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Posts posted by iGuest

  1. My uncle died last week and i wrote a little verse for him but I would like to make it into a rap, I'm not looking for it to be too long maybe just a chorus and another verse. Anyway if anyone can help it would be highly appreciated ��Its hard to believe you are goneAs we all sit here and mourn Reminiscing of all the time we spent, the good the bad it makes us sad, but then we think of the times you made us laugh, family and friends will all cry as we ask ourselves why did he have to die, but you are now asleep in piece, there's so much more to sayBut RIP until we meet again some other day.

  2. SMS Web Sites on Web Sites can be a good way to How To Setup A Sms Sending Website........

    Looking at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ you can capture a mobile number into your loyalty database of your web site and using the Empowermessaging.com or their http apis you can sent the punter a vcard with you companies details.

    Make sure you put a captcha on your page to stop bots from costing you money, record their mobile into a list or db, a check box to terms and conditions enabling you to send sms to get around any anti spam complications.

    Good luck well worth it

    -reply by sgtbaker


    hello frnd , iam interest in creating smssending sites where user can login and send free sms and get free topup dont worry about sms gateway iam ready to buy a sms gateway or API i dont know how to setup into my site help me Regards vengadplease help friend

  3. I love respawnables! It is awesome! I have revolver, howitzer, grenade launcher, dual pistols, missile launcher, bazooka, scoped assault rifle ( A very popular weapon for beginners ) blunderbuss ( A respawnables classic ) sniper rifle, little Italy, Heavy Machine Gun, Shotgun ( A VERY Popular weapon for starters ) Assault Rifle , and RMGWhat about all other players? I would love to know!Gamertag : Saif

  4. For me, it's because I'm really sick of not having enough money to live a comfortable life with my family and having also other passions, like dance. Like, I'm in a Engineering Course and the idea that I have to wait 4 more years so that I can even start to receive a more or less decent salary it's just too desmotivating. Maybe 4 years doesn't look too much, but for me, it's too much time to wait so that I finally can have enough money to follow my dream of being a dancer. The problem is that I really need to get money so that I can follow it. Grr! . I don't dislike my course.

    But I really do like to be already ready to work as an engineering. Why it takes so much time to learn a career? Why the course is not just 2.5 years? I know that most of my peers are still mentally young, but I think I'm ready to have a job and live by myself. Maybe it's because I'm also a classical dancer, and classical dancers tend to be more mature than "normal" people. So, I really would like to spend my time finding ways to get money like selling some of my stuff and doing something else rather than being studying while knowing that my family needs my help and that I need to make money so that I can follow my dreams! Grrr!!!

  5. Interesting commentary . The part about baby boomers brought to mind a generation of high divorce rate . When I think of this song , I think of divorce being like a bomb going off in a family . There are many casualties . There are refugees , and there are many traumatised and wounded who maybe experience the "silent scream" . Who find solace in drugs , sex even suicide because they dare not scream aloud about the pain they are suffering . Childen Living in a continuation of the war zone that is the aftermath of divorce , when couples find it difficult to "sign a peace treaty " and move foward , tending to the wounds , and finding hope and healing. Learning the lessons of life and family , the importance of choosing a suitable mate (allie ) and tending to the contract of marriage , drawing on the source of pure love . Not resorting to the enemy tactics of war , lest you feel the "ricochet".

  6. I've used Corel since version 4 - now its at 17. I find the UI to be way better than Adobe. There are pros and cons with both. Exmaple.. In Corel I can just do things way faster and easier. In Adobe your page size is annoyingly limited to I think 273" (approx). Adobe has way more users so therefore you'd be able to transfer files to most designers without converting them. And so on and so on...


    In my personal opinion I'll stick with Corel. Knowing what I know now, if I could go back to the old days I would've gotten better acquainted with Adobe. But most importantly, I would've studied to be a neural surgeon or a lawyer instead of what I'm doing now :)

  7. It is the soul, you can not live without a soul. The meek esteem it highly because they're humble. The rich throw it away because they have no wants and needs their money buys whatever their hearts desires and pleasure in it. Children play with it in the streets, kids do play in the streets, I know I did. Also God refines it throug testing us by fire, God's heavenly fire, we are as silver, but when God puts us through trials and tribulations and stand true in our faith our soul comes out more precious than gold....1 Peter 1:7" Although we can not see him we love him", "although we don't see him now we believe in him", he probes us in our dreams to see if we're plotting evil. Prpbe me in my dreams Lord and ye shall see that my mouth has not transgressed. Without faith in Jesus Christ we will die twice, the body and soul. If one stands firm in their faith we die once here on earth body back to the earth, but live for all eternity in soul with Jesus Christ in paradise, lose faith or believe not in, God the father, God the son, and God the holy spirit one can die twice, body back to the bowles of mother earth, but the soul to die and burned for all eternity under heaven in hell for all eternity. One shouldn't think in worldy ways, but in spiritual ways. What we accumulate we can't take with us so why build up your treasures here on earth, build them up in heaven's paradise. God will purdge and prune the dead branches off the tree of life, God will also purdge all things from your life that makes you stumble and sin if it would be people in your life or your deeds you do in life make it right and render unto God what is his your soul. Repent with pure love in your heart so that the father above can purdge and prune you with love. Give unto God a pure innocent childish soul. God is our life source is gave us a soul to live not die.

  8. I think its matter but its sounds weird when its next to all those choices there. But when it says 'the poor possess it more than the rich', I think it, my name is Marions Love. The rich grows selfish, as everyone knows because in thoes little kid's movie the rich guy always seems decieving and evil. But the last few lines got me confused.... Posted Image

    Hello, my nam is Marion, and I too believe the answer is the soul. We are tested by fire (God ) to prove the genuiness of our faith. Faith and our soul are more percious than that of gold wich parishes to evil and sins of the world. because,we do not see him we love him, eventhough we can not see him now but believe in him, our faith loves, honor, and glorifys Jesus Christ. God probes us in our dreams to make sure we are not plotting evil, probe me in my dreams oh lord you shall see my mouth has not transgressed. Google 1 Peter 1:7. To die a second death is to kill our soul to hell for all eternity. I only want to die once, because I can not bare to live an eternity away from my God's pure love. Render unto God's what isGod's, and render unto ceasers which belongs to ceasers. The soul belongs to God and all earthly goods belong to Ceaser. The worlds riches are an Illusion, but God's paradise is a reality. We cannot take with us worldy possions, so don't build up worldy things, build up your possions in heaven where nothing will ever parish. God bless you all I pray everyone can render unto God his love, faith, and soul. Live for Jesus Christ so that the holy spirit can purdge your life, all your sins, and people that make you stumble ( sin ) in life. I need not see God to know he exists, the love in my heart tells me my Loving father above exists. Without God in my life I would cease to exists, all things would cease to exists if their wasn't a creator ( God ). :)



    I guessed soul but what is the real answer?



  9. well, in my opinion, java is much better than .net and the main reason of my opinion is the maturity..net just copied a lot of ideas from java but java has a more advanced virtual machine.but, if i would guess which is going to be a success in future, i would put my bets on ruby.take a look at it. and one reason to my opinion is that it will have a very advanced virtual machine, powered by old and very mature smalltalk virtual machines!

    java is copied from c++

  10. I thought I wasn't afraid of mascots because I would become so stressed out when i saw one that I literally would have to go hide somewhere because I literaly wanted to kill them. Then when I thought about it, I am having a fight or flight reaction and realised I was afraid. I am 25 now and I honestly haven't got a clue where it has come from and what has caused it. I've never had a traumatic experience as a child and I like masks and clowns. It literally is such a rage when I see them on tv and god forbid some poor soul is handing flyers out on the street. I haven't got a clue how to go about changing these feelings. I only have a few other fears of spiders and moths but I want to run away from them.

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