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Windows is not a web server like Apache...Windows is an OS,while Apache is a program
Once there was A big fat Lama eating a game called the 'two lama's and when he finished he dropped dead on the spot, four legs skyward, which was his least faorite thing in the world but he wanted to experience the pain of dying like a horse using an enema from the space ground mission scientist who were owned by the little grey polish surfers and the big flying golden horse with tennis shoes and so he prepared for his final count down by doing the full monty and dropped dead again. Then an ambulance, drawn by monkeys hit the submarine so it sank and flipped it's black sturdy wheels into the sky, meeting its maker in the compacter, so when it came out the compactor expanded.[/code]
I don't understand your problem. Why do you need to install it, you already have it? In your cpanel, click "webmail" and you'll find 3 services - "Neomail", "Horde" and "Squirrelmail".
u are right but firefox is really better it dont get BHO's installed well and cookies are now need for many popular sites to be browsed propoerly on your system. so u cant avoide cookies FIREFOX rocks man
Once there was A big fat Lama eating a game called the 'two lama's and when he finished he dropped dead on the spot, four legs skyward, which was his least faorite thing in the world but he wanted to experience the pain of dying like a horse using an enema from the space ground mission scientist who were owned by the little grey polish surfers and the big flying golden horse with tennis shoes and so he prepared for his final count down by doing the full monty and dropped dead again. Then an ambulance, drawn by monkeys hit the submarine so it sank and flipped it's black sturdy wheels into the sky, meeting its maker in the compacter, so when it came out the
LOL!U want to make?!Or u mean install?The space and bandwidth of the forum depends on wad u are using,and any extra themes or not or plugins....But i m sure that freenukehosting's plans can accmodate at least 10 forums
At a recent computer expo (COMDEX), Bill Gates reportedly compared thecomputer industry with the auto industry and stated, "If GM had kept upwith technology like the computer industry has, we would all be driving$25.00 cars that got 1,000 miles to the gallon".In response to Bill's comments, General Motors issued a press releasestating,"If GM had developed technology like Microsoft, we would all be drivingcars with following characteristics:1. For no reason whatsoever, your car would crash twice a day.2. Every time they repainted the lines in the road, you would have to buy anew car.3. Occasionally your car would die on the freeway for no reason. You wouldhave to pull over to the side of the road, close all of the windows, shutoff the car, restart it, and reopen the windows before you could continue.For some reason you would simply accept this.4. Occasionally, executing a manoeuvre such as a left turn would cause yourcar to shut down and refuse to restart, in which case you would have toreinstall the engine.5. Macintosh would make a car that was powered by the sun, was reliable,five times as fast and twice as easy to drive - but would run on only fivepercent of the roads.6. The oil, water temperature, and alternator warning lights would all bereplaced by a single "This Car Has Performed An Illegal Operation" warninglight.7. The airbag system would ask "Are you sure?" before deploying.8. Occasionally, for no reason whatsoever, your car would lock you out andrefuse to let you in until you simultaneously lifted the door handle,turned the key and grabbed hold of the radio antenna.9. Every time a new car was introduced car buyers would have to learn howto drive all over again because none of the controls would operate in thesame manner as the old car.10. You'd have to press the "Start" button to turn the engine off."
i like any PC which is fast,which dont hang,and which is well supported by my linux distros
Once there was A big fat Lama eating a game called the 'two lama's and when he finished he dropped dead on the spot, four legs skyward, which was his least faorite thing in the world but he wanted to experience the pain of dying like a horse using an enema from the space ground mission scientist who were owned by the little grey polish surfers and the big flying golden horse with tennis shoes and so he prepared for his final count down by doing the full monty and dropped dead again. Then an ambulance, drawn by monkeys hit the submarine so it sank and flipped it's black sturdy wheels into the sky, meeting its maker in the compacter, so when it
hi there, i know a good domain forwarding site u need to have a domain name, and they host it , https://www.zoneedit.com/ well and if u dont have a domain just try http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ its basically a redirection but it looks like domain, enjoy
i have tried squirellmail installation, well read the installation notes and do as it says here i am pasting them if u dont have Installing SquirrelMail ======================= Table of Contents: 0. (QUICK!) Quick install guide 1. (PHP4) Configure your webserver to work with PHP4 2. (IMAP) Setting up IMAP (not covered) 3. (INSTALL) Obtaining and installing SquirrelMail 4. (RUN) Running SquirrelMail 5. (CHARSETS) Russian Charsets 0. QUICK INSTALL GUIDE ---------------------- Each of these steps is covered in detail below. - Install webserver and PHP4 (at least 4.0.6). - Install IMAP server (see docs of that server). - Unpack the SquirrelMail package in a web-accessible location. - Select a data-dir and attachment dir, outside the webtree (e.g. in /var). The data-dir (for user prefs) should be owned by the user the webserver runs as (eg www-data). The attachment dir (for uploading files as attachments) should be file mode 0730 and in the same group as the webserver. - Run config/conf.pl from the command line. Use the D option to load predefined options for specific IMAP servers, and edit at least the Server Settings and General Options (datadir). - Browse to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to log in. 1. CONFIGURE YOUR WEBSERVER TO WORK WITH PHP4 --------------------------------------------- If your webserver does not already have PHP you must configure it to work with PHP. You need at least PHP v4.0.6. SquirrelMail uses the standard suffix .php for all PHP4 files. You can find PHP at http://php.net/. See the documentation that comes with PHP for instructions how to set it up. The PHP IMAP extension is NOT neccessary at all (but won't harm)! Below is a list of optional PHP extensions: --with-ldap Required for LDAP addressbooks --with-mhash Will improve charset decoding if present --with-mysql For MySQL storage of preferences or addressbooks --with-openssl When you want to use encrypted IMAP connections (TLS) If you're going to use LDAP in the addressbook, you must compile PHP with the LDAP extension. Include the MHASH extension to improve performance in character set decoding. If you want your users to attach files to their mails, make sure File Uploads in php.ini is set to On. 2. SETTING UP IMAP ------------------ This depends a lot on the server your choose. See the documentation that comes with your server. If you're concerned about people accessing it directly, you can limit access to only the IP of the webserver. 3. OBTAINING AND INSTALLING SQUIRRELMAIL ---------------------------------------- SquirrelMail is constantly being improved. Therefore you should always get the newest version around. Look at http://www.squirrelmail.org/ to see what it is. If you want to be bleeding edge you might want to consider using the latest CVS version (with the latest and most fashionable bugs). a. Download SquirrelMail Get SquirrelMail from the address above if you do not have it or are uncertain if you have the newest version. Untar (again tar xvfz filename.tgz) SquirrelMail in a directory that is readable for your webserver. b. Setting up directories SquirrelMail uses two directories to store user configuration and attachments that are about to be sent. You might want to have these directories outside of your web tree. The data directory is used for storing user preferences, like signature, name and theme. When unpacking the sources this directory is created as data/ in your SquirrelMail directory. This directory must be writable by the webserver. If your webserver is running as the user "nobody" you can fix this by running: $ chown -R nobody data $ chgrp -R nobody data Keep in mind that with different installations, the web server could typically run as userid/groupid of nobody/nobody, nobody/nogroup, apache/apache or www-data/www-data. The best way to find out is to read the web server's configuration file. There also needs to be a directory where attachments are stored before they are sent. Since personal mail is stored in this directory you might want to be a bit careful about how you set it up. It should be owned by another user than the webserver is running as (root might be a good choice) and the webserver should have write and execute permissions on the directory, but should not have read permissions. You could do this by running these commands (still granted that the webserver is running as nobody/nobody) $ cd /var/some/place $ mkdir SomeDirectory $ chgrp -R nobody SomeDirectory $ chmod 730 SomeDirectory If you trust all the users on you system not to read mail they are not supposed to read change the last line to chmod 777 SomeDirectory or simply use /tmp as you attachments directory. If a user is aborting a mail but has uploaded some attachments to it the files will be lying around in this directory forever if you do not remove them. To fix this, it is recommended to create a cron job that deletes everything in the attachment directory. Something similar to the following will be good enough: $ cd /var/attach/directory $ rm -f * However, this will delete attachments that are currently in use by people sending email when the cron job runs. You can either (1) make sure that the cron job runs at an obscure hour and hope that nobody gets upset, or (2) you can run a modified version of the commands above. Check out the man pages for other commands such as 'find' or 'tmpreaper'. One sample script you could set up that would erase all attachments, but wouldn't erase preferences, address books, or the like (just in case your attachment directory is the same as your data directory) might look like this: $ rm `find /var/attach/directory -atime +2 | grep -v "." | grep -v _` Remember to be careful with whatever method you do use, and to test out the command before it potentially wipes out everyone's preferences. c. Setting up SquirrelMail There are two ways to configure SquirrelMail. In the config/ directory, there is a perl script called conf.pl that will aid you in the configuration process. This is the recommended way of handling the config. You can also copy the config/config_default.php file to config/config.php and edit that manually. 4. RUNNING SQUIRRELMAIL ----------------------- Point your browser at the URL at which SquirrelMail is installed. A possible example of this is: http://www.yourdomain.com/squirrelmail It should be pretty straight forward to use. Some more documentation might show up one day or another. 5. RUSSIAN CHARSETS ------------------- For information on how to make SquirrelMail work with Russian Apache, see the README.russian_apache in the doc/ subdirectory.
additionally, you can download samples for viewing. goto http://www.hotscripts.com/category/scripts/php/ that's where i first learn php.
as far as i know, there isnt any. but, there is a possible way to do that using a "middle man". this is how it works;1. have a flash that export external text files2. the flash must have some LoadExternalVars or something that will point out to other dynamic document, such as a PHP document.3. the output from the PHP(example) document will be the variables which can be loaded by the flash files.i hope i'm not making you more confused, i'm not sure how to explain it to you. but i'll search some links for it in the future.
That sounds pretty painful. O_o Don't you just love group hugs [thatinvovlehittingandkickingandbaseballbats]?
its closed for the time being.... :oops: EDIT: its here http://www.nukecops.com/downloads-cats-3-50-10.html
what an a**
I have not heard of it either.
Yep. National Lampoons Christmas Vacation
When it comes, it will come. Kinda like the apocolypse.
Yeah same here. I like stuff thats hard to categorise.Bands like Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, Aphex Twin and othersI am liking the Crash Test Dummies at the moment too.
whats squrril mail i have nebver heard of it oO
best X-mas movie is christmas vacation XD
any song that catches my intrest oO
who voted alien ware can build one for like 1/4th the price they wantand can prolly find one froma dif company for 2/3's the price...custom rules XD