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Posts posted by ishan1990

  1. Everyone has already seemed to mention the basics, pushups, situps and running etc. You dont really need a bench to gain muscle, You can just take household items and turn them into weights, Do bicep curls with a couple gallons of milk in each hand, or work out your back by doing deadlifts with a 4x4 with paint cans attached to the end. or squat your brother. Just look at basic free weight exersises (can be found on google) and adapt them to your use with objects you find lying around your house. Oh and dont forget pullups too, those are a great lat builder. All a bench do is regulate with accuracy how much you lift. You can still gain weight without one

  2. Has anyone here read "As I Lay Dying"? by William Faulkner. I recently had to read it for a literature class at the U. At first I was put off by the style it was written. (it had about 15 characters narrate the book). I guess it grew on me eventually,It was about a southern american family who tried to fulfill a mother's (and wifes) wish to be burried in a nearby city. Sounds a bit boring, but it was interesting, and I'm not even really into fiction anymore. at any rate, if anyone has any thoughts about this book i suppose this is the place.

  3. god damn it, i entered that site and got bored. I tried to fly through it by holding the enter button but for some reason it opened up 8 other tabs of the same page. After I finished one of those cycles the next would open up automatically... I had stuff on firefox that i didnt wanna lose but eventually i just got tired and shut it down in the task manager. haha.annoying indeed

  4. There was one question I had. I am planning on running a server on a 3 or 4 year old extra computer i had but i have a question regarding bandwidth...I have no doubt that i have enough for my needs (transfering files from one computer to the next) but I would like to know a bit more about bandwidthI have a 100mb connection (I dont know what the up speed is). Assuming the up speed is say... 10 mb per second, how much bandwidth do I have?I never quite figured this out, google didnt help this timethanks for any answers.

  5. Hey everyone, I just got the free web hosting and i've just been playing around with my site and experimenting with certain things. There is one thing though so far that i havent been able to figure out, and it seems that other people on the net have had the same problem. It has to do with the Awstats statistic thing that came with the Cpanel. Whenever I click it it gives me this errorError: Couldn't open config file "awstats.pointless.trap17.com.conf" nor "awstats.conf" after searching in path ".,/home/ishan/tmp/awstats/,/etc/opt/awstats,/etc/awstats,/etc,/usr/local/etc/awstats": No such file or directory Has anyone had this problem or can offer a solution? There are a few pages on google with some relavence, but nothing that i understand too well (i'm a bit of a noob with these things). Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  6. going back to riar's comment about how they smoke more in turkey than in canada. Its kind of a trend for less developed countries to smoke at a higher rate. Even India, china etc. I did try smoking a few times, just to say, "oh, so thats what it is" but more than anything it just put me to sleep, not something i could imagine ever being addicted to. @punisher- i did hear a few studies that said that second hand smoke had 3 times the carcinogens, i can't cite that or anything, its probably best to look that up. (although i cant imagine why it would have more carcinogens than first hand smoke)

  7. I firmly believe that all actions are driven by consequences, whether that consequence is negative or positive, whether its ending up in jail or having to deal with your conscience. Obviously if you could steal without any negative consequence you would. I think its the same with the laws. Yes i have broken the law, i'm neither ashamed of it, or proud of it i just realize that its a fact that its probably going to happen to most people. Laws are more of a reflection of society than anything else and when laws start to seem really absurd that can usually be indicative of a government that is either screwing something up on purpose or is really out of touch with its people.

  8. Star Wars: Rebel Assault 2 (PSone and PC) was pretty terrible - it had some funky footage, but I swear the gameplay was... well... :)

    hey! that game was integral to my youth (not really, but i had a bunch of fun playing it.) It was either Rebel assault 1 or 2. (we're talking about that one that starts off in the ship shooting tie fighters with the mouse cursor and stuff (which is pretty much every star wars game)). I think i only beat it once, kept getting stuck on the speeder bike level. My point is, I didnt think it was that bad, then again i was like 5 years old...
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