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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. interesting theories im really interested in such things!i believe that conspiracies are evrywhere i cant think of any right now :/though brainwashing isnt a theory anymore it has been proven sientific
  2. Get me admin I emailed to you
  3. I applied for being a moderator, i'd like to help out
  4. I went to check it out .... but the having to register just to look made me :not look :roll: ...... sorry420 / Jack
  5. Well I just thought of this up.. Post any conspiracies you know. I will post a few of mine.*Washington, the city of the Devil? There are some strange clues. For one, the roads are in a star shaped pattern (exactly like the Devil's mark). The Grand Monument (duh I hope that's what they call it, I can't keep up with all the landmarks), where all the USA victims that have fallen in World War II is EXACTLY 666 feet in height, that includes the support under ground combined with the top. And there has been a lot of talk about the secret government meeting that could have been "the cult." Not even the president knows what the meetings are about. This realy shows that the president is nothing but a slave of the real government, not just in this situations, but many more.*It is belived that subliminal messenging brainwashes the human the brain into buying products, or anything else for that matter. It is used by embleming different images or messages in images, audio, and video. There was a mass-survey where they put a whole bunch of people in a theathre and showed a regular pepsi commercial and a subliminal popcorn message with SKYHIGH prices. At the end, they were rotated into the next movie. The popcorn oversold pepsi, which was pretty unusual, since the popcorn's price was raised to a significantly larger price. The test people have thought that they were testing new projection technology.Well that is it for me. Got anything else?.. I might add anything latter if I can get my brain to straighten out.. So many things to worry about today >.<
  6. ah thanks man... I really appreciate it
  7. the ram he doesn't use is spread out among those who do need it anyway.
  8. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  9. yeah just use older versions.. they work for me
  10. im not making 3d game im writing a 2d isometric game with a 3d engine (for lighting and easy coloring etc) and 3d acceleratingi have 2pixel artists i was just looking for a music designergood luck
  11. you can use a script with a login system (see in http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ) and put the download scripts page only in registered members page... -- Sorry if my english is bad
  12. How do you login to your fnh account :S
  13. Thanks for the note Nareth ."interested" .... well, heck yeah ..... Of course with music and sound design I'd Have no problem at all.Ideas and Think Tanking ... again no problem .... love to But the 3D Charactor and environment design is still out of my league.I've been learning on my own and even what I'm able to do is still verylimited and done in very unconventional ways .... would be hard[very] for me to fit in a conventional game design pipline ..... plus game design is and in of its self a whole new "ball game" when comparedto 3D animation/movie/eye candy making .Thanks,420 / Jack
  14. oh and please register in my forum
  15. yes Fantastico is working now
  16. iGuest


    DonĀ“t work the "Membership system" script -- See in http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ---- Sorry if my english is bad...
  17. I can't connecft to my FTP account too. I am using SmartFTP.skyglow1
  18. Yeah my first concert was Aerosmith in '78 and think was like 6 or 7$US27 years later and still going to them.... rock onForgot some...:.38 SpecialBon JoviCray, RoberyCinderellaDokkenDoobie BrothersELOGreat WhiteHall & OatesHuey Lewis & the NewsQueenSantanaSkin RowTeslaWalsh, JoeWhitesnake
  19. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  20. I played MTA a lot when I had the game installed. Looks like I'm going to have to install it again. 8)
  21. Use the Support form found on the main page of FNK or forums.
  22. I like MSN Messenger alot more then AIM.. Looks better and functions better. The only problem is noone uses it., only a few people.. So I mostly stick with AIM.
  23. Yeah its a good forum.You can find a lot good and usefull stuff here.I would also like to have a website and that free webspace would be very usefull, I hope I'm active enough for getting webspace :wink:
  24. i guess they are upgrading or what... it's always the same time when there is a new version of msn.
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