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Posts posted by caz2406

  1. I am against convenience abortion, those that abort cos it maybe wont help their career or something like that...for those that get raped then that's a bit different...i wouldn't know what i would do in that case...would like to think i would have the baby and have it adopted...but when in that situation is hard to know what u may do...again live and let live in a hard world. we may not always like what others do but no appoint in attacking them...Caz

  2. not sure what country u r in?...but here in england smokers r getting turned away for a lot of treatment..and yeah i can understand that....yet..alcoholics still get as much treatment-tho liver transplants maybe refused...junkies still get all the help they need....yet who pays the most taxes?...those addicted to cigs and alcohol...will find the majority of junkie don't work..so live off benfits...steal to fund their habit...and then cost the government money to treat them..cot the government money to keep them in prison....they harm others when they get violent...as do alcoholics and non alcoholics who get violent when they have had a few...do u hear of someone getting violent when they have smoked a few *BLEEP*?..no!..may get a bit tetchy if they need a *BLEEP* n aint got none but that's all...ok there is arguments about passive smoking and rightly so it is being banned in most public places...look at when the world cup is on...is a proven fact that there is a considerable rise in domestic violence caused by over indulgence in alcohol...the lads go down the pub...have a few...come home in a mood when england loose or play crap n take it out on their other half...Now when u look at it all like this...whats the worst addictions?...ones that r legal or illegal..those that pay takes or those that don't....doesnt take a genius to work it out...At the end of the day we live in an imperfect world...and have to do the best we can....and try and improve things for ourselves and others...even if that means we don't have time for say alcoholics...if we all turn our back on them then that wont help..we have to do the right thingcaz

  3. I have tried to stop smoking several times over the years....longest i have ever stopped was for 4 weeks (amazing tho when i have been pregnant i stopped without a problem only to start again as soon as my babies were born)....have tried nicotine patches0just take them off when i want a cig...tried the nicotine chewing gum...that gave me bad indigestion....tried iban tabs when they first came out and they made me feel really ill...i tried some herbal tobacco and that was disgusting!...and smelled like weed lol...yes i know i am an idiot... :) Caz

  4. I hate to admit that i am a heavy smoker....wish i wasn't but i am...i am 46...but don't look my age been told i look mid to late 30's...my mum has always smoked...she's now 65 and doesn't look her age either....my best friend who doesn't smoke and won't b around smokers (i never smoke in her company)...is the same age as me and she gets peed off cos she looks a lot older than me...i know some docs say it makes u look older...some say that's rubbish n just genetics that affect aging....so i think it's safer to say it just depends on the person...those that r genetically prone to age quicker will...and will age more if they smoke probably....same with alcohol as well that's supposed to age u as well yet i know some alcoholics that don't look their age at all...we r all different...what does 1 thing to one person may not do the same thing to another...as for saying that it makes people ugly...isn't that a bit nasty?...it is the wat a person acts that makes them ugly not their lookscaz

  5. England here and the disabilty laws here r an *bottom* too!...can get really ill/debilitated people who cant get extra financial help that they so need...but things like nerves...alcoholism and stuff like that get help...(i know my dads an alcoholic...and gets dla...tho he aint drunk for 14 years now)...think it is totally wrong and needs assessing much betterCaz

  6. I agree some people are not fit to b parents...but will never be an easy answer here...maybe compulsory parenting classes...and better monitoring from social services services...far too many kids fall though the loop and live in danger...having to have a licence isn't right somehow... being a parent of 4...am sure i couldhave benefited from classes cos in all honesty parenting doesn't come easy...(i found it did when children are young is when they get to stroppy teenagers and have that attitude that they r harder work).....caz

  7. I started drinking around the age of 17...lager (beer)....then moved onto anything really...would go to the pub and sample something different everytime i went...tho favouring gin/bittlemon...and lager....went through a phase of drinking a lot of Irish cream whisky until i over indulged 1 new year n it mad me very icky lol...now i just drink lager in a pub...very rarely drink at home...cos not keen on canned lager....so when i do drink at home i like a vodka...lots of ice and fresh orangecaz

  8. I also put love into 2 catagories, now this is like immunity-acquired and natural-the love we have for family is natural, well in the majority of cases it is, their will always be exceptions. the other kind-acquired, the love that we have for friends and partners, it is not naturally there but we aacquire it as we get to know them....thats my take on it anywaycaz

  9. I am sorry you are going through all of this, am not gonna slap you in the face, i feel you will walk away eventually, when u love someone is hard to let go no matter what they have done to you, but their will come a time when u can't take no more and know that the time has come to leave it all behind. it will hurt for a while, but u will get through it. u sound like u have some good friends, let them be there for you to help u through all this. You will move on to love again, think a lot of us have been there and r proof :) So good luckCaz

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