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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Well they could have a bug come up unexpectedly after the move; something that they wouldn't know could happen. Say all of the sudden the CPU usage sky rockets and won't go down? They have nothing to do but shut down the websites to correct it and bring the percentage(usage) down. Its just stuff like that that could have been unexpected. 8)
  2. i choose Christian - through individual choice I'm also thru birth, and i'd rather not explain, long story people have to have somthing to bealive in, otherwise Humans would get depressed without something to bealive in (i know i was there)
  3. ok nevermind, i made it myseld, took a wile though if anyone is interested in the code (THAT I MADE SO FAR, STILL MAKEING IT) here it is: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><html><head><title>$SITE_NAME</title><meta name="description" content="$description"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"><META HTTP-EQUIV="EXPIRES" CONTENT="0"><META HTTP-EQUIV="imagetoolbar" CONTENT="$imagetoolbar"><META NAME="RESOURCE-TYPE" CONTENT="DOCUMENT"><META NAME="DISTRIBUTION" CONTENT="$DISTRIBUTIONGLOBAL"><META NAME="AUTHOR" CONTENT="$AUTHOR"><META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="INDEX, FOLLOW, all"><META NAME="REVISIT-AFTER" CONTENT="$REVISIT-AFTER-DAYS"><META NAME="RATING" CONTENT="$RATING"><META NAME="COPYRIGHT" CONTENT="$Copyright"><LINK REL="SHORTCUT ICON" HREF="$SHORTCUT_ICON"><META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="$KEYWORDS"></head><body bgproperties=fixed text="#000000" id="all" leftmargin="10" topmargin="10" marginwidth="10" 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  4. I liked Resident Evil. Not so much for scares but because it was just a pretty good movie. I only saw it once when it was at the movies so I have no idea if I'd like it now days but I remember thinking it was pretty good.
  5. no i donti think hes red and blue and wears spandex
  6. Informative? More like scary! I'm never going to an eye doctor for the rest of my life!
  7. No, its not a teaser. It just completely says what happens in a really important scene in the movie. You must change what you wrote, there is no option here.
  8. Yep gamecube all the way for me too. It's also great fun when friends are over ...SSBM! Mario Tennis!! Wooo!
  9. Last time i saw a move with collateral in it, it wasn't so good, so i didn't watch it. Is it really that good? I'll go get it next time i'm at the video shop.Anyways, what makes it good? There's only like 2 movies i love, and that's terminator 2 and gladiator. They rock.
  10. Collateral has to be my fav movie...Tom and Jaimie Fox are great..what do you think
  11. did anyone see it..it was great..i plan on geting a mini mac soon.
  12. Use the "Search" button next time !, this has already been talked aboutMerge your double posts
  13. I think gamecube...you? I've added a poll - Hazaa-
  14. You request for free hosting in the "Request Free Hosting" Topic. You look at the readme in that topic which explains exactly how to request. You have to purchase a domain name yourself or you get a subdomain of xerox-hosting.com which means its either http://www.yourdomain.com/ or http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ good luck
  15. This is the only song I know of them and it's because of a friend but If you know Queen then you know their song "Another Bytes The Dust" If you've herd that song then you should some how look up the song called "Another Rides The Bus" it's by Weird Al 8) Great Song LOL
  16. Does anyone here listen to Christian music? If so list some artist you like.AvalonMark SchultsPhillips Craig and DeanSelahSteve GreenFFHCasting Crownsfew more
  17. can we all say...ummm...****? yeah I think that describes her 8) Talent :?: doubtful...yeah very doubtful you got my thoughts
  18. American. But I hate the state I'm in. New Mexico is so stupid. I've tried to order something over the phone before, and run into some knucklehead sales person who kept trying to convince me that they couldn't ship out of the USA. lol.
  19. Alright guys thanks alot. I was just wanted to find out what was going on, because in the other post it clearly stated that the bugs were fixed. Ill be patient from now on, just dont dissapoint people by telling them that all the bugs were fixed for sure next time. Thanks alot
  20. Hi ppl, first i mus tell you, that my english grammar is killing me I would ask anybody here, how can i get the here free web hosting for my site. Thnx !Subdomain : exe-bihAnd with hosting is domain or no ?Ask me pliz
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