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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Tell me how this picture loads for you... for some reason it loaded the bottom of the image first then went upwards, does that happen for you?
  2. I have one Sagem Myx5-2 Ohhh. thats great phone...
  3. lol, it's not closed I can wait... I havn't seen one that I absolutely LOVE yet, so let me see and ill tell ya waht I think!
  4. not bad..ar...the size are too small for a sig...
  5. I like playing Sims 2...... :wink:
  6. Hello everybody. My name is Ann. I come from Poland, so I a little speak English... :? Bye! 8)
  7. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ the site is powered by IPB 2.03, Portal System 2.1.7 by bfarber and a free skin from bbdimension which i customized to fit my liking.
  8. i've got one but its not up yet. Dont close the comp yet - unless you want to declare me the winner straight out :?:
  9. This is by far the most annoying show on Nick now days (yes more annoying than SpongeBob SquarePants. Its fo infuriating to watch because everyones voice on the show is so high pitched! Watch it next time and listen their voices are painful! I cant watch this show because its so damn annoying!!
  10. YEAH i didnt expect that have to admit but its ok 'cause they had the best offence at the championship........until next tournament we will have to wait.....I dunno about U but my personal opinion is that the best game on tournament was Croatia - Serbia&Montenegro
  11. OK well my intensions is to find what works best with different browsers, as I hate designing for all the different browsers if each one will give me different results, in the end I will only support browsers who are kept up with W3C, there's no reason not to put that as a priority.The software I used was called ASCII Art, an Image to ASCII convertor that could create HTML and CSS, although I had to edit hundreds of lines to make it W3C compliant as well as shifting the styles over to it's own file.I've got to run a few more tests on all these browsers, trying to target specifically where the problem lies, I'm a bit shocked at the state that Firefox came out on Fedora, it's the right size, just discoloured.So far Firefox is true to W3C and I've heard they're already started supporting CSS3, infact when I made a mistake in the CSS file, wasn't a big mistake IE decided to display it correctly, Firefox ignored the problem which I could see where the problem lied. If I trusted IE on that, I would have never corrected Firefox's display problem which comes to another conclusion, if you don't develop for all browsers you might not be seeing the incompatibilities.Now what I need to do is write up different pages for Opera, testing out as much CSS I can to figure out who, what, where, why and how.MC
  12. $code = md5($code); // IS THIS CORRECT?if(@$codigo != $code) header('Location: main.php');elseif($deporte . $rama . $enc_reg . $centro_trabajo == '') header("Location: reg1.php?codigo=$code&amp\x3benc_reg=$enc_reg");else{ //PRINCIPAL - MAIN?><link href="/css/base.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /><body style="background: url(/img/regbg.gif) no-repeat fixed top right;"><p><img src="./imgs/paso3.gif" border="0" alt=""></p><p>Gracias por identificarse <strong><?php echo $enc_reg; ?></strong></p><p>Registro de Jugadores de <?php echo $deporte . ' ' . $rame; ?> para el Centro de Trabajo <?php echo $centro_trabajo; ?></p><?php }$fecha = date('Y-m-d');$sqlcheck = "SELECT integrantes_restantes FROM equipos WHERE Centro_de_Trabajo = '$centro_trabajo' AND Deporte = '$deporte'";$querycheck = mysql_query($sqlcheck) or die(mysql_error());$A = mysql_fetch_object($querycheck);@$merror .= "Hasta $A -> integrantes_restantes jugadores por registrar.";if(@$ddok) // enviado - submitted{ if(@$ape1 . $ape2 . $nombre . $no_ficha . @$sit_cont . @$sub_sit_cont . $anios . $talla == '') @$merror .= '<p style="color: #990000' . "\x3b" . ' font-weight: bold' . "\x3b" . '">Por Favor Llene el Formulario completamente.</p>'; else // lleno - filled { // sql ya registrado รณ sancionado?? - sql registered or punished?? $sqlcheck = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sancionados, participantes WHERE sancionados.No_Ficha = '$no_ficha' AND participantes.No_Ficha = '$no_ficha'"; $querycheck = mysql_query($sqlcheck) or die(mysql_error()); // IS THERE SUPPOSE TO BE $A = mysql_fetch_object($querycheck); HERE? if($A -> integrantes_restantes == 0) // no hay lugares libres? - no positions left? { @$merror .= '<p style="color: #990000' . "\x3b" . 'font-weight: bold' . "x3b" . '">JUGADOR SANCIONADO, IMPOSIBLE REGISTRAR. <img src="/imgs/error.gif" alt=""></p>'; echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3' . "\x3b" . 'url=index.php" />'; } else // no registrado ni sancionado. hay cupo. - neither registered nor punished. positions availables { $situancionc = $sit_cont . ' ' . $sub_sit_cont; $sql = "INSERT INTO participantes VALUES (0, '$nombre', '$ape1', '$ape2', '$no_ficha', '$situancionc', '$talla', '$anios', '$deporte', '$rama', '$centro_trabajo', '$enc_reg', '$fecha')"; $query = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); // registro de jugador - storing player info $sql = "UPDATE equipos SET integrantes_restantest = (integrantes_restantest - 1) WHERE Centro_de_Trabajo = '$centro_trabajo' AND Deporte = '$deporte'"; $query = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); @$merror .= '<p>Jugador ' . $nombre . ' ' . $ape1 . ' ' . $ape2 . ' <strong>Registrado</strong> <img src="/imgs/oki.gif" alt=""></p>'; } }}form_jugadores(@$desp, $code, @$enc_reg, @$merror, @$deporte, @$rama, @$centro_trabajo);} // WHAT IS THIS CLOSING?// FIN PRINCIPAL - END MAIN //
  13. wow. nice website ! but it takes a lot of time to load... 8/10
  14. I am looking for a good ladder in php format that can handle most online game types out there. Must have a strong sql database already setup and I would hope there are modules I can add to it also. Hope someone out there has a clue to what I am asking for
  15. i hav played wow open eu beta - it's great !!! y you can play wow on "freeshard" server . use google to find some one.but sometimes this server broke down ... you can't buy items ..... -.- -.- -.-buy the game if you want to play online! :wink:
  16. Okay Im gonna post series because thats the type of guy I am...Cant just stick with one much less five.Lords Of The RingsAliensMatrixTerminatorStar WarsBlah just five series guess I cant mention I like star trek also.....oops guess I just did. :wink:
  17. Ah one of my favorite topics..... Online PC Games....HaloHalo 2FarCryDay Of DefeatCounter StrikeHalh LifeStar Wars Battle FrontNeed For Speed Underground (Both)
  18. very good tutorial! looks great! :!: 8/10
  19. As far as I know... last time i knew... It was just Little_OnE and me who created accounts, but Nazrin has done a fair few... I think he still does create accounts...
  20. Spain is the champion! What a surprise!
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