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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Fantastico seems out. Hope admin knows about this problem and will solve it soon....
  2. Edit lang-english.php in Hosting module folder...You will find difficulties to edit it if you don't PHP that good...
  3. http://www.miniclip.com/games/en/ If your ever bored and have BB access to net, and no games on PC use this site;.
  4. http://www.miniclip.com/games/en/ great for flash games.
  5. Personally I can wait. lol. If you want the 6th book for ?9.99 (plus P&P) give me a PM and I'll put you on the list.
  6. i dunno guys but trance sucks.....i used to listen psy trance and one day i jsut stoped.... check out Talamasca , wizzy noise .....
  7. Now there is an oxymoron if I ever read one. lol
  8. I don't hate America or the americans. I don't even hate Bush... I just think he's a liar and a murderer. If his intention was help Iraq, why did he tell the worls that they have weapons of mass destructuin when he knew they haven't??? All he wants is the oil. And he's dragging America to the bottomless pit he's fallin' in. I hope that America opens her eyes and see that Bush don?t care about americans. All he cares about is himself.
  9. iGuest

    help ftp

    Not a problem, I just wish people would read other posts before they think they are the unique person out there who is only suffering. I'm sure all things will be sorted soon.
  10. The server is still not operating properly, just wait till they give us the OK
  11. iGuest

    help ftp

    ok man thanks a million
  12. No - English is fine. Just cause it might have a nock on effect in the community where we have people posting in a gizillion languages and nobody can read anything.
  13. iGuest

    help ftp

    That's because the server is still not 100% working. Just wait till we get the OK that everything is OK. You will possibly find that:*FTP does not work*You can't set a contact email or change password*You can not install a phpBB*Fan**** is not working.Just be wait.
  14. God, I really need to get a grab on them!
  15. The visitor of your web site PHP-NUKE can change to the design or theme quickly with this block <?phpif (eregi("block-Themes.php", $PHP_SELF)) { Header("Location: index.php"); die(); } global $user, $userinfo, $Default_Theme, $cookie; getusrinfo($user); $content .="<center>"; $content .= "<form action="modules.php?name=Your_Account" method="post">"; $content .= "<p></p>"; $content .= "<BR>"; $content .= "<select name="theme" onchange=submit();>"; $handle=opendir('themes'); while ($file = readdir($handle)) { if ( (!ereg("[.]",$file)) ) { $themelist .= "$file "; } } closedir($handle); $themelist = explode(" ", $themelist); sort($themelist); for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($themelist); $i++) { if($themelist[$i]!="") { $content .= "<option value="$themelist[$i]" "; if((($userinfo[theme]=="") && ($themelist[$i]=="$Default_Theme")) || ($userinfo[theme]==$themelist[$i])) $content .= "selected"; $content .= ">$themelist[$i]n"; } } $content .= "</select>"; $content .= "<input type="hidden" name="storynum" value="$userinfo[storynum]">"; $content .= "<input type="hidden" name="ublockon" value="$userinfo[ublockon]">"; $content .= "<input type="hidden" name="ublock" value="$userinfo[ublock]">"; $content .= "<input type="hidden" name="uname" value="$userinfo[uname]">"; $content .= "<input type="hidden" name="user_id" value="$userinfo[user_id]">"; $content .= "<input type="hidden" name="op" value="savetheme">"; $content .= "</form>"; $content .= "</center>"; ?>
  16. Because they have a back log to clear. Just be patitent.
  17. can some of you guys help me with FTP....i am trying to upload my php program (mambo) using ftp from windows commander and it just dont want to upload neither one file ... i was trying to create at least one folder and every time it just refuse
  18. Is is a joke or you really don't know if Rowling is a man or a woman? Just in case it's not a joke I answer your question: Woman. Release date of the 6th book call "Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince" is July 16, 2005. Release date for 4th movie (Goblet of Fire) is Nov. 18, 2005.
  19. Yeah My Bad. Was this post to make up your five post count? But yeah dog bites are nasty.
  20. Yep, you're right, that was dangerous (and stupid too!) but it makes no difference now because when my host recently upgraded their servers, my site was inadvertently deleted. However, you'll be able to view my site again in a week or so (hopefully). In the meantime, this is where I found that menu: http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex1/staticmenu.htm. Some modifications were required to make it XHTML 1.0 (Strict) compliant. It also looks a lot different on my site because of a cool CSS technique I learnt from the master of CSS, Stu Nicholls. Here is his site: :arrow: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. (If you really want to unleash the full power of CSS, go there!) :wink:
  21. I would it like much better if it wouldn't be about nothing.Nice try though
  22. Actually, the 6th part will be bigger than 4th but smaller than 5th according to Rowling.
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