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Posts posted by coolcat50

  1. Well, Skype is extremely good for calling other people. I get better quality, and connections with Skype. MSN voice screws up my voice and bad quality. MSN is a good chat program, but Skype has good messaging as well. I have never been able to do video because of router settings, but they both are very good programs. They each have different common uses, but they do those very well. I prefer Skype over MSN for voice, and I use Xfire for messaging, but I use MSN as well.

  2. Well, smallest has many meanings. It could mean smallest file. This would obviously mean a blank html page, probably home.htm as someone mentioned earlier. If you mean smallest as in size, then you would just use really small fonts and pack them in a box. If you want fastest loading, then you want to have no images, and not much content. Make CSS control the layout, not tables or anything like that. Smallest has many definitions.

  3. Well, I myself will be using it, because video games help me concentrate. Normally I can't concentrate long enough trying to do regular excercise, so I am pretty out of shape. I am not fat though, metabolism is way to fast. Also, some of the stuff with Wii Fit can't be done by yourself in real life, so it is good when you are just at home by yourself. Plus it probably has some fitness tracking stuff in it as well. And it is only $90 where I am.

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