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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. I honestly hate Generals... :roll:As you said, RA2 looks more cartoon-ish, and in that way, I find it more enjoyable than Gen which just sorta copy the style of every other Strategy games... :)Personnally, I think RA2 is more fun, and have a better gameplay than Gen, so that's why I decided to make a mod for that game instead of the other...
  2. goes down means that it gets a 4xx(error) error code, a 5xx(server side error[scripts]) error code, a 3xx(Bad Request) error code or cant connect at all.... since when the db goes down the site still returns '200 OK' and the siteuptime doesnt report an error
  3. Do you guys no of any new rpgs for xbox i want to buy one buy i dont no of any new ones
  4. Any one here like fable :?: Its an awsome game i think they should make a sequal to it but they need votes to find out weathers people want them to make one or not...
  5. This FHN have a lot of outage because of bad Database problem.. but siteuptime reporting that it only goes down 3 time...
  6. iGuest

    The OC

    The OCs alright but i dont watch it all the time though
  7. Do you guys what Inuyasha its a pretty cool show
  8. i doubt there is a limit...if someone has an account but isnt using any space at all i dont suppose its taking up that much of the resources anyway?Also, i see you are 'mostly impressed' - well, ive been using this place for a couple of weeks and im very impressed - its definately worth coming here...its actually better than most paid hosts ive seen
  9. How much would it cost to make a pretty good size amp :?:
  10. Filezilla! Support open-source.
  11. iGuest


    Whats a good lap top i should buy theres so many and i dont no which one to get :?:
  12. I've noticed that too, but it seems we can't do much... (admin once talked about contacting Datacenter) ~ @Bondings : topic split with this one ~ Infraid
  13. Do you guys no of anything else thats accually worth buying and that has something of use... :?:
  14. do you guys no of any mp3 players than are acually good not one of those cheap ones, im looking for one thats about $250....
  15. You could go to edmonton and buy a g5 there they sell many computers games and more....
  16. I think that halo 2 and fable are awsome games but they should make a sequal to fable because that would be a great game, to see more on fable go to http://www.fable.com/.
  17. Yah warcraft is pretty cool. MACMAN :twisted:
  18. Anyone out there play freelancer? if not check out http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ , i think the demo give you the whole single player You can also add mod to it and make the game like star wars . A group of modders is making a star wars mod for the game, and it very few ppl there. We are rebel vs Imp. I'm at the rebel and we need people who can join. if play freelancer take a visit to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and join the Rebel (it is still many empty leader ranks so be fast before someone take them)
  19. iGuest


    Ok I'll send it to you in an email, although you'll have do do your own shoutbox and affiliates. Oh and keep the copyright thing. Just PM your email address to me and I'll send it.
  20. Not a bad site..Hope it goes well for you!
  21. Cancel my request for free hosting, you guys take WAY too long!!! I found another host , they offer 1gb of disk space,,10 gb of bandwidth and lots of extras for FREE, and it only took an hour for approval!! ~ funny, I had activated your account 4 hours ago... don't worry, for your pleasure I've removed it ~ Infraid ~ note to everyone: you should read my reply ~ Infraid
  22. I pay monthly hosting fee Ł1.50. And i put the donation box on because ive seen it on other sites. I have big plans for the site but lack the time and effort needed. Im thinking of getting rid of the hosting and redirect my domain(http://www.stonerocket.net/) to my FNH site. Is that possible? anybody know?
  23. great looking site,I`ll be on it later to design my own custom banner.
  24. Nobody seems to want to answer my question.
  25. Very true. :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil:
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