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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Your account has definatley been created?If it has, make sure you've written in the right stuff, refer to admins PM he sent you from when you got your account created
  2. Yuck, these drinks are made from rat poison
  3. i'll gladly set up a directory for fnh sites if anyone is willing to throw their hat in.
  4. Carlos.... I've never heard of you. Hello
  5. Can anyone explain how to record the music from C&C or Morrowind to the hardrive so you can listen to them later???Thanks
  6. I am Back So Dont Worry Your Accounts Will Be Done Fast
  7. iGuest


    Gohst:You seem knowledgeable in the subject.,could you explain/describe some of the main flavors of electronic music to a newbie???Thanks
  8. I enjoyed it alot because of the great acting and plausible scenarios....too bad it was not continued....Any idea when the movie comes out?
  9. I wish Darfur had serious amounts of oil so then Bush would invade.....Ok, i'm being iroinc there, but that would be the only way that troops would be sent to stop the killing. Human rights violations only spur action when there is a profit to be made by the multinationals... specially Haliburton et al...
  10. By miles, Coca Cola... but there was once this Pepsi Max, which had a really cool taste.
  11. I was raised like any other U.S. kid, n disbelieved when people we knew (and US citizens) would come back from south america n other parts of the world and tell us what the gov. was doing..... Now that i am living abroad, and traveled to several countries i can see that there are many things that are (purposefully) omitted n undisclosed in the states. Someone mentioned that people in the US don't have that good an idea about the rest of the world. If you intend to be a world police and only care to know about what goes on in your town, then whoever is doing the policing does what they want, no? Another thing, in a democracy, everyone is responsible since the gov. is kept in check by the people. Citizens are the ones responsable for the leaders they elect and for maintaining or disposing of them. It logically follows that a leader's largely uncontested actions will reflect on those who actively or passively support him. What i can verify from personal observation is that the US gov. has imposed multinational's interests on countries to the detriment of the local economy n standard of living. It has helped and financed low life thieves and criminal dictators (Trujillo, Noriega, Somoza, Menem, Duvalier...). Invaded countries for fun, but mostly profit . For a fuller list: http://www.yachana.org/teaching//resources/interventions.html Being where those things happened shows they are real. And while we permit those things to happen, we'll be considered responsable in some way. p.s. Read "What Uncle Sam really wants" by Noam Chomsky
  12. an old school game system would be.....atari and namico
  13. starcraft is da bomb iof anyone wants to play me msg me
  14. iGuest


    this game is pretty good website:https://secure.tibia.com/mmorpg/free-multiplayer-online-role-playing-game.php
  15. relax bro give it some time there tranfering alot of requests i see your reply on pg7 now you will just have to be cool and wait it out like other
  16. mine is simple.... basic sound card, and these speakers nothing special
  17. I voted for Coca Cola & i think it is yummier then Pepsi
  18. Wow, some serious flaming here. :arrow: Just to say in advance, I'm trying to give advice, and I'm not here to get on somebody's case and p**s anybody off. So if anyone's going to get angry at the suggestions and ideas that I have below, just stop reading now. All cleared up? Good. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is your business website??? Sorry, but IMHO, this site does not offer a stylish, professional, business look to it. I would suggest going to the add-ons site for any major forum (Ikonboard, phpBB, etc.) and take a look at their downloadable skins. You'll get some great ideas for making your skin easier on the eyes, classy, and professional. :wink: For starters, bright blue is not a colour to use for a background like that. Go for something more on the grey side, or a bit paler. See how the background to this site is light on the eyes, yet isn't boring or tastless. Next thing: do away with :!:ANY:!: animated GIFs. Animated GIFs have a very unprofessional look about them (hense why teen blogs seem to have tons of them). Your top graphic is the second (background = first) thing that your customers are going to see. Take a look on almost any professional business site, and you will not see a single animated GIF on the good ones. The rare exception is a display of their products that slowly fade in and out. Green background Google Ads? AHH!! MY EYES!!! lol. Not the best colour to pick. Your text is hard to read. Stick with black if you change the background to something easier on the eyes. It might not be a bad idea to create a page on your awards and such. Where it is at the top is an akward place. Lots of counter hosts offer small icons that appear at the bottom of the page that aren't as visible. It will also give you more information about your hits such as location, time, IP address, etc. You're probably better to use those kinds instead of the current one. Well, that's my two cents. It'd be nice to see your website take off, get a domain and operate outside of the boundaries of a forum. Forums are useful, but they're not designed for this kind of job.
  19. Well, I haven't read any but the first posts, but I am an American citizen and have lived in the United States of America since I was 4 months old, once I was adopted from Seoul, South Korea. (i'm 15 now). I honostly believe that many people around the world have a right to hate the US. For one thing, we definately don't provide enough aide, both economically, and socially to the world.Look at the Tsunami for example. We are contributing 350 Million USD at least. That's about $1.19 per US citizen, and we are definately by far the richest country.Look at Japan, they are contributing 500 Million USD, that's over 3 dollars per person there, and they still could be contributing more. Especially look at Norway/Sweden, Norway is paying less than the US, but if you look at their population, it's about $36.26 USD per person, compared to the US's $1.19 per person.The US is to greedy with Oil, and energy production, we pollute way to much. We could easily convert all power generation to clean methods like Solar Power here in Florida, geo-thermal in Hawaii and in California and Washington State. Hydropower in other Gulf and Ocean boerdering states, or even Nuclear if we have to.Bottom line is, the US is greedy for money, power, wealth, glory, and oil especially, and plus Bush is a complete idiot, and the people who believe in him are also not the brightest people, i mean look at some of the states he won...Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida (yes even my state), not exactly the smartest states of the bunch, all the educated people voted for Kerry becuase Kerry was the smart choice, the choice that would've brought the World to see the US for what it could be, and not as a Red Neck, Greedy, Violent, Incompetant nation like Bush represents our country to be.People may not agree with this post, but so be it. I am a Full Flegded Democrat, and if you aren't, that is your choice, I may not agree with what you believe in, but that is your choice, that's why they call it America. Which is also a reason we shouldn't have the Anti-Terrorist Laws that our good old retiring Attourney General Ashcroft put forth into our laws. We are a free country, and everyone is entitled to their opinions, so if you think otherwise, that is your choice, we all have rights, but justice is not automatic. BTW, if I ever travel outside the US/Canada, then I have decided, i'm traveling as a Canadian lol .Kevin Cho - Pioneer Audio Productions General Manager
  20. Both are getting boring with times
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