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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. What the heck. I thought ebooks just got emailed to you or downloaded. You gotta pay for the bandwidth or something??
  2. Mesa Victor Wang. Mesa 17. Mesa Canadian. Eh.I'm trying to set up a website for my friend's radio station. I'm so excited. And I just can't hide it.
  3. I think there's still a bug.. :|
  4. when i add user to db in cpanel it say $dbh=mysql_connect ("localhost", "ruoning_xxx", "<PASSWORD HERE>") or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error());mysql_select_db ("ruoning_yyy");plz help me !thanks
  5. thanks skyglow.... if u noticed the banner changes everytime u refresh the page...
  6. WOW that's a great tutorial. I always wondered what would happen if they just ripped you off and stole the site and didn't pay you... a deposit... very smart..
  7. Might there be a place where we can play with, toy, or generally *f* around with the idea of online ID? Even in the so-called honest into spaces peeps do that all the time. Can we please have a space to make it funny? edit where is the space for online comedy - not copied jokes but just good com3dic call and response? We had the spam space but that wasn't appropriate for good comedy because it was located in the bad neighbourhood of spam and wasn't respected. Can FNH take a stand that respects online call and response comedy?
  8. well you have to admit... that's a LOT of links!!! :shock:
  9. guest, 3dsmax is a program for making 3d models and animation on your computer. it's really really really cool. you can get a 30 day demo off http://www.autodesk.com/solutionsim in the process of animating a dracolich i made.. this skeletal bipedal dragon like creature with wings of course, and a relatively tail. cool coolz3dcafe is the best
  10. Yeah..because of the server.. :?
  11. the link is broken.. there is no picture. :cry:
  12. wow.. free translating services.. what a great community.
  13. arrr i don't like the host of fear factor. mmnnn yea. it'd be kind cool if there was a better host. i like how they get to eat pig ears and insects and stuff... considered delicacies in many cultures
  14. yea.. if only all men would walk out to their deaths, knowingly
  15. Thats good. Theres still alot more members like this though.
  16. never. not in a decade. and im only 17 no i have no clue
  17. Yea..I have deleted their accounts...they used fake email like 02174014@941428.net
  18. more: things that i hope NOT happening in any hosting communities:first, they give you free accounts for their promotion, then they say they got server problems, then, they start asking you to pay to continue your hosting account.why? because it already happened to me. i hope fnh will not do something like that.
  19. these are peoples opinions, just cuz acouple suicidal kids felt like they had a reason to live because of that song, doesnt make people like the band any more.
  20. iGuest


    yup, i got the same problem too. i believe there are problem at cpanel installation.
  21. all the best to the community and anybody who comes up against you (u)
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