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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. If you want it i would use this thing called fantastico. It has it allready installed this hosting service has it. It saves alot of trouble
  2. Same here, djbungle. I learnt a long time ago not to clutter up my computer with stuff unless I really need it. That advice came from a computer guru on a TV program I don't see anymore called Disk Doctors.
  3. iGuest

    Pay pal

    How much does it cost to have it on your site so people can donate.
  4. Php Nuke is a great program to use. Read about it here https://www.phpnuke.org/
  5. People talk about it, and I finally feel like asking what it is...
  6. iGuest

    Php nuke

    Are you allowd to edit the themes? Like change the banner and all of that.
  7. iGuest

    Php nuke

    Template Demo: You can preview nukemods theme here.
  8. iGuest

    Php nuke

    Nice they have some cool themes here i think i will registar and try a few thx
  9. WOW!Have you done it with Photoshop ?If yes, pls tell me how to do something like that
  10. iGuest


    My Dad just brought home 500 packets of instant noodles! LMAO--------------------------------------
  11. iGuest

    Php nuke

    Recomended sites:http://www.nukemods.com/ But you need to regiter to download their themes..very nice..
  12. that's the error I'm talking about
  13. iGuest


    Refer to phpbb.com or you can PM me if you need support..:PBtw I just install EasyMod and when I want to install a mod (eg:Mod_cp extension) but it doesn't appeared proceed button..??? Don't know why..
  14. Hmm..i don't see a error with mozilla but the flags are ugly :P
  15. iGuest


    i have a account in 100webspace.com but i don't know install phpbb in it please help me!!
  16. COOL! very nice.~ :wink: the color, the font, the pic, the sig - PERFECT MATCH :!:
  17. I don't use and need toolbars...
  18. I use google toolbar. Almost installed the google desktop until I read up on security issues. The google deskbar archives all the files that you specify and stores them in a commonly known place. As far as I know this is not able to be changed. If you use it and you were hacked you would be SOL because they would have access to every file you ever didn't want read. Just a thought figured you all would want to know. If you want to block popups get sp2 and install trend micro PC cillin. along with zone alarm pro. I have had these installed for the past few months and have not received any pop ups. Very nicetake care and good luck
  19. ohhh... ok then. It doesnt matter then.
  20. darklord.info will be registered and working in the next 24 hours .....But you need to provide me the nameservers of your hosting company first so that I can update the nameservers. Thank You For the design. My mail address is meetjayanth@gmail.com you can mail me your nameservers and I will register the domain for you. Thank You Once Again.
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