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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. desperate housewives Rockswhat about Six Feet Under?and the Trailer Park Boys?
  2. In a sense you don't learn xoops, you just need a general knowledge in sql and php, as with any CMS:Then benfits are:You will understand a script while you look and be able to read through the hole cms at various custom functions ectYou can start to modify the source and make cool things or add new things.
  3. iGuest


    it's all just on TV as he installs it but it's also life and death that he sees everydaysick puppets orbitingsay what... :?:
  4. Be sure you have all your settings correctly set, an error maybe occuring with the mail function for some reason.Or if this is just an error with xoops i reccomend you download the latest version of the software and update your version you installed by running the upgrader, easy as that.
  5. Yes the way u hav described is exactly the same way cpanel uninstalls a script, I prefer to do it all manually using file manager and cpanel incase an error occurs int he cpanel script (uninstallation).
  6. Ok I get in and out of the anime scene. List some great Anime here that are "must sees" the only requirement is that it can't be on Toonami.
  7. holy Pontiaclover2004, U r maxthis should be a big formal space of it's own
  8. iGuest


    RANMA Ghost in the shellPrincess MonokeFLCLJin-RohAkira (and his kick *bottom* bike)
  9. Paperboy or Duckhunter anyone?
  10. So many great memories with that game (Goldeneye). Interesting how no one has suggested the game in my personal opinion that really started it "off." Original DOOM
  11. Support Center WOW, could work guess we'll see if n00bs can't get basics then tickets won't necessarily work the following code will not help either unless u need sm gut-laugh <symptom>n00by brain sore</symptom> <treatment>stick whack</treatment> {repeat if: yell loop=20 if: twitch loop=10 else goto: prognosis} <prognosis>dim</prognosis> hoo best of luck Sign In - if you dare
  12. The amount paid is based on the amount paid by advertisers to be displayed.But mainly to do with your clickthrough percentage, having a huge amount of page impressions and a small amount of clicks gives your a poor rate, and you will earn really badly. So don't put ads of every page of your website.The key to a good click through rate is obviously have more clicks with less page impressions, so to earn properly you need a good click:page impression ratio.Thus your clickthrough percentage is increased and you earn more. Well this is what happens with adsense I believe most other advertisement companies run on similar systems, however I am unsure.If your recieving a good amount of clicks I suggest you cut down the amount of advertisements a tiny bit, which should hopefully cut down the amount of page impressions a little. But fo course every website is viewed differently and by different genres of internet users who all act differently, one should monitor their sites activty over a period of time and try and find relative trends so they can adjust the amount of advertisements relative to the amount of page impressions (or traffic).Good luck
  13. If you were hosted and had cpanel, you could simply use a permanent redirection as opaque said, whihc does the server side of things for you automatically. This can be done with all parked domains you have added.
  14. The url mod used here is a further modifcation oft he friendly url mod found at invisionize, the problem with the original mod was that it didn't give exact html endings (whihc may be fixed now I havn't looked), so opaque andded a powerful regex function and it seemed to work. I used to be interested in phpnuke and yes it is easy to modify. If you were not aware of this, their is a phpnuke mod that uses mod_rewrite to convert to html fixes, this mod can be found at http://nukecops.com/ (I think) Yes you should be able to apply the same changes to a parked domain, but you must edit your root htaccess files with the modified (domain name) code.
  15. How do I create a new style in phpbb? like for the whole page to change?
  16. I think NFS 2 is easier than NFS 1
  17. Sorry we do not edit hosting accounts especially for one member, the way to get more parked domains is to post 50 NICE posts and request an account upgrade of which you can have 5 parked domains.So get posting, become a talented member.
  18. ie, ie, iiiieeeee stop/kill/remove the monopoly firefox rules
  19. stop dirty addictive <bad>smoke</bad>leave <good>herb</good> alone
  20. iGuest

    Gmail invite

    [n]=thousand yearsU wishhours, days, weeks, months [try]
  21. when is l33tgoin" to add http://forums.xisto.com/ to profile :?:
  22. iGuest


    i use Photoshop. It rules.im sorta a noob though, i know my way around the program and know some neat effects, but i want to learn banners and such.and yes MSpaint is an awsome program, lol, i use it all the time at my school, we have really crappy software.
  23. WOW. now that's open sourcelay it out boy
  24. Its illegal to smoke in a public place in B.C. no dirty smokers were i eat. u should add "smoke pot" on the poll. i dont but the majority of the kids at my school smoke pot. ive been offered pot like 5 times in the last three months.
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