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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. LoL, my "privates" are 3 lines long I dont have to say welcome, because your allready are here
  2. oh yea keane. at first i was like wtf no guitar. hahah what a joke. but they are uber. so yes. quite a unique sound.. u don't generally think of piano and drums as going togther nicely, but hey.oh yea, go oasis too.
  3. I used the first main FTP account in the list in my host CP (my free hosting requested in this forum). I can access, but can't upload any thing to my host.
  4. I have all of their albums. But I got bored because the quality of each release was wibbly wobbly at best and each song was only slightly good than the others, there was no real sense of... anything I dont know I just got bored of the,. That frantic feel they tried to creat on Hail To The Theif was annoying. Well Idont know I just looked for something "new".
  5. Good stuff.One day I will open a design website (*sigh* I can only dream for now).I will rememebr your words of wisdom.
  6. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  7. guitar yeaaas. and technically the voice is an instrument too...im so not coordinated.. if i played drums it'd be like KRAKLXXXXXX BOOM OBMM AA
  8. Yeah I was going to mention that, but I thought against it. :wink:
  9. im confused. if u are implying that radiohead songs sound the same ur so so so very wrong...they're like 5 bands in one, almost. they had like, phases.
  10. they have some wierd magic about them.like you feel like life is pointless and u sorta wanna die if u listen to them too much... maybe i just have issues.
  11. http://www.perihelion.tk/ prepare to laugh ur *bottom* off
  12. i try to play guitar. and i try to sing. i got my first guitar for $5 broken like a year ago.. and then i fixed it.. and it was still nearly unplayable.. so i got a strat. yep yep. im supposedly in a band. good for me. i played the ukulele back in grade 5.... and the recorder in grade 4.... and i bit of harmonica with my dad... and im in grade 12.. bye.omg i want a keyboard. not like the one on typing on, u know a piano like one. yes. with a bunch of cool effects and then i'd be cool. and be like midiman. woot midi.
  13. haha my parents have a jackie chan cd. it's in this room with me right now as i type, but i've never listened to it... maybe i should sometime. does he sing in chinese or what
  14. Yeah, I hope the first one is not more encouraged and is f##ked and mine is funny - althogh you better check with Gohst on that.
  15. haiz.. mi either hate or love america.. juz nutrual...i still tink the bush attack iraq is a wrong 1....but overall amercia ppl r still great.. :!:
  16. hahah oh man. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ listen to those clipswith a $5 mic and some free software.. and some mostly untalented kids. that's me btw. haha
  18. lol.. i tink the admin intention is to make the coummunity more lively..the admin now r oso much more efficient.. i juz re request my hosting(due to shifting of server) today in the morning.. n get it int he afternoon..great job guys! :mrgreen:
  19. i like mm more than slipknot.. slipknot is too random... and they seem pretty pointless.. like the masks... which are supposed to represent the hidden self or something cheesy like that... really that's just an excuse to wear scary masks and look cool... but they're half decent i guess.
  20. Looks hell of a nice. But where is the logo on Header? Come on everyone needs a header logo :DAnd a HL2 template for a SOF2?
  21. OMG Aphex Twin is uberguber! but they have lyrics. listen to Milkman. haha
  22. I suggest black color for link bar?Good template
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