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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. search at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ de download file you find a install script.
  2. Hey folks, just thought it would be handy if anyone who knows of any scripts or free plugins for Sony Vegas 5.0 could leave a link here for other users...Shweet
  3. iGuest


    To be honest, that is a great idea. But how could it be implemented?? To do this manually would mean a lot of work by the admins In a perfect world there would be some kind of forum add on which would alert the admin etc - but this would mean that the forum and the hosting would have to be connected somehow. I guess it will never happen.
  4. LOL , greate joke . Damn, there must be a lot of net addicts in China for the government to actually implement all these rules and stuff. I remember, I think it was Korea, not sure, but they banned people from playing Ragnorak online...korea MADE that game.... man thats sad asia is not going to be the prerelease area anymore
  5. Yes, a more "developed" introduction would be welcome, can you extend on I am new here?But hello - and welcome. Stay active and remember not to spam
  6. iGuest


    To be honest, that is a great idea. But how could it be implemented?? To do this manually would mean a lot of work by the admins
  7. iGuest


    Could do something where account size reflects activity in community?!?
  8. LOL , greate joke . Damn, there must be a lot of net addicts in China for the government to actually implement all these rules and stuff. I remember, I think it was Korea, not sure, but they banned people from playing Ragnorak online...
  9. You can get free .info domains.You need your credit card to register it (so you wont abuse it) and then you can get a free .info domain.
  10. XP sucks, as was mentioned it's just Win2k more user-friendly, its GUI is hideous and it takes more resources than 2K, I agree with lsutjm, 2kPro is the best M$ OS.
  11. What are you talking about nareth! TRY TURNING CAPS OFF
  12. I record loadsa stuff, I even teach it at a local community centre... We use Acid Pro and Sonar mainly. I prefer Acid coz it's easy to use and can do loadsa stuff.
  13. Has anyone else noticed the rise in obscure cover songs lately... I first noticed it when I heard Hayseed Dixie who do bluegrass covers of ACDC and other rock acts, then I heard Nouvelle Vague who do bossa nova style covers of new wave 80's songs... Does anyone else know of bands who do altenate covers of songs?
  14. That should be interesting. A spam forum with a lot of spam about spam!!!!! :roll: Behold - the descend of fnh. :arrow:
  15. I'm in a band called El Jugador you can check out our music at http://www.el-jugador.com/... We are kinda alternative sometimes, folkish hip hop other times and stupid pop the rest of the time... heh
  16. i dont think the chinese can reply because the netcafe isshut downn...
  17. All Time High... they are a Scottish Hip Hop band and they are fantastic... They rap in their own accents! Dead catchy!!!
  18. 'Beginning Visual C++' from Wrox Press is exellent, don't get confused by the title, the first part deals with C++ only, nothing to do with MFC or Windows programming. This first part comes with VC++6 in chm format, great for starters.
  19. This is a very hard question to answer... Hmm... I'd probably go for 'Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood'... It's the first one that really stuck out in my mind at the moment! But I also like 'Tenacious D - Wonderboy', infact I changed my mind, definately Wonderboy!!!
  20. Hmm... I'd have to be between Where The Buffalo Roam (The original Hunter S. Thomson movie!!) or Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas!!! Heh... I'm a gonzo fan!! Eternal Sunshine was pretty cool though... Best Jim Carey film I've seen!
  21. ok, that's what we're talking about, I think that counts as SPAM! This one is not locked because ppl are still posting in it you retard. :twisted:WHOOOOOHOOO ADMIN FLAMING FNH EVIL GATE PORT WHOO FIRST POST ADMIN RETURNED 666 POSTS WOOHOO WHAT AN COINCEDENCE
  22. Hey everybody, I'm new to this forum and was just wondering if anyone here makes their own movies, whether it's shorts, random clips or animations??
  23. Does anybody know where I can get the JS official reference? developer.netscape.com is always down, thanks in advance.
  24. Yo dave, good intro. Welcome to FNH - remember to keep active and not to spam.
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