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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. hahhahha dude wait until all our site is up were gonna have lots of extreme videos
  2. I like watching extreme sports, eg. BMX, Snowboarding,Skateboarding and so on.would`nt even bother in trying them out myself tho, (I broke my foot the last-time i was on a skateboard)
  3. Cricket is boring..Its another game that the english invented and always get beat at. :cry: :cry:
  4. My football team is bolton wanderers. http://www.bwfc.co.uk/
  5. is there a version of the game for the pc?
  6. Who loves watching the A-team? I bet that how scrapheap challenge was born. (Building tanks out ov all kinds of crap)
  7. iGuest


    Went crap when mulder left.
  8. I dont really read books that much i prefer magazines.
  9. well if only my friends were to like it, it would b great, but they dont , so even if i like the game, playing it alone makes the game boring
  10. firefox, y cuz i love tab browsing and its just cool
  11. I downloaded firefox a couple of weeks ago, used it quite a lot in that time. noticed a few different things in it. Like- the <center></center> tag does`nt work the same as IE6.I must insist in saying MS IE6 is far better
  12. seeing as iam to lazy to type what i know i just shall copy and paste it. i have yet to play the game it will have to wait till soemtime after this weekend :cry: :cry: i got it off http://www.samus.co.uk/mprime2/storyline.shtml
  13. If its Hosted on FNH, it will be down for a while! Back on soon hopefully
  14. well, im not sure if its gonna b that long, but u gotta realize that the next generations are gonna need a fresh diablo, so ...blizzard will have to deliver, so lets hope for a good sequel, or remake , directors cut, or whatever form the next reincarnation is going to take!
  15. About storing files: You can NOT use your hosting to store file, you can have a site and have files for download but you can not use it just to store files.About being active: Do a search on the forums, this has been talked about before.
  16. Pal are you sure your site is still working?
  17. ....its really funnny coz last week end i did saw a program about that, tellin that the bermuda triangle was a kind of AREA51 . It appears that there is a special army base there and that u cant get too close without been catch by marines. .............the truth is out there !!!
  18. I tried to post the reply but the page gave me a 101 errors i tried three times and lo you have it three times......these softwares I tell you....
  19. You can install php-nuke in 4 clicks from your control panel at FNH.... All for freee.... this is great about FNH.YOu just need to wait and be active in this forum until you get your own free hosting..... of course you sshould be active after getting your hosting too. So, welcome!!!
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