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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. i will buy both..in our country is still legal to copy disks.. so its not expensive!
  2. The page cannot be found
  3. Earth's gravity slows the moon's rotation on axis for 4 billon years. That's why moon rotates on its axis at the same rate as its orbit around the Earth. The same thing moon does with earth.
  4. I'm using your product: free hosting...and i happy to it.Thank you very muchBut, i have only problem with you...Can you running it okie? no problem to eveybodey because...?Because we upload all data to your hosting and we don't want it down eveytime....you known my idea?come soon to methank
  5. do not talk about warez plese :shock:
  6. yeah the da Vinci code is a good book
  7. It was a server issue, not you specifically. All the usernames were erased from the forum because the admins didn't have a way to migrate it all.And I think signups take the same amount of time they did before.
  8. Urrmm, like most of us I have already re-requested for a site. How long till I get the site? Just wondering and I posted in another forum asking if the admin would be so kind as to find out if I have been deleted entirely - whether it is the fault of the system or me not being active on the forum thanksusername: jwjteh
  9. ok, im going to approach this abit different. im going to give you a step by step tutorial on how to make a simple webpage: first things first, every html tag is enclosed in every tag must be closed before a parent tag is closed. ex: <HTML><BODY></HTML></BODY> (INCORRECT)it should be: <HTML><BODY></BODY></HTML> (CORRECT) every webpage should be enclosed in the HTML tag, so: <HTML></HTML> the invisible part of the webpage should be enclosed in the HEAD tag, the most common tag that goes inside the HEAD tag is the TITLE tag which is what is displayed in the browser bar, so: <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>My Cool Web Page!</TITLE></HEAD></HTML> the part that you see should be enclosed in the BODY tag, and any text in the BODY tag will appear as text, so: <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>My Cool Web Page!</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>This is my very cool web page!</BODY></HTML> BUT I WANT MY BACKGROUND TO BE BLACK!!!well then you will do the following: <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>My Cool Web Page!</TITLE></HEAD><BODY BGCOLOR="black">This is my very cool web page!</BODY></HTML> GRR! NOW I CANT SEE MY TEXT!your text is black too! Well I want it white... ok, then add the FONT tag with the COLOR set to white : <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>My Cool Web Page!</TITLE></HEAD><BODY BGCOLOR="black"><FONT COLOR="white">This is my very cool web page!</FONT></BODY></HTML> ok that's better I want the text 'This is my very cool web page!' to be big like a header then use a H# tag where # is the header number from 1 to 6, where 1 is biggest and 6 is smallest. like such: <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>My Cool Web Page!</TITLE></HEAD><BODY BGCOLOR="black"><FONT COLOR="white"><H1>This is my very cool web page!</H1></FONT></BODY></HTML> What about a line across the page?use the HR tag, like: <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>My Cool Web Page!</TITLE></HEAD><BODY BGCOLOR="black"><FONT COLOR="white"><H1>This is my very cool web page!</H1><HR></FONT></BODY></HTML> now i want a link!ok... use the A tag with HREF set to the link you want it to go to... like such: <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>My Cool Web Page!</TITLE></HEAD><BODY BGCOLOR="black"><FONT COLOR="white"><H1>This is my very cool web page!</H1><HR><A HREF="http://winbots.org/">my other very cool website!</A></FONT></BODY></HTML> now i want a new lineuse the BR tag where ever you want a newline (note hitting enter will NOT start a new line): <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>My Cool Web Page!</TITLE></HEAD><BODY BGCOLOR="black"><FONT COLOR="white"><H1>This is my very cool web page!</H1><HR><A HREF="http://winbots.org/">my other very cool website!</A><BR>my other cool text..<BR>and my other line...</FONT></BODY></HTML> now i want to do just one more thing... i want a link to my emailok it works like a reguler link except instead of http://www.mydomain.com/, you do mailto:myemail@mydomain.com. <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>My Cool Web Page!</TITLE></HEAD><BODY BGCOLOR="black"><FONT COLOR="white"><H1>This is my very cool web page!</H1><HR><A HREF="http://winbots.org/">my other very cool website!</A><BR>my other cool text..<BR>and my other line...<BR><BR>you can email me <A HREF="mailto:Cobi@winbots.org">here</A></FONT></BODY></HTML>
  10. Yeh guys I will not be adding ipbrpg, i am thinking about adding one called kenka or this other rpg I can't remember, its really cool, Just wait. now i finally get about the psots being centered, i will fix that right now.
  11. I am a huge fan of 80's music. What happened to the button for the 80's? I will not let the 80's go out that easily.
  12. Does anyone in here use torrent downloads? What is your opinion? Should it be legalized? I am really curious because I have my own beliefs on the topic but want to know others.
  13. My list would be:Lord of the rings (all 3)the punishermy boss's daughter (pretty fun!)And.....Fahrenheit 911
  14. i want a free .info domain, if yous know any then pelase psot. https://www.namesecure.com/home.page needs credit card, dont yo uthink that if we had credit cards we would buy 1? iw ould, i could goto the right palce and get .com for like maybe 4dolars with stuff so.. i mean...
  15. lol it exists on my network
  16. iGuest


    If you look at features and stats, yes 2.0 is the best. I will switch when more people start developing mods and skins for it. When I run a forum, I don't want it to be like others, I wannt mod it and skin it.
  17. 1) i dont know 2) http://forums.xisto.com/
  18. yeah, but: 1) you dont need to know php to use irc 2) you can easily ban ppl from your irc channel 3) you can have as many irc channels as you want/can visit regulerly(regulerly is defined as visiting it at least once in 30 days) 4) if this server goes down, people can still use mirc to get on irc... 5) you don't loose your irc channel/nick if fnh switches servers 6) i dont know how many ppl use php chat... but i thought you would find these stats interesting: "There are 1,177,601 people in 492,320 (IRC) chatrooms right now!"(stats from http://search.mibbit.com/) 7) if there are that many people using irc then it is 'tried and true' 8) you can create irc rebots... i think it is a lil bit harder to create php chat bots... 9) anything else i need to add?!?
  19. Is this site run by the same person as the person who ran Nasway? Also, where are the hosting specs?
  20. I personally don't like the junk that FP puts on the page. I stick with text-editors with some HTML quick-buttons and the sort.
  21. iGuest

    php help

    Which version of pMA are you using?
  22. http://www.developer.com/
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