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Posts posted by T84

  1. Sorry if my titles bad Moderators you may change it if it is but im mixed up right now. As some of you know from reading my previous topics(once again sorry for the amount of topics) i have strong feels for this girl im friends with and i was finally going to tell her how i feel...that is untill today when she was asked out by the *** i mentioned in my previous topic....Last night i was emotional for him being #1 on her top on myspace(i know kinda stupid, but it upset me). I was talking to a friend on AIM and i told him i was going to tell her how i feel and right in the middle of my conversation with him the internet crashed. I went to restart the modem, then my father's PC didnt work so he threw me out of the house....I then wondered around my town for about 5 hours till around 1 AM, when my mother got home. She let me back in the house. This morning my father didnt wake me up for school, so i was late and i walked into my second period which has the anthony kid(or the *** as i refer to him as) and her in it. Of course when i walked in late he started making sarcastic remarks about me being late and i said **** you anthony and then the teacher yelled at us both. So during school im still emotional over the myspace thing and im building up the courage to tell her at the end of the day when i would normally meet her at her locker. Then at the end of the day I get to her locker and there he is with her at her locker, so i thought ok they are gunna talk, ill just tell her im going to my locker and she will walk over when she is done talking to him. But no of course nothing is easy. Then she went home and by that time i missed my bus and had to walk 2 miles home in the pouring rain(thundering and lightening) with no jacket only a short sleeve shirt and shorts. I finally get to my friends house which is on the way and i get a text message from her saying "do u know whats going on about the game on saturday, i need to know if i can make plans or not" and i replied "i don't know" and then she replies to that "o well anthony asked me out today" At that moment my heart sunk and i froze.... I later got home and put up a sad away message and she IMed me asking about the spanish Homework and of course i reeeeeeally didnt wannt to talk to her, because not only was she now taken on the day i had planned to tell her, but with a guy that has no friends(litterally), plays video games all day, and he littleraly doesn't do anything in school and is a horrible soccer player(which is the only thing he trys at). I already gave the ticket to the redbulls(soccer) game on satuday to my friend. I have no idea on what to do, any ideas? :):D:P:DB)

  2. I thank you both for your advice on how to handle/aproach the situation. Lyon2 I'd like to say that no matter what happens even if i was completely shot down I wouldn't have blamed you, not only because it was my move to make but also because i feel endebted to you for taking the time to help me with my current situation. I've decided to tell her how i feel. I know I've said it was the last question before but I'm just about sure this will be my last one. I don't know in what situation(place/time/atmosphere) to pull her aside in. I'll be in school with her for the rest of the week and probally hanging out with her before and after school. I also get 5 minutes between classes with her inwhich she walks with me to my next class because of my injury. This friday night I've made plans for my freinds, her, and I to go to the resteraunt of her choice to eat. I also have an extra ticket to the up coming Redbull's game this saturday, and she said she is free that night. I would think the Redbulls game would be a good place to tell her because we both love soccer, but there are a couple things that might cause akwardness there.1. My mom will be there.(Although i could tell her when we go to get something to eat at halftime or something.)2. My best friend inwhich she "was in love with" will be there and i truely believe she still has feelings for him3. I would have to give the ticket to her, instead of my friend, who also wants to go to the game.(But he knows how i feel about her)Do either of you or anyone have any idea as to were would be the best out of those places to tell her how i feel and should i ask her out or just start with telling her how i feel?

  3. For all of you who have read my topics i deeply thank you..... and i need your advice once more. Im sure you are getting annoyed with all the topics im posting but im really confused and emotional right now....I have no clue what to do!Here is total and complete story sumed up from the begining. There is a kid in my school named Anthony, he is a soccer player and doesn't have many(if any) freinds because of his last girl friend who was basicly "the school ****" (no offense intended to her), but he is just as bad, he will go to incredible lengths for sex. When i atteneded one of the soccer practices he waled up to me and my friends and said "wtf is wrong with you guys, you all have long hair or a face full of zits." Which i took offense to obviously. Now I met this girl this year and at first she really annoyed me and we didn't talk at all, we basicly had a mutual dislike for each other. Then this summer i decided to give her a chance to be my freind, over the summer she dated my freind for 2 weeks then broke up with him which caused like a shock wave in our group and started numerous fights. During these fights i played the middle man and tried to solve them the best i could. I started talking to her alot like every night for hours but if my best friend sal would sign on she would basicly ditch our conversation for theirs. That was the case untill one day i could tell something was really bothering her and i asked her what was wrong...and she said her parents are fighting and her grandma is close to passing away...she told me that is why she is trying to get a boyfreind so bad, so she has a shoulder to cry on, she also mentioned that the only reason she talks to her X-Boyfreind is because they had a good relationship and he would be there for her. Then i said "I may not be your boyfriend and i may never be as close to you has he was but im here for you whenever you need me." and she said "You may not be my boyfriend but i love you."(I still dont know how to interpret that..as real love? or as a metafore) Now that school has begun, she is in 2 of my classes and volunteered to carry my books while my arm is healing. About 2 weeks ago i found out she liked the same Anthony i just mentioned, to make matters worse yesterday i found out that he likes her. :) Now all they do is talk and in my 2nd period they talk and talk and talk :P. She doesn't really talk to me anymore and doesn't wanna hang out or anything. Im really depressed that i dont talk to her much even in school, and i have no idea on what to do or how to tell her that i love her and i scared that he might get he drunk or something because he is like that.... Can someone please help me!!!!

    Notice from jlhaslip:
    Edit title to correctly identify the Topic

  4. Thank you Shadow, Tuddy, Jester, and Chaos for the advice, you don't know how much it means to me. I have a little more to tell you guys, to see what you think before i make my move.This weekend we went to her house with one of my friends and me and her laid on her bed and read a magazine about horoscopes and stuff. She then asked me if she could straighten my hair because i have curly/wavy hair. So i said yes and she straightened it and she said she liked my hair that way :). Then we went out to eat with her and a couple friends. During the summer she had liked my best friend as im sure i've mentioned, she was very open about liking him and we all knew this is one of the couple things that leads me to doubt that she is interested in me other then a friend. After we ate she paided basicly total and complete attention to my best friend who she says doesn't like anymore but i highly doubt. Then we ate her. me and my one other friend went mini golfing. During mini golf she we were all fooling around and she accidentally hit me with the ball and said she was sorry and gave me hug. Then as we were walking back toward my house we passed a low billboard with these lights pointed on the billboard and she asked me if we could dance up there, now im not really a good dancer and i have a broken collarbone so i told her as soon as my collarbone heals we will dance on the billboard lol. Then the next day i went back to her house with the same friend and then we walked down the street to get her friend which my friend likes. We just hung out and oreder pizza and watched a movie, i forgot exactly why her and me left the room but we went into her room and started playing this driving game which we had to play for drivers Ed class. Then we went back into the other room and we saw my friend and her friend huging on the couch with a blanket on them. So we both wanted to leave them alone so we went back into her room and we fooled around on lovecalculator.com(not to advertise) and we put in names but i was kinda dissapointed that she didnt put in our names but i put our names in when i got home and we got 93% compatable :D. We also looked at horoscopes and mine was about waiting till the new moon on Thursday to make any big decisions(which i found creepy but cool). Then she kept leaving the room to go take pictures of them ont he couch together and spy on them which i was saddened me because it was like she didnt wanna spend time with me. This kinda depressed me and i didnt talk much when her dad gave us all rides home. Then when i got home i decided to take out some emotion on halo, so i put an away message up that said: mixed emotions...playing halo... about 10 minutes after she texted me if everythimng was ok and i didnt text her back. The next day i didnt talk to her much because she was with her friend and i was still kinda sad.Then today me, my best freind, alec, and my other friend were hanging out and her and that same friend came. We hung out at the park and played socer. Then we went back to my best friends house. We were sitting on his steps and she was texting this kid in my school who is a total ***. For example he came up to me and my freinds after soccer practice and said "What the *BLEEP* is wrong with you guys, everyone over here has long hair or a face full of zits" he is charming as you can tell from that. She hasn't told me that she likes him and she seems to tell me everything and she says she trusts me fully. She told my friend who knows i like her amd he told me that he likes him. Right now im really discouraged and i dont know what to do. Tomorrow is her birthday and i was thinking of getting her a card, and waiting till her party to get her something. Is a card alone a good idea till her party? Any ideas on what i should do? Thank you for all feedback once again. I really really really greatly appreciate all feedback, it means so much to me because right now im lost and have no idea in which direction to go. :P

  5. If you havent already figured some of the stuff out, id be happy to put to rest some of your questions :) His name is John. He is male. In my opinion the campaign was better then halo 2 but I dont think it was better then Halo C.E. because everything was new back then. He also doesnt take his helmet off in the game. :P

  6. If you didnt read my first topic and are intrested in getting the FULL story here is a link to it :http://forums.xisto.com/topic/51902-advice-on-girl-problems/ Thank you for leaving feedback to help me or taking the time to read. :) Well if you read my other topic you'll know what is going on. This pertains to my second problem. My friends(alec, rob, steve, and the girl who is my friend that i think likes me) and I were hanging out to day and we decided to go to the mall to eat and hang out, which she was supposed to go to her sport practice and then right home but she ditched her practice and went to my house and called her parents later. While we were walking there we talked about her birth day coming up and other stuff related to it.It seemed like a pretty normal day but somethings struck me as weird today. In the morning we all hang out at the cafe and i was tired/sad due to not talking to the girl i love in about a week and a half. She repeatedly asked me what was wrong and i told her i was tired. I currently have a broken collarbone so im not able to carry my books and open doors, so i have her leave class early to help me and just to talk. (She volonteried to help me) Any way we were walking to my 8th period class and as a joke i asked one of my friends to take my books and hold him and he jokingly knocked them out of my hand and onto the floor lol. Without thinking she attempted to knee him in the stomach. No that struck me as really defensive, and that is not the first time i thought she was being really defensive. During the summer a kid a grade older then me said he was gunna "punch me in the face" which i took as a joke cus he doesnt intiminate me in any way but later she showed me the conversation of her litterally cursing him off and telling him to fight her and that her friends and mine would kick his ***. Now back to the part about the mall.(Sorry for skipping around) While we were at the mall her X-boy freind kept making snie and sexual comments. While he was doing this all i did was shake my head and laugh at his immaturity(I clarified i was laughing at the immaturity), while doing this i noticed she was looking at me. To me it was as if she was trying to signal me to tell him to stop, but i didnt think of it at the time(which i know feel bad for). We have a joke about a store in the mall that sells women's lingerie and the joke is if me and my friend were to buy her something from in there she would wear it. Now please dont take me for a pervert because i dont believe i am but as we passed the store i simpilly looked at the store's sign and then at her and she smiled and laughed. Then we went to get food. Now my one friend does this thing were he throws a slushy or a drink at a parked car. So he told us he was going to do ti and we were prepared to run as we were walking she kept telling me to go back inside the mall with her instead of running around. My one freind shot that idea down and said it was a stupid idea. I thought she was trying to pull me aside from the group to tell me something but she didnt argue with him. So my friend threw the drink and we ran and we were walking to my house, when she pumped her hand into mine gentally twice. The first time i thought i was an acciedent and didnt look but the second time i looked at her and she was looking at me and i turned back aroud not thinking much of it till i got home. For the rest of the walk to my house she stayed behined me and all the way to the right of our group. Whenever i looked back at her she seemed to be on her cell phone texting. When we got back to my house we were bored so we decided to make a picture to scare her best friend(as a joke). So after we made if she decided to call her parents to come get her before she got in alot of trouble for ditching practice and going out when she wasn't aloud. Anyone see something in there that stands out as a clue that she might like me or something? If i think of anything i forgot to mention i will edit and post it. Thank you for all feedback!!!!! :P

  7. Thanks for the feeback, i had forgot to mention how i think she likes me.(in the edit i made) I had thought about going to europe but sadly i dont speak german and wouldnt have a place to stay, were as if she were to come here then she could stay with her relatives(who have already agreed to having her return for july and august this year). I really hadnt thought of liking the girl who im friends with till i thought she started liking me. At this point im so confused. My feelings for my friends cousin are much greater then for my friend but as i mentioned i do have on/off feelings for her(like on day a week i like her) and i find this very very strange.

  8. I've been playing soccer for about 9 years now and ive mainly been defense. Im a fast runner but dont have a great amount of endurance. I currently have a broken left collarbone, so i cant play in any serious games. A few nights ago i was playing 3 on 1 (diamond or man in the middle) and i was megging people, and everyone was saying i had amazing ball control(not to flatter myself). This really got me thinking about the soccer league im going to be joining in the spring. I would really like to move up to mid-feild or a further up position then defense. Starting in november I am going to start going to the weight room to strenghen my legs. I am also going to be running after about an 1 and a half hours of lifting. Does anyone have any tips for deit or a workout to inprove running speed and endurance? Thank you for all feedback :)

  9. Heres the story, My 2 best friend's(part of a set of triplets) cousin came to live with them for a month. During the course of the month I fell in love with their cousin. She then went back to europe and now I'm heart broken. She may come back next summer but there is no garentee. I still talk to her on myspace and on an istant messenger. My biggest concern about her coming back was money so i took it apon myself to start saving money, i have about 1/4 of what it would cost for a round trip flight. Problem #1 would be if i do raise the money, how would i get it to her? and how exactly would i go about telling her about how i feel?The second part of my problem is about this girl who i am friends with really likes or is in love with one of my best friends. I can tell by the way she acts around him and the things she says to him, but he has no interest at all in her relationship wise. Im worried that he is gunna hurt her. At the same time that im in love with his cousin i have feelings on and off for the girl that likes him. I aslo think she likes me because of how she and what we talk about. She tells me everything and anything but when ever relationships comes up as a topic she will over to tell me who she likes, but never gives me a straight answer(or person) just little hints. I am always the first person she calls/texts to make plans to hang out. I aslo read in another topic about offering her helpping her on a large step or something. When ever she falls or trips in while we play soccer with friends i offer to help her up, but the first couple of times she hesitated, but know she takes my hand instantly. (What does that mean?) She IMs me the second she signs on to AIM or the second one of us return from away. We always make plans to go to amusement parks with freinds and other stuff because her birthday is coming up.(Any ideas on what to get her?) We talk for hours on AIM almost every day. But like i mentioned before she really likes one of my best friends(or so it seems) because she can be with me having a conversation but the second he signs on our conversation seems to take a back seat to theirs. Any ideas on how he should tell her he isnt interested with out her getting hurt? Any ideas on what i should do about my on and off feelings for her?Thank you for any and all feedback it is appreicated very very much :)

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