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Posts posted by mc05w37

  1. I dual boot Ubuntu 8.10 and windows Xp in my pc. I've tried windows vista on my friend's laptop and my opinion is:

    1.) Windows XP Vs VISTA

    Windows Vista seems to have many compatibily issues with old hardwares. My wireless device driver cannot be installed in windows vista and i need to configure my network to connect to my college's WiFi.

    Vista provide lot of eye candy but it make my head dizzy because of the fancy icons. I prefer Windows 98 UI because it was simple and fast to navigate around. (My lecturer spend 4 minute to find his documents in his vista laptop) :D

    Besides, vista consume much memory and of course, old PC perform suck if vista was installed in it

    I'm not a micro$oft hater but i cannot afford increasing price of OS and softwares... (I'm using pirated microsoft 2007 right now) :D :D

    Vista doesn't provide full compatibility with older games and softwares.

    2.) Windows VS Ubuntu

    Well, i have use Ubuntu for 8 months until now. Got no problem but honestly, I didn't recommend it for people who suck on command prompt because much of linux distros still depend heavily on console. i.e you can do much on console than point-n-click interface.

    Ubuntu community provide support but it is yourself who should take time to think a little for the solutions.

    I don't know how to explain this but I found that my internet connections is faster on Ubuntu.. Maybe it's because windows got so many holes that it allows viruses and worms to f**king spread.

    Ubuntu is.. Virus Free!!! You don't have to worry when you want to plug in pen drive in ur pc.
    If you want to have virus or worms as pets, contact me. My windows partition has become a livestock of viruses and worms. The live happily in my windoz partition becoz i have no anti virus installed. :D :D

    Ubuntu provide many programming sofwares. I currently on my quest in writing blackjack games using python, a powerful programming language and good platform for noob to learn programming.

    It will not hurt to try Ubuntu..


  2. i think installing windows is too easy. go to Bios and set the boot device as CD/DVD. put your installer cd in your cd/dvd-rom and wait for your computer to boot the cd. after booting the cd, there will be instructions on where you should install the windows and partition tool.

  3. Dude, u remind her bout her father and that makes her feelings even worst. you know, girls are so different than boys. girls don't care what first love means. when girl don't love boy anymore, she started to do something that make boy's heart bleed. you should just go away dude. leave her. i know it's hurt and it cut deep down inside your heart. some scars will never heal, but it makes us (boys) stronger to face every problem we encounter in our life. let her go and start a new life. you will keep thinking and even dreaming bout her in early time after you leave her and its normal. you need time to heal your broken heart and when all is over, you can take a deep breath and big smile.

  4. i've played COD2 on pc and i think its pretty damn good. The coolest mission is the American Mission. i prefer to be a sniper when i play online. its funny to make head shot on the other players. i haven't buy COD3 but i will find it when i finish the missions in SWAT 4.

  5. i believe in GOD. heh, you are funny, dude. i tell you why i believe in GOD:When i'm dead:1. i believe in GOD but GOD doesn't exist. i lose nothing instead i've spend a precious time with the believers. i've known diffrent peoples in church and learn many things from them.2. i don't believe in GOD. Me n you will be damned in hell. goodbye.3. God exist. i was placed in paradise. Send my regards to your friends in hell.

  6. these three will survive unless there are perfect OS invented which can replace those three. Chances are Linux will be the perfect one because it is open-source and users can share the bug-fix with each other and make it the perfect OS in the world. well, time will tell.

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