pretty happy because it still work perfectly fine and isn't that slow as some would think. But just most of the program are written for XP and Vista now I can't do much but wait till I have enough money to buy a new comp. Why not buy a used one, just cuz I always dream of having a new one ahah.Dreams... ah, wish I wouldn't have to dreams those dream that would just make myself envie for more stuff I kept on saying I don't need but that in reality I do need it. Ahahha. Wish I could just sleep in without having to dream of anything I want or something. But oh well, I can't control my dreams to be that this night or that the next night and so on. If I could it would be asewome though, and maybe I'll just want to sleep and never wake up after that ahah.

  6. I used to play the piano and I got to grade 3 before giving up.
    Shame I wasted all that time and didnt carry on.

    Maybe you should have. But it's not too late to start learning again :P

    I can play piano, I started learing about 8 years ago, but grew out of it 4 years into it. I've recently started to just play by myself, for fun, but I haven't really learned anything new. I don't remember my first song I played, I think I had to learn all the theory and stuff first, but yea, It's fun, but I've never gotten a girl from playing piano B). It's still great to know though and it really helps when you start learning a new instrument. It helped me alot when I started clarinet.

    Wow... so now you can play the clarinet too? omg must be super good at plaaying music. Wish I could play at least two instrument ahhah.

    Maybe I should have ask what is your favorite piano song instead of the first song you learn how to play. But oh well.
    I'm going to try to learn the piano by myself, and maybe after the piano I'll learn something else but I have no idea what though. Maybe the guitar. Bah, I'll see how it goes.

    I taught myself to play improv, and I can play pretty much anything by ear, but my music reading skills are not that great. Anyway, good luck learning and the piano totally does get the girls. B)

    aww.. I wish i have that skill to play by ear. That always make me jealous. But then again, maybe you were born with it and there is almost no way I can learn that ahahah. Anyhow, thank you for wishing me a good luck learning the piano.

  7. I"m a college student and I always hang out with the same people. And everyone in that group know everyone, but there's secrets that other don't know. =/My friend guy he's dating one of our friend girl. And like I said there's secret hidden from each other so I didn't know those two were dating until last week. At first I thought they really loved each other, but now that I know him and his relationship with her better I say that he doesn't like her at all.He told me that she said she like him, and he told her he like her back because she like her. Weird I know. And after I told with him, he said that for him love is sex. And I know for a fact that the girl that he is dating doesn't want to have sex yet but she like him.Not long ago I got him to tell me this "I love her because of sex. If she doesn't like sex, I can make her like it. But if she really don't want to have sex, then I don't love her because love is sex. So no sex no love." something like that.I tried to explain him what love is to the eyes of girls, (in case you don't know i'm a guy lol) and I also think the same way about love as the girls do and I have no idea why. I tried to tell him, but he didn't care.Now, she said she doesn't want to be with him because of what he think love is. I told her I'll try to help her and make him change about what love is, and that love isn't always about sex but still doesn't care. I told him she really like him, but because of the way he think of love she doesn't want to be with him anymore. I said to him that he needed to change his view on what love is but he really isn't listenning to me and only think that love is sex and that's it.I tried to help her to change him and his view of what love is. But I guess I was powerless on it. I'm not a really close friend of her but she's the closest friend of the girl I like. =/ So I wanted to help her since she like him but nothing really seems to work. And tomorrow they gonna break up (Friday sometime when they'll meet). I told him to break up with her because of him not wanted to try to see our point of view on what love is. And that way he won't hurt her so much too. When I told him that he said "But I like her" ahahah I don't even know why he say that and I said to him he never really like her.Anyhow.. I still want to try to change his mind of what love is. And he doesn't even try romance to get the girl too lol.. what you think would be a good idea? Or should I just let it be (as him thinking his own way of what love is)?And also, what do you think love is?

  8. Yes, I know how to play the Piano. B) I have been playing since old school, and still continue to today, about 5 Years (or so) later, but I took a few year break between those 5 years for various reasons. :P I don't remember what the first song I played EVER was though, sorry.

    Also, I didn't know they made songs like that for the Piano.. I haven't really wanted to continue playing the Piano lately for many other reasons, but now when I go back to practice I will be more enthusiastic about it then I have been lately. After all, they say the Piano gets the girls (I don't know if that is true lol :P).


    My Advice: Start out with the small stuff first. Both of my teachers always said something like, "You have to be able to play/perfect the little stuff before you can play the big stuff". (Something like that) I wouldn't advise you to try and play that song from Silent Hill right now if you are just starting, because if you can't get the notes right, you might get frustrated easily and quit the Piano altogether. You should go to a Music Store and get a book for your age & skill level. Let me know if you need any more help with anything like Notes, Signs, etc.. I'm just a PM away! B)

    Wow... It's nice to know that you're play the piano. And knowing to play the piano get us get girls? Ahahah, I still think that would never work, although I know that the girl I like right now love piano song.


    The song I'm learning, I think it's pretty easy to learn it just that I don't always have the time to learn. Trying so hard on my study and then it's late when I'm done with mostly everything so I just come online to relax. Since I'm not living home right now and the only good piano on my campus isn't in my dorm, and I don't want to wake up other people who are sleeping if I try to practice.


    Sorry I got off track. The song Promise by from the game Silent Hill 2 a music design for the guitar but somehow somewhat people on the internet play it on the piano which sound pretty cool. The left hand play the same thing over and over again, except near the end where it change for a while but the after that it get back to what it plays. As the right hand. It only play one note at the time. Pretty easy to learn. Well to me I see it easy to learn, but I just need to find time to be able to practice and so I could finally play the whole song.


    As for reading the notes and all, I know a little about it. Just that I haven't encouter something hard in promise as of right now. I mean no black key to play only white ones, and no super crazy thing to do as far I can remember.


    But yeah, thank you for being here if I need help with anything. I sure will ask you think if I finally get everything going and have more time so I can play the piano.

  9. Well I'm younger than you since you said you had your master in Psychology. I'm only a freshman in college and going for computer science. Not smart but just doing my best to keep it up.It really is hard to let someone you love for more than 2 years go. It even hurt more when you see them around town when they're supposed to be living in another city, state than the one you two used to be when you still were dating.You said you text message her lately but she asked you to stop? And also you said that she text message you the other time asking if you were happy? Were you trying to date anyone in between those time? If not then, all I can think of is you asking your boss for some time off. Maybe a 4 days weekend is enough too. You really need to tell her that you still love her after all this year. Oh and maybe you can read what you wrote here to her it might help or maybe not.Well, if you get that time off try to go see her and tell her. Tell her that you thought you move on without her, but then you just realized that you never did. You can also tell her that you're scared of getting fired because of you thinking too much of her and what the thing you could have done to make everything better. And, she should also know that every guy is jealous when his girlfriend is talking to other guys, so tell her that you're sorry for been so jealous and even though you try not to show it or anything you still can't bare it seeing her talking to other guys. Especially when those where your close friends who just left you alone after they found out that you and her was over.I like a my friend and she in my college. I never told her that I liked her, but it make me really jealous when she start talking about our friend a guy. I don't know why. I mean I shouldn't be because I know we're all friends but I just think too much and it make me jealous and just break my heart away. Anyhow back on your story. You try to go see her, tell her you're sorry for everything you've done wrong in the past and that you really wish you that she would give you another chance. Explain her how that feeling just haunt you over that past months or days just like you did here. Make sure you tell her that but don't over do it, else she'll just think that you're lying or just trying to get something out of her (as something bad but not getting back together). If she have a boyfriend now, just tell her what's been on your mind because she won't leave her current boyfriend if she have one. After all how long have it been? It shouldn't really take that long for you to see what you did wrong and all to go back and beg her for another chance. But here it looks like you took forever that's maybe why she message you asking if you were happy. Well, what I'm trying to say is that you just need to tell her what's been on your mind lately. And if she doesn't give you another chance, just let it be. That really means she is over with it. Control your emotions, I mean don't get angry if she doesn't want to be back with you. Just show her that you're really sad to know that she doesn't want to be with you and show her that you really care about her that is why you took the time to go see her in person and not calling her or messaging her. Not sure if it'll help, but maybe you should give it a try. If you think it's a good idea, just do whatever you want that you think is right then.

  10. I don't know how to play the piano but I'm learning by myself with an easy song from the game Silent Hill 2 name Promise. Anyhow, I'm still learning that piece of music and I didn't even get half way through yet. Hopefully I'll finish to learn how to play it because I really like the music. Althought the orginal music wasn't for piano but for the guitar.Well I was just wondering if there were any piano player here. If there is what was the first song/music you learn to play on the piano? And do you still play the piano?

  11. I wasn't a big internet user back then before google came along. But I remember using Yahoo and that was about all I knew. But now, I only use google but when I can't find something I'll just try other sites where aren't even as accurate as google? Not so sure but anyhow. I can't recall anything besides yahoo.

  12. There so many other things you can say for a corect answer. But nonetheless this was fun to read.Oh, and some time they ask you if they're look fat but they're not even fat. How are you supposed to answer to that? ahahha jk.If that happen to me, I don't know what I would say to not hurt her. But I sure would try to think of something to make her feel better.I like the dialogue with the wife and the husband, and the last reply he said "of course not, she's left-handed"So funny for an excuse. Well to me it is.

  13. Well my sister's boyfriend download some of the 10 episodes. The first five episode he download had the subtitle, but the rest didn't so I didn't watch it. Didn't want to ruin it if I didn't understand what they were talking about. I mean I wanna know the story and what they say as the story go on. I don't want to see what happen then find what they're saying like a month after.Anyhow, it's somewhere on the internet and I have no idea where. I barely download anything so I can't help you on that. And is it coming out to the US, that I have no idea too. But I think they're done with it in Japan already. Then again I might be wrong on it.

  14. That's strange...But again, there's not a lot of chance for you if be the winner. Who ever will win it is really lucky then.Would I do it for my country if they have something like that happening? Hmm... No thanks. Well, I'm not even married or have a girlfriend. And plus it's not me who's going to who's going to be pregnant and have to deal with everything the child will bring. Also, I'm not ready to be a father yet.

  15. I have no idea what would be tips for your soccer trainning. But all I can say is that if you like soccer then it really doesn't really matter if you play foward, midfield, or defense.Roberto Carlos, he's a defense man but he don't always stay in defense and he even score on those free-kick too. But then again, it's your choose so if you want to play midfield just do it. And good luck to you, hope you'll continue the good work at soccer.

  16. I don't have time to watch NHL nor do I have a TV in my room (living on campus) so I can't really watch any sports and especially hockey one of the best sport I think. Anyhow, I haven't see the openning match of the season, but I've heard that the champ aren't that good this year. Or maybe they're just having a slow start. And from what I've heard and see on the internet or on the newspaper is that the Senator and Wild are the two best team right now. I wouldn't be so sure about it right now but we'll see as time goes by.Who will win the Stanley Cup? That it's too early to tell. But I would love to see Senators vs Wild as the final. Ahaha. And if you ask me why Wild, it's because I'm from Minnesota and I like that team. Else I'll like the Canadiens and Senators.

  17. Sorry, I don't really know how to give a good despriction of it but I hope you know what I'm talking about.Anyhow, I was wondering what the thing we need to be able to write something like a phrase in Chinese or a word using romanize letter but you type it, it turn to the Chinese character, and the same for Japanese or Korean...For example when I would type "wo" which mean "I" in Chinese if I'm not wrong because I'm not Chinese, then it would turn into the Chinese character for it.Or for Japanese when you write "Akai" which means "red" it would turn to the Japanese characters what would mean red.Ah, really sorry but I don't really know how to explain it better than that. Anyhow do anyone know that thing we need to make my life easier. I'm taking Japanese right now and I'm supposed to write thing in Japanese, for now I'm hand writing it but I've heard that for a final project in Japanese I would have to write something about myself and it needs to be type. And it's really annoying to go and look for each Japanese characters one by one on window microsoft word.Also I need new computer which have nothing to do with the rest of what I just wrote. Ahahah. I hope someone out there know what I mean by what I wrote here and would be able to help me.

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