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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Among recent authors, Michael Connely (Black Echo was the best!). But I also like Jane Austen :oops:
  2. A Linux OS I agree with BrianGon and geancanach. If it is not available for free distribution, that means that only the person who originally received the link are entitled to dowload it.
  3. It's more likely members of XWH trying to hurt FNH with negative reviews.
  4. That makes a lot more sense. After 24 hours in a busy thread you are running the risk of loosing it so it make sense to bump it if it is important(?), but I don't think it's acceptable to bump, just to make sure it stays at the top of the list. Just imagine if everybody did that! :wink:
  5. I'm happy to say I haven't, but I have had 3 teeth pulled out. I thought that was bad enough! :wink:
  6. What do you mean? You can't login? You can't see the page? It won't load after login? What's the problem?
  7. If anyone is interested I am starting a website with the name LadyBug's Links, and need a logo with those words, and some cool colorful ladybugs around the words. Let me know! Thanks,Ladybug :wink:
  8. Thanks! Very useful info as I was just about to post a question as to what CSS really was....thanks so much! These forums are a mother load of info for us newbies! Here is a very good introudscution to CSS: http://wendypeck.com/css101.html and an even better one: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ CSS is really cool because for me it allowed me to edit the whole look of my website in one go and made my website soooo much easier to handle. Dreamweaver can be used for writing CSS, but basic notepad can be used to write it manually which is what I do. skyglow1
  9. That really isn't cool...I like FNH and vote for them often!
  10. LOL I remember the day when I didn't know what bump meant.....haha I think people should at least wait 24 hours before they bump their message, most wait a few days...but that's just my opinion. :wink:
  11. Hey! that's very good! But i do anotherway , there's some result.1.Download all folder in old server.(in phpbb forum)2.Up load to new server (same folder name as old one)3.in phpmyadmin in oldserver, export phpbb sql .4.In new , creat SQL data,user and pass. SQL file have just exported.5.Open config.php and correct sql data,user,host name, pass as you have just created. All steps must be done exactly!
  12. I don't think it is coming true...though here in Kentucky in dec/jan it has been in the 60's..... :? still, I don't think what happened in the movie is happening. The bible says god would not let the earth be destroyed(and/or ruined)...so I have no worries.
  13. I like PHPNuke. Easy for me to use, which is the plus.
  14. I saw the movie and it rocked! Now you have inspired me to read the book, beacause I wasn't aware there was one. :wink:
  15. My favourite book is To Kill A Mocking Bird!
  16. Who among here had root canal treatment to save their tooth? I'm quite curious because I'm currently undergoing this treatment. :roll:
  17. Did you install any mod in forum? If you installed, you must reinstall exactly.
  18. Everytime I use a diferent computer, I see to it that I won't forget to vote for FNH with 5 stars. But as I have noticed, many are still voting FNH with one star. I don't know if who they are. Maybe they're the ones who were not accepted here because of bad attitude in the forums or what. Anyways, the real score why FNH can't reach the the no. 1 spot is because of these people who are trying to pull FNH down by writing bad reviews at ClickHereFree. 5 is the perfect score and the no. of stars the people will give as a review for FNH will be added together and will be divided to how many these people are. For sure, if there are still many who will poorly rate FNH, we'll never be on top. Take Omega Webhost for an instance, they only had 18 reviews but since these reviews all gave 5 stars for Omega, it had perfect stars and they are at the top. About FNH, currently we have more than 700 reviews but we're still at no.8 spot with only a minimal difference from other hosts in terms of points.
  19. The link to support is http://forums.xisto.com/ I think they have announced that problems should be talked with the admin throught the Support Center but until now, I still can't use the support Center!
  20. Halo 2 is great for xbox...............
  21. Sorry, I think I got that one wrong. Anyways, I would like to thank Whizz for the correct information and of course the Admin that I'm hosted on the before January 1, 2005! That means, my account is secured! Thanks again!
  22. Hey, Thanks For The Link. I was looking for it..........
  23. Ummm... This is all I get when I go there: Is this supposed to be it? If so, there's no PHP involved in that. If not, can you describe the script?
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