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Posts posted by coolcat50

  1. I actually like the new MSN messenger. I like the idea of the Favorites and I use that a lot. I also like the ability to show Display Pictures in the Contact List. I haven't tried the Photo IM yet, but I plan to soon. The way IMs are ordered and displayed is also a plus. It makes it show more IMs at once, which I like. The new interface is also nice.

  2. Ah I wish I knew a good useful language like you guys.
    All that matters to me are the web pages that I make, and use, both work and are functional. And of course, if it serves a good use to me.

    I would think that there is a way to plugin almost any language into a website.

    Well, there are a few languages you can't...like C and C++.

    I have the vb.net standard edition and youhave to do any asp.net coding right on the web
    Microsoft issued a handy little application called
    the web matrix that has a web server built right into it
    that you can use right on your desktop.


    You can use vb or c# with it.

    Thanks, I am going to look into that.

  3. Ok, I have heard that you can use Visual Basic to create websites and I have found controls for the web inside of my VB 2005 Express Edition, and I am curious as to how I would use these and create applications for websites? I know there is ASP.NET, but how is VB.NET used on the web? I do know PHP is superior and I use PHP, this is just something I am curious about and wish to try out. Does anybody know where I can find information on this?

  4. Well, I was bored and decided to take a look at iTunes scripting within Visual Basic. I made a program that when iTunes is open, it goes through your library and lists all of your songs in a list box. If you click on a song in the list box, it will show various information on the right side of the window, and there are a few player controls. This is probably the most complex program I have ever made, and probably the most useful.

    To use, just unzip and run from the folder it is in. It needs the .dll in the folder, so don't delete that.

    Download link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    EDIT: Ok, some of the features appear to only work on the latest iTunes, if you wish to use the program to the fullest, I suggest updating iTunes.

  5. Are you able to physically access each computer? If so, I would suggest using some external media for such a large file. If not, then my suggestions depend on whether you have a fast or a slow connection. If you have a fast enough connection, try setting your computer up to be a HTTP server and download using HTTP connections, or you can do FTP, your choice. You can also try to use Instant Messengers, but they will be incredibly slow. Torrents are another fast way to do it. I would also highly suggest compressing the file, it will speed up the transfer process. If you are able to physically access both computers, then aim for file transfer using external media, such as a flash drive or an external hard drive.

  6. As good practice, I name all of my files with a .php extension. It is just a more effective way of naming files, especially since I am a heavy PHP user. I have never used the .htm extension, only .php and .html for files like that. I would suggest to just name all of your files with HTML and/or PHP with a .php extension for simplicity's sake.

  7. I use Geany for lightweight editing, but I use Eclipse for large scale Perl/PHP/HTML stuff. Neither is WYSIWYG, but they both are open source and are guranteed spyware free. I have used Notepad++ before and I liked it very much. If you aren't doing a lot of coding, just grab Geany, but for large scale projects I suggest Eclipse or a WYSIWYG editor.

  8. The Wii is actually a really great system with games that are fun playing solo and playing multiplayer. I have one and I say it is definitely worth purchasing. Games like Super Smash Brothers: Brawl and Mario Party are a lot of fun to play with friends and stuff, but of course you have your single player games like Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess or Super Mario Galaxy. The Wii is a great system, and even has good graphics on a few games. I would highly suggest getting one :)

  9. Well, yesterday I decided I was going to customize my desktop. Well, I came up with a wallpaper that fits my desktop very well, but it kinda only fits my desktop. Well, I took a screenshot of my desktop with the wallpaper applied and all of my icons arranged. Here is what it looks like :). If anybody wants the actual wallpaper, just ask and I will upload and put inside this topic.


    Posted Image

  10. Well, a text editor can read just about any file type, but alot of files will show up as gibberish computer code or something. Word processors I believe can do the same thing, but some file types will show up differently between the word processor and a text editor. Try opening up a .doc file in Notepad and you will see what I mean. They both perform similar functions, but each one is used for different purposes.

  11. I'm a Linux supporter, but I use XP. I also am a fan of the Mac OS X operating system for many reasons. It looks better than Windows ever will for one. It is based off of Unix, so it is stable, because Unix itself is stable. OS X though lacks when it comes to programs, I have had few problems installing programs on my Linux when I had it, and very few when installing on XP. With OS X though, I had alot, of course I was on a school computer. In my honest opinion, I find Mac OS X to reign supreme between Windows and Mac, but Linux beats them both for alot of reasons.

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