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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. can i link a song from my alternate site to my website but not the song my site files just from another site? so i can have music on front page?
  2. iGuest


    ok u should put a rule about no adult content because children from the age of 8+ are here and they can get addicted
  3. the mini is nice but the dell and big ipod is about the same size == Mike news.pweb.info However when it comes to quality Apple > Dell. I have more confidence in my iPod lasting then a Dell Jukebox. Plus, I fairly sure the Jukebox would n't work with my Mac.
  4. U should give a class!Id attend!--Mike
  5. Posting porn, port scanning, major spam all over the board. Insulting FNH and its users.He basically was being a *BLEEP*
  6. The siteuptime statistics go to casanare.gov.co not here
  7. Indeed site looks great but i agree with everyone your to young to have a nickname like that
  8. I was ther in 2002. Nice bungalow at legian beach.North of kuta. like eating at ketupat restaurant, and fish eating at jimbaran
  9. iGuest


    I sent him a PM asking him to remove it
  10. iGuest


    indeed we all know u like it its just that....its too good for u =P
  11. iGuest


    Those are nice, but yeah it has to change. 8)
  12. at the moment i have stuck with using just a normal table in dreamweaver. I am not totally happy though, i wanted a nicely spaced out thumnailed picture display, so when you click on the mini pics it will open the full size picture
  13. thanks! but i dont use platnum...so its not there its the nuke installed w/ fantastico
  14. AHH MY Eyes yea u might wanna change the front page to something better =P No offence!
  15. u might wanna change ur Avatar.
  16. nareth banned? Any reason? I've been off for awhile, so I was just wondering.
  17. iGuest

    Sony PSP

    ...PSP sucks lol...DS All teh WAY!
  18. Kom nog is terug als die online is:D ik was de hele avond ongeveer bezig met mn pc formateren dus vandaar geen radio.''als'' we groot worden? ik zit nu gemiddeld op de 10 bezoekers per dag en wie zal zich druk maken over die 10 luisteraars die 10 minuutjes per dag een mp3tje luisteren? lol:P
  19. It is much better than the PSP seeing that Nintendo has been at it longer.It has wireless access to chat and...2 screens to play and have the other one for something else.This by far is much better than teh 1 screened icky PSP.
  20. Hmm...I tested out my friends new Dell Mp3 Jukebox...It looks much better than the IPods simple look and...I love how it can play AMV's very well.
  21. PS2 for me..XBoX stinks because we all know Sony has been at it more...Anyways if you like Halo...Then XBoX is for you but...Going online costs a FORTUNE!!
  22. As your English is bad, I'll do this in dutch. Leuke site, maar de radiozender was offline. Zijn jullie op de hoogte van alle legale aspecten van digitale radio over het internet. Want ik weet hier weinig van, maar ik denk niet dat je zomaar liedjes mag afspelen zonder een kleine vergoeding per luisteraar te betalen aan de makers van het liedje.Indien het legaal is, registreer dan een .com/.info/.net/.org/.biz domein als je serieus bent met die website en neem een betalende host. Zet dan wat adsense op je pagina en als je website succes heeft, kan je daarmee je domein en hosting kosten terugbetalen of er zelfs wat mee verdienen. Die domeinnaam is echt wel zeer belangrijk, want mocht je website ooit groot worden, dan moet je zeker veranderen en verlies je het meeste.
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