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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. no, but i defitnely dont live in Texas.
  2. Yeah, but it's not! btw, were you living under a rock on Jupiter?
  3. yeah the small text is hard to read but easy to edit... I couldn't find a good font that looked nice in the small area!!! and the font name is Angry Blue Controlled if you want it or something lol...I don't see it at dafont.com so if you want it PM me or somethin lol...and the design is supposed to be a sword lol
  4. oh im from the USA but nope. lmao, whoever wrote tht articale or whatever in that site wrote that must feel stupid. lmao that looks like gang signs. but bushes wifes hand does look like the devils horn.
  5. ok 1 more question, i ant to install cashmod, with a mysql or whatever and i dont knowwhich one to use. there are 2 files that contain something that has to do with editing. so which one do i choise? "sql_222"? or "cm_install_222"?edited: nvm "c," stands for casmod thats the one i need to use. nvm.
  6. No, it's not edited, he does make the sign very very often, but he's also not a satanist. For those of you who live outside of the US or under a rock on Jupiter, Bush's home state is Texas. The University of Texas's logo is a long-horn. That is their symbol. Did any of you know that? :)
  7. Ok you know how it says 'copy" where do i paste that at? it doesnt say find or anything it just says add, and also for the "sql" what do i do with that? thanks. ##-----[ COPY ]------------------------------------------#admin/admin_user_bantron.php to admin/admin_user_bantron.phptemplates/subSilver/admin/user_bantron_body.tpl templates/subSilver/admin/user_bantron_body.tpltemplates/subSilver/admin/user_bantron_edit.tpl templates/subSilver/admin/user_bantron_edit.tpltemplates/subSilver/admin/user_bantron_reasons.tpl templates/subSilver/admin/user_bantron_reasons.tpl##-----[ SQL ]------------------------------------------#ALTER TABLE phpbb_banlistADD ban_time int(11) default NULL,ADD ban_expire_time int(11) default NULL,ADD ban_by_userid mediumint(8) default NULL,ADD ban_priv_reason text,ADD ban_pub_reason_mode tinyint(1) default NULL,
  8. next time check your e-mail... It says in BOLD letters FNH is back
  9. there we go! omfg, i didnt see the "edit" thing i didnt even think about clicking that. ok thanks alot i will see f i know how to instal hacks and then if i have any prolems i wil post.thanks alot for your help guys.
  10. oh ok, thanks Codefx, thats what i was asking! ok i will see if i can figure that out. thanks alot.
  11. Just add them directly into the file that is on the server. Go to cPanel->File Manager, navigate to the file, click on it, and click Edit File in the top right. You don't need to download/upload anything.
  12. I've been looking everywhere, but I cannot seem to find a simple image slider [that shows an image and has previous and next buttons] that allows me to have different sized images. Does anyone know where I can find one?
  13. that is so edited. bush would never do that in public he would get killed. and as a president you shouldnt really elieve in the dvi. and thatse dited. i can even edit it with paint. and if its in a random site its defintely fake. lmao! i dont think even a santist would make a satan sign while taking pictures with there husaband/wife lmao that is fake.
  14. Once there was A big fat Lama eating a game called the 'two lama's and when he finished he dropped dead on the spot, four legs skyward, which was his least faorite thing in the world but he wanted to experience the pain of dying like a horse using an enema from the space ground mission scientist who were owned by the little grey polish surfers and the big flying golden horse with tennis shoes and so he prepared for his final count down by doing the full monty and dropped dead again. Then an ambulance, drawn by monkeys hit the submarine so it sank and flipped it's black sturdy wheels into the sky, meeting its maker in the compacter, so when it came out the compactor expanded and blew up. Meanwhile the dragon was chasing the soldier of fortune to get his dinner in time ,as you do chase the aeroplane until you die, and so we got a big bite of bit. The big bite from big momma`s readily salted pork with fry chicken and juicy dumplings, was not always readily salted. So Bill gates started choking and died in the arms of G.W. Bush after which he shouted yeah *BLEEP* i'm finally dead! But was he??? Who the heck would have guessed that he would play dead now? so he tried to convince the belgium *person* community he was`nt gay. It didn't work. It just proved he likes men dressed up like David Hasslhoff and Bill O'Riley's mom, with sigares in his *bottom*, biting mom's big boobs, then he said milk for everyone but he was not so confident so he decided He had a great idea for removing *BLEEP* stains. And when he tried to lick his fingers he
  15. Theres more.. check out https://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=rebellionx&e=com its interesting and quite funny..
  16. stuff like that was made up, or mistaken, the bible has been around longer then any book, you think some one made a mistake along the line, thats why i don't go by it 100%, i make my one explinations that sound right, E.x. combineing the bible with science! onece u think in terms like that everything starts to sound right, and you still have faith and something to bealive in again, just my opinion The bible is no where near the oldest book. Zoroastrianism has been around with its holy books much longer than Judiaism. And since the Bible techinacally refers to the christian texts the Torah has been around longer as the have The Vedas and the Various Dicourses of Buddha. Not to mention works of greek philosophers and the Illaid and Oddyssey.
  17. That could have been edited, its not that hard to edit somebodys hand.
  18. I just don't know what all those folders are for. Some of those folders also contain folders.Do I need them? [except in the first image radio.blog is mine ] not in the picture.. and I know know what public_html is for, but do I need any of the other folders in the main directory?
  19. Thanks for .I will try it again.
  20. This is only a bit of fun OMG The main man is a satanist! I thought he was born again christain.. lol This is an Occult hand signal known as the horned hand or the 'II Comuto' Devil sign, which represents the horns of the Devil. It is used to other Satanists to signal one's allegiance to Satan, or to communicate the fact that the individual making the sign is part of the Illuminati control. The following photographs show just how widespread this evil is.... source http://rebellionx.com
  21. You don't need a conformation letter for admin setup. Just enter your data and click on Submit. Then go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, type your username and password and that's it.
  22. hey why dont u try tagboardz they offer a free remotely hosted Tagboard, it has a good appearance and easy to use... try it out: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or u can always download this tagboard chat script here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
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