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About NaruNaru1212

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    Newbie [Level 1]
  • Birthday 03/11/1995

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  1. I found one bigworldtech.comit has everything, the modeling pograms, the server the map makers EVERYSINGLE THING NEEDED! but they dont sell it, I need to request a licence. so since I'm 12 I'm gonna wait a while cause for now my budget is $0 o.O (I'm supposed to start this project on January when I have everythig set) so I'll ask my dad o get the licence for me o.o and I'm not gonna be alone working on this xD I'm gonna try to get some friends to help
  2. o.o uniqe as n a uniqe MMORPG or a uniqe kindda game?
  3. lol I think the lin you need is http://www.ogre3d.org/ right? thats the link to an open source 3D game engin (I dunno how that makes MMORPGS but oh well....) and I tried to download I unno how to make it work so good luck to everyone else I hope you guys can make it work! o.o ...... I know I didnt...
  4. well I dunno how to program.. and I wonna make a 3D MMORPG.. I tried realm crafter demo and looked at trailers... and the chars and graphics AND games you can make with it dont look very good.... Its no lineage2 or Perfect world or even last chaos... I wonna make a game like last chaos.... whas a good 3D mmorpg? please tell me because I really want to make one.. you know one that is simple to use et very very advanced and can do a vast amount of things but doesnt take hours and hours to understand how it works? any iteas... and dont say RPG maker cause that 2D and is REALLY bad.... so yeah please answer quickly thanks byes!! ^^
  5. Heydo you play mugen? if so tell me whats the rarest char o.o cause I wonna get it! lol I wonna know where can I get lots of rare chars? o.o and rare stuff! so please tell meh o.o thanks lol
  6. Hello In order to add a char to M.U.G.E.N you must first open the MUGEN folder and open "Char" folder Next you must look for the char you downloaded from any MUGEN website and check the name of the .def file. if the file and the folder have the same name then insert the new downloaded char into the "char" folder. if not then rename the folder Now that the first part is done its time for the second part. press back and go to "data" and look for Select.def open that and now you see "Insert your chars below." right? Well simply do this Isshin312, stages/random.def thats one of my chars. Isshin312 is the name of the char file. then you add "," then space it and spell Stages/random.def that way its always random. also if you have to little char slots I will post a code that I have and if you insert it in the right place it SHOULD put over 350 char slots. But make sutre to make a back up folder!! First open system.def and look for ";Character select definition" now listen very closly. From ";Character select definition" to "p2.teammenu.bg.spr= ;Sounds" put in this code. Take out NOTHING less!! now this doesnt look very very good but hey, at least you have more space for chars! and thats all that matters! anyway put in this code in the place I told you to ;Character select definition[Select info]fadein.time =10fadeout.time =10rows =20columns = 19wrapping =0;1 to let cursor wrap aroundpos =70,40;Position to draw toshowemptyboxes =1;1 to show empty boxesmoveoveremptyboxs =1;1 to allow cursor to move over empty boxescell.size =7,7;x,y size of each cell (in pixels)cell.spacing =2;Space between each cellcell.bg.spr =1,0;Note: Don't use animation for cellscell.random.spr =151,0;Icon for random select (don't use animation)cell.random.switchtime =2;Time to wait before changing to another random portraitp1.cursor.startcell =0,0p1.cursor.active.spr =180,0p1.cursor.done.spr =163,0p1.cursor.move.snd =100,0p1.cursor.done.snd =100,1p1.random.move.snd =100,0p2.cursor.startcell =0,21p2.cursor.active.spr =180,0p2.cursor.done.spr =170,0p2.cursor.blink =1;1 to blink p2's cursor if overlapping p1'sp2.cursor.move.snd =100,0p2.cursor.done.snd =100,1p2.random.move.snd =100,0random.move.snd.cancel =1;1 to have random move sound cancel itself when played repeatedlystage.move.snd =100,0stage.done.snd =100,1cancel.snd =100,2portrait.offset =0,0portrait.scale =0.30,0.30title.offset =159,13;Position of title (Arcade Mode, etc)title.font =3,0,0;Font of title (-1 for none);Big portraitsp1.face.offset =5,50;Position to put big portraitp1.face.scale =0.75,0.75p1.face.facing =1p2.face.offset =310,46p2.face.scale =0.75,0.75p2.face.facing =-1;Namep1.name.offset = 5,150;Position to put namep1.name.font =3,4,1;Set to -1 for no displayp2.name.offset =310,146p2.name.font =3,1,-1;Stage selectstage.pos =160,237stage.active.font =3,0,0stage.active2.font =3,2;Second font color for blinkingstage.done.font =3,0;Team menuteammenu.move.wrapping =1p1.teammenu.pos =20, 30;p1.teammenu.bg.spr =p1.teammenu.selftitle.font =3,0, 1p1.teammenu.selftitle.text =Select team modep1.teammenu.enemytitle.font =3,0, 1p1.teammenu.enemytitle.text =Opponent team modep1.teammenu.move.snd =100,0p1.teammenu.value.snd =100,0p1.teammenu.done.snd =100,1p1.teammenu.item.offset =0,20p1.teammenu.item.spacing =0,15p1.teammenu.item.font =3,0, 1p1.teammenu.item.active.font =3,3, 1p1.teammenu.item.active2.font =3,0, 1;Second font color for blinkingp1.teammenu.item.cursor.offset =-10, 0p1.teammenu.item.cursor.anim =180p1.teammenu.value.icon.offset =60,1p1.teammenu.value.icon.spr =181,0p1.teammenu.value.empty.icon.offset =60,1p1.teammenu.value.empty.icon.spr =182,0p1.teammenu.value.spacing =6,0;p2 teamp2.teammenu.pos =299, 30;p2.teammenu.bg.spr =p2.teammenu.selftitle.font =3,0, -1p2.teammenu.selftitle.text =Select team modep2.teammenu.enemytitle.font =3,0, -1p2.teammenu.enemytitle.text =Opponent team modep2.teammenu.move.snd =100,0p2.teammenu.value.snd =100,0p2.teammenu.done.snd =100,1p2.teammenu.item.offset =0,20p2.teammenu.item.spacing =0,15p2.teammenu.item.font =3,0, -1p2.teammenu.item.active.font =3,1, -1p2.teammenu.item.active2.font =3,0, -1;Second font color for blinkingp2.teammenu.item.cursor.offset =10, 0p2.teammenu.item.cursor.anim =190p2.teammenu.value.icon.offset =-60,1p2.teammenu.value.icon.spr =191,0p2.teammenu.value.empty.icon.offset =-60,1p2.teammenu.value.empty.icon.spr =192,0p2.teammenu.value.spacing =-6,0p1.teammenu.bg.spr=p2.teammenu.bg.spr=;Sounds now remember to have a backup in case this doesnt work, or in case you dont like it of anything you ALWAYS have to have a backup of your work! anyway thanks for looking! ^-^ Bye!
  7. Whats your fav system of all time? I like PS3 cause its really cool o.o good graphics and stuff like that. and wireless controler and I also like the wii because its cool how you can accually like box and play sports and fight and all that stuff. So I have 3 favorites. PC cause it has the best games, and can do ANYTHING. PS3 for the graphics and Wii cause its cool. Now its your turn? Whats everyone's fav video game system here? o.o and what do you like bout it?! so anyway please post! also I herd from people that the PS3 had a bug in it. but my PS3 works just fine. Is it true or is it just a rumor? cause I just herd it from friends o.o If you ask me PC is no.1 for best gaming and also for being able to do ANYTHING!!!!! Thats about all I had to say ._. Bye! ^-^ and remember please post o.o I wonna know what everyone thinks!
  8. hmmmmmmmmm....Probably Play station 1 or GameBoy you know the first GameBoy..Yeah thats probably my first system....Either that or PlayStation cause I cant remember but I'm pretty sure it was GameBoy lol
  9. Tell weither you think an Iphone is worth the $400 or not? I think it is o.o but before I get it I need some advice weither its a good idea or not ._. like does it have bugs in it and stuff or is it perfect....Anyway you get the idea also do you think its a good idea that its only for at&t and stuff? Cause I dont...Anyway put what you think here! Thanks
  10. Well like the title says o.o and if it could be free...That whould be great xD anyway thanks and if possible I'd like there to be lots of fighting! for example, 2moons. I like to try new games like EVERY month ._. so please tell me which I should try and I will. Thanks. and also if it could allow people under 17 to play that way I dont need to put my parents e-mail that whould be perfect! anyway Thanks for the help!
  11. o.o sweet! I'm So gonna use that! Thanks alot! ^-^ Notice from rvalkass: Please try to contribute to the thread. Short posts are considered spam here at Xisto.
  12. Hey everyone! Just wonderin, who here plays a MMORPG called 2moons?
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