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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. lol.my prefered forum is Invision
  2. I've got a PIV 3.0 Prescott 512 Mb DDRATI Radeon 9800 XT 128 MbCreative Inspire 7.1 Audigy 2 ZSSATA 160 GbIomega DVD-RWand by now it's running smoothly! :twisted:
  3. well, the two most positive things I can say about her are:1. Travis did a very good version of "Hit me Baby One More Time" (BUT I think that in that case the kudos should go to Travis) and2.That riff in Toxic is cool (BUT obviously it wasn't she who made it) so...I think she is a decent entertainer (in the sense that she can convince a lot of people, whose musical taste one must question) and that's it. No way a good singer or musician.
  4. yea sodipodi is estonian, sorta like mishmash, or zigzag, from what I've heard. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  5. re: Dreamweaver... I find that Dreamweaver adds confusion. I like using WYSIWYGs. https://www.texpad.com/ is good. It's a good habbit to know all the code.
  6. Hi,Could you pls add me my email is ba55am_sa@hotmail.comThanx alot
  7. There are absolutely no restrictions on our hosting plans the only limitations is the bandwidth and space of your hosting package. Their are no boundaries except the peimeter of legallity, which one must stay inside.No ads on your pages, it doesn't get better then that.
  8. Very very intresting. I'll raise this issue with their webmaster. BTW, shouldn't Xisto be concerned about privacy too at, http://www.onestat.com/aspx/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fapp%2fstart.aspx Specially the last 20 visitor section reveals some good information. Their TOS clearly says that the statistics for their free accounts are publically available. If you want privacy of your visitors go for paid service. I'm just pointing a fact, no commenting.
  9. Yeah! *gives hi 5 to bass web* Kid A is the King!
  10. um... i know it's good...80 gig hd...dvd player...um... cd burner...64mb video card...amd athlon xp (it says on the front)it's black and silver
  11. <AFTER THE LIGHTS> http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ~ the link points to a CHINESE site... next time please mention this kind of info... ~ Infraid
  12. better with another theme
  13. Sodipodi? Could you share links or something? I got interested because sodipodi is a word in my native language.
  14. iGuest

    Gmail invite

    Hello everybody Today i have some gift for member of freenukehosting They are some invition of Gmail which amazon buy with $52 per one account I have a lot of them Who's want? I'm ready Note: Just for member of freenukehosting and with topic, i want take into moderator group... Can you accept me, admin? ~ removed double post ~ Infraid
  15. 3128 transparent United States It's good for connect to cpanel:lol
  16. I can't believe this topic still recieve replies! Oh, well! This goes to show that Britney is really that popular and famous! An interesting artists of today's generation!
  17. Very nice design. The error looks very cool
  18. An advance site... Have more features than a forum including blocks, modules and more..
  19. not bad, m8! Like the banner! I'm the fan of Naruto...
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