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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. As I see it, the graphics will have to enchance quite a bit in order to make the cut....don't you all agree? D2 couldn't look like D1 because by the time D2 was released....D1 and its graphics were old school
  2. thanks; when does this game come out and for what?
  3. tr00, tr00 I've got a lot of their cd's... i listen to punk-rock music generally....
  4. http://www.hotscripts.com/ :wink:
  5. erm?what are you talking about
  6. Hehehe...so funny... I wish he would have gotten some questions right for the strip session though. Stupid billy :roll: I just watched Garden State, man is that a goooood movie!!! I don't care if you don't like Natalie Portman, she is an amazing actress. She can take so many different acting roles so well.
  7. i got a compaq laptop its not the best but its ok
  8. why do you guys make so much stuff just buy it lol
  9. im getting a digital camera soon i hope i want an hp or olimpus
  10. macs alright but windows is better i think
  11. Gimp is a free photoshop type program. Open Source. https://www.gimp.org/ It will do what you need.
  12. This is a totally free full version of Age of Shadows (+ tweaks) !! (gotta download the provided client, everything's included) @Hayloe : I'll find you if you give me your name... (there's a system similar to instant messaging ! )
  13. It's not that your image is too big, the image uploading just doesn't work on this forum.You can use imageshack.us to host it.
  14. Concerning Ultima Online, please continue to that thread :arrow:
  15. do i have to pay to be ultima online or is there free user :?: if its a free user do you gotta download it or is it online with a pop up??? ~ have merged your double post ~ Infraid
  16. i cant wait untill xbox 2 comes out in a few years it will have many rpg games
  17. Encore his new album rules!!!!!
  18. :idea: : you too have eyes...
  19. I'm going to have to agree with Hayloe ^ up there. There are so so many galaxies and planets in the Universe, the chances are very good that life will exist on another planet in another galaxy similar to ours.--Clint
  20. Yeah futurama & CSI are ql... I USED to watch 7th Heaven but it got just all to greasy... 8)
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