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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. yeah sorry for that. this is ment to be friendly place. lol :wink:
  2. go to a store like WAL-MART or K-MART or in a mall and u`ll get to pla ythe XBOX and the PS2. i still can`t believe u haven`t tryed any of them.
  3. iGuest


    i mthink everyone knows that . this post is no help man. think of something better.
  4. talking of GB i wonder how they`re gonna make the marios on the DS.
  5. iGuest

    Rpg fans

    Fable is the shiznet
  6. Because, we don't want visitors to read false comments about our services... letting them shouting out loud "I've waited for 2 weeks and still waiting" could have an impact on everyone willing to join FNH.Now, locked.
  7. Did anyone played that game?
  8. iGuest

    Rpg fans

    Did anyone played that game!
  9. ...too bad they ended it!what do u think?
  10. Well, it depends what you would like to do!VB is the easiest one!
  11. Yeah, Mario is cool! A few weeks ago I was playing it like almost every moment while having to wait for something or travelling - thanks to a GameBoy emulator on my mobile phone 8)
  12. iGuest

    IE :-(

    As long as MS will continue to bundle IE with Windows all other browsers will continue to share that 10% of the market...Btw, I think that IE sucks!
  13. iGuest


    PCs are the best!The games are much more cheaper!
  14. iGuest


    I don't know a about places in NY, but i do know about cameras -Fuji's cameras are the best ones!They are much better then olympus for exmaple :-)
  15. Hi,I have a great mp3 cd player in my car. Pioneer rules!btw, i also have a regular pionner mp3 cd player :-)
  16. I prefer windows - since there is just much more games&apps for it!Though, if you want to work with graphics design - mac is the correct choice!
  17. i don't know, i just have playstation 1. So i don't know what features eyc. these console has.
  18. you lucky you really lucky. i have to save up money to buy the games. lol even thiugh it takes me likke 3 weeks.
  19. fasterbthan in first nfs u. lol
  20. 2D gives your eyes less harm too. lol (it`s true)
  21. i wonder what are they gonna come up with next time they make a mario game.
  22. maybe they should do it by counting how many posts per quarter or something? - then anyone below say 20? or pick a number - that would be about 1 and a half a week... or 40 per half? - i dunno what limit you think active is though...so those numbers could be totally out or whatever....but something like that might work better? i mean...someone could get 200 posts, then never come back in 2 years and by your system still be active..... A script for it would be easy enough....even if you didnt want to adjust the phpbb tables you could do it by just running a quick script that totals it into a new table / column somewhere....
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