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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. I am installing a modded version of phpbb and I assume the Database username and Database password is my FTP login.. but what do I put for Database name?-edit- sorry for the truoble -_-'' I figured out I had to create the database in the cpanel... I'll jst leave this here in case someone else has this problem and couldn't find it like me :shock:
  2. Welcome Dan, Enjoy FNH, obey the rules and stay active.
  3. Welcome Ray, Enjoy FNH, obey the rules and stay active.
  4. Welcome Avy, Enjoy FNH, obey the rules and stay active.
  5. Welcome, Enjoy FNH, obey the rules and stay active. Also you might want to post a bit more information.
  6. Fantastico doesn't work right now, it's being installed.
  7. Welcome Kristof, Enjoy FNH, obey the rules and stay active.
  8. Welcome Lee, Enjoy FNH, obey the rules and stay active.
  9. The show of PSP in Europe an USA is on 29th April .Buuuuuuuuuuu
  10. Email: Wambling_geco@hotmail.comMSN: Wambling_geco@hotmail.comAOL: Geco012
  11. Number 4 will only work in IE.Numbers 2&3 will most likely be blocked by the Mozilla Popup blocker in Mozilla.Number 8 won't work because MouseOver is not a built-in function. You'll have to define it yourself.And thank you for putting the code into code tags!
  12. Or MySQL is down, as has been said in this thread...
  13. "http://forums.xisto.com/ doesn't support bmp files. Try using a different FTP client, such as Filezilla.
  14. -edit-I think I posted this in the wrong spot, I'll repost in PHPBB & other forum rescources
  15. It depends on the server load. But I have no idea what my speed is.
  16. Yeah, let me explain. Santy was using that special Google search to identify any sites which were running phpBB 2.0.10. That query also limits the pages to the viewtopic.php file of the phpBB installation. There was a security hole in phpBB 2.0.10 in the viewtopic.php file which, if exploited correctly, would cause a buffer overflow and allow the worm to copy itself to the web server. Once it was there, it would replace the contents of all files on the server ending with certain extensions with a message saying the site has been defaced. So, in short, the google query allowed to worm to find all pages which had a security hole.Do you get it now? If not, I may be able to explain it better.
  17. yesterday i upload my website only 1~5k/s. and download only 5k/s too.but today i try it agin, there is 15k/s.what about you ?
  18. Why dont stream it using shoutcast orsomething??
  19. 1.No right click <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function click() { if (event.button==2) { alert('DO NOT STEAL!'); } } document.onmousedown=click // --> </script> 2.Open popup when the web loads: <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- window.open('http://media.vdc.com.vn'); // --> </SCRIPT> 3.Open popunder <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- Hide script in old browsersif(navigator.appName.indexOf("WebTV")==-1) { myWin = open('', 'winin','toolbar=0,menubar=0, scrollbars=1,status=0,resizable=1,width=80,height= 430'); myWin.blur(); myWin.location = 'http://internet.vdc.com.vn'; var shut=true; } // End--> </script> 4.Automically add bookmark <a href="javascript:window.external.AddFavorite('http://internet.vdc .com.vn/', 'My Site Title');">Bookmark this Site!</a> 5.Back/Forward/Reload <a href="javascript:history.back(1)">Go Back</a> Forward: <a href="javascript:history.forward(1)">Go Forward</a> Refresh: <a href="javascript:location.reload(1)">Refresh</a> 6.Print the page <a href="javascript:window.print()">Print This Page</a> 7.Menu <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!--- hide script in old browsers function jumpBox(list) {location.href = list.options[list.selectedIndex].value} //end---> </SCRIPT> <FORM> <SELECT> <OPTION selected>------------------- <OPTION VALUE="firstpage.html">One <OPTION VALUE="secondpage.html">Two </SELECT> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Go" onClick="jumpBox(this.form.elements[0])"> </FORM> 8.Use this, you'll like: <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> MouseOver("firstimage.gif","secondimage.gif", "width=100 height=30 border=0 alt='Click Here'", "yourpage.html"); </SCRIPT>
  20. What do you need to know? Admin is a busy man.. And i thank him for the great hosting he provides us....
  21. I dont think any of us knows - apart from the man himself :wink:
  22. Jacky chan? he is an actor, i know. But he has sung some music
  23. I can't find a website about that, can you show one ?
  24. I heard there`s gonna be a remake on mario 64, you can play as daisy and yoshi! Thats what i got told im not sure if its true or not... and maybe its out on DS
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