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Posts posted by petsecia

  1. Hi,I have a new website (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) and althought it is indexed by google I don't have a lot of visits from there. What is curious is that last week I had almost 100 visits/day by google search and now it's almost zero visits from google. I have done no change on my website. Is there any chance that I got a penalization? The only change on the site that I've made was put more google adsense ads (no more than 3 at each page). Any idea why It's happening?

  2. Hi Saint Michel
    Nice to meet you. I'm already enjoying the forum. There is a lot of interesting topics and reading it I can learn more about a bunch of things! Sometime it' s just hard to write on some of them, but I'm going to try! Now I'm just answering some topics that ask something about me because like that you guys will know more about me.

    Welcome to Xisto.com, don't worry about making to many mistakes, heck us English speakers make them all the time, or rather some of us. Just take the time you need to type out your posts and stuff, and don't forget to check out the Xisto Read Me, as it is loaded with helpful information and other juicy stuff. So meenjoy your posting and hosting and see you in the forums.

    Hi YungOdo

    Nice to meet you to. This forum is very nice. I like it.
    Notice from jlhaslip:

    See you

  3. My pets now:1. Merlim, mini grey poodle, 11 years old2. Lancelote, toy white poodle, 9 years old3. Malu, tuxedo cat, 8 years old4. Liriel, tuxedo cat, 7 years old5. Aisha Maria, black cat, 7 years oldMy pets that aren't anymore here1. Lucrecia, black fila brasileiro2. Nina, pointer and dalmata mix3. Lu, no breed (dog)4. Priscila, no breed (dog)5. Vivaldi, siamese cat6. Ariadne, white, black and red cat7. Valentino, tabby and white cat8. felinni 2, black and white cat9. Mefis, black cat10. Lililth, black cat11. Nefertiti, tabby and white cat12. Felinni, tabby and white cat13. Cassandra, tabby and white cat14. Lilith, german shephard mix

  4. It's good to know that I finnaly found a good free web host! I hope that I can use it soon. It's my first day here and I don't have enought credit to get an account (and it's a little bit harder to me to get enought credit because the forun is only in english and my first language is Portugue - french is the second one. English is only my third langage, so i'm not fluent on it altought I can understand verry well - better than I can speack or write btw...

  5. oh! so cute! I used to have a cat and because I have no scanner I can't show you his picture.Well he was a ginger coloured simese cat whose name was kathmandu (mandu) for short. He would run up to me when I clap my hands, and hates cat food, so every week we have to buy some mince for him to eat. When I went to another country to visit relatives, mandu was left with the neighbours but became very sick. three days after I came back my beloved cat's body was found buried under hedge trimmings. I plan to get a new cat but not really convenient right now (school etc)

    I have cats: Malu, Liriel and Aisha. Malu and Liriel are lovely tuxedo's cats and Aisha is a black cat. (sorry about my english, but I'm brazilian and I can speak portuguese and french better than english).

    But, photos speaks by itself. Aren't they cutes?

    Malu, is this elegant cat

    Liriel, Malu's daughter is this fat cat

    Aisha, is also Malu's daughter

  6. Hi, I have 2 poodles. Merlim and Lancelote. Merlim is 11 years old and Lancelote is 9 years old.

    Oh how cool! I think PVGV's are cool looking dogs. I thought about raising them at one time, I like the different and more rare breeds. I also like the Polish Owczarek Nizinny, they remind me of sheepdogs and Bearded Collies, and as you might guess, I do like the sheepdog breeds. The name was just too hard to pronouce, lol.
    Keeping ears clean on drop eared breeds is a challange. Make sure you not only clean, but if there is excessive hair in the ear canal, it needs to be pulled out a bit to help keep the air flow into the ear to help keep it dry. Moisture and dirt in the ear can cause ear infections. I usually clean with alchol after plucking, as it evaporates quickly and kills most ear problems.

    Post a picture of your dog when you get a chance, love to see it.

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