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Posts posted by ZaM0

  1. No, the homework is needed, if you ask me. The small (or large XD) exercise makes you understand/remember the things more thoroughly. By the way, the students (example, like me) are learning a lot more when reading the lesson and making the homework. lolThe homework's main objective is to practice what you've learned from the lesson. And it's needed :P

  2. Hello!

    Just tried to combine a right sentence in Egypt Hieroglyphs, but I don't know if I'm on the right way. I'm using the Jim Loy's diary(http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/), he also have explained how to build a simple sentence, it should be in that order: "verb subject object adverb". I'm on the try to make something like "When you learn, your live is joyful".

    I have reordered it like:

    1 sentence?(verb subject object adverb) | 2 sentence?(verb subject object adverb)

    learn you - - is your live joyful


    Here is what I came to:

    Posted Image



    But I'm absolutely sure that I'm in a big mistake :P Please, somebody who works with the Egypt Hieroglyphs, give me a tip about it's basics.


    Thanks in advance :D

  3. It depends on your level of computer experience.
    Windows looks better than some linux distributions, but can be a major resource hog, and usually comes pre-installed with a load of shareware rubbish that takes up way too much space. It has a nice GUI (Graphical User Interface), but with all those images takes up more memory than the simple Windows Classic theme. Windows is by far the most compatible platform, and most things are designed for windows, but, unfortunately, this includes viruses. Windows has an incredible amount of viruses available, and they are so easy to get its untrue.

    Linux is for more experienced computer users, and can be a lot harder to set up than Windows. When I tried to set up linux running by side with my XP, I accidentally erased all of my C Drive, including all of the factory settings, only to find out that I was meant to set up a separate hard drive partition for linux to work. And then Ubuntu (the linux distro that I chose) didn't recognise any of my wireless drivers, so I didn't have the internet. Luckily my laptop came with a Windows XP install CD, so I could fresh install that, but it didn't include any drivers or programs, so I had to find all of the drivers on an application CD with the worst folder tree ever... the names gave no clue as to what was inside, and there were multiple drivers for the same thing, so choosing it was a chore.

    If you aren't on a budget, then I would recommend getting a mac, it runs of the linux kernel, but is also optimized so that it can run Mac OS and Windows side by side, so imo that would be your best bet if you can afford it.

    Yeah, that's truth. But the Linux based systems or distributions (cause the OS is not Linux, only the core's name is Linux, but most people are saying "The OS Linux") are more stable for server purposes. Also for PC you use only for writing applications, documents, using the Internet for basic intentions, you would be happier to use some Linux-distribution like Ubuntu or SuSE. But if your main goal is gaming... Then I could recommend Windows XP :) Although there are many ways to run Win aps under Linux distro (like Wine) you will get the most of their performance on Windows.

  4. Thanks :D

    Maybe it's the problem my account got suspended few times, couse I stood inactive. However, it's now ok, with 8-9 hosting credits. Maybe after the automated process the system leave the suspend thing on the subdomain.

    I've noticed I have a .htaccess file in the site dir, which contains this:

    RedirectMatch .* http://xisto.com/suspended.page/Options -Includes -Indexes -ExecCGI

    Can I safely remove it :)

  5. Hello!
    Just these days I noted that my subdomain of the subdomain (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - the subdomain, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - the non-working one) is non-accessible - it shows that my account is suspended. But it isn't! I could even manage it through the CPanel, but it has no sense.

    Please, let me know if I broke some hosting rule :)

  6. That in Bulgaria could be Mr. Monk, he is stranger, which works as a detective, and his bits are real fun and enjoyable to watch :) Also, the TV Series "Lost", really "exclusive" for me :D It brings fantastic/action/adventure experience for the watcher. House MD is a show which you must NOT lose :D


    Few local projects, like "Gospodari na Efira", "Shouto na Slavi"... Both one of the most watch in BG.

  7. Hello!

    Shortly, Microsoft released the Windows Live pack, which contains the following applications: Mail, Messenger, Gallery and Writer.

    And my question is: What do you think of them? Here is my review:


    Windows Live Mail.

    When started, it should ask you for making an e-mail account. It looks much like Mozilla Thunderbird, also it has the same feature to manage few mails through one interface. The ease of use is feelable :D


    Windows Live Messenger.

    Still I haven't tried it :D


    Windows Live Gallery

    A good free alternative to applications like ACDSee, Picasa, etc. A bit of heavy...


    Windows Live Writter

    Nice program which you could use to fill out your blog. It's working perfect with the most web blogging software :)


    Please, leave an oppinion if you have used some of these. :D

  8. Yay, that's a really good inquiry! If you have made a pool, you were going to be the best :D I don't leave my *new* computer on, couse my *old* one got full of dust and the fan of the GPU stopped... Soon the vid card overheated and at the end it broke itself... Same happened to the CPU fan :D But now I'm hearing that the fans of my *new* computer, after half year are gonna go the same way... Although I don't keep it on. So ppl, go get the maximum profit of your maschine, before its components go overheat :)

  9. Some of the products of Adobe familly are just about working with GIF :) You could use Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop, they are both proffesional software for advanced graphics-man :D Well, I'm not saying that the new ones cannot just work with it. You could search google for Photoshop tutorials. Also if you want, go at DeviantArt.com and download nice brushes for your work :D

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