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Posts posted by leoncreations

  1. You are right! There is more to game development than just game programming. To develop a proper game, you need a team of producers, directors,artists, programmers etc. If you are developing games alone, then you definitely need the game development platform, tools , tutorials to get yourself started. Therefore I hope all you game deveopers out there will really share the best and popular game development tools out there as well as tips and industry best practices to help anyone who is interested to develop games but do not know where and how to start.

  2. 160G/s is really impressive but the problem with download speed is that when the latest technology gets to the comsumer in 5 or 10yrs time, the speed will not be as impressive as before due to increased use of bandwidth and content to download. Maybe 5 years down the road, people will be watching HD stream tv and so 160G/s will be norm and is not the fastest anymore. However if these kind of technology can reach the massess faster and at a affordable rate then all of us can celebrate!

  3. It really depends on the girl and her boyfriend but I would want my girlfriend to put make up to increase her self-image and to complement her looks rather than to put excessive make up to spoil her image. Some girls really have a 360 change after some simple make up while others have that natural beauty that make them look beautiful with little or no makeup. So are girls prettier without makeup? What do u think?

  4. Earning a few credits is not that hard here as long as you just reply to any post that interest you. The challenge here is to earn >10 credits by writing good tutorials,guides for others to read and follow. As long as you can write some simple English statements, you can start earning credits. A good example will be what I am doing now :)

  5. Gotta be Man United man! Supported them since young and even now I am still a true fan not swayed by their poor forms or not winning trophies because they have a great team there, wonderful manager who has held post for the longest period in EPL history and the big fan base all over the world. I liker Arsenal style of play, Liverpool's loyal fans out there, Chelsea multi-million team but when it comes to who I support in my heart, MAN UTD ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Microsoft definitely have the capital and manpower to compete with Google but the question here is the giant who knows everything VS the hack expert kind of scenario. In order for microsoft to compete with Google, they must first know why google is more successful in terms of search engine and try to do a significant improvement fast so that they will come up with the next-gen search engine where everyone can find anything they want with ease and speed.

  7. wow that is a excellent review there! Is Halo3 really that gd? I have played Halo before and found it to be just like any popular shooters like quake,unreal and so was really surprised here. Anyway i will check out the reviews myself and see that can Halo3 entice me to get a Xbox 360 just for the sake of enjoying it or shall I stick to my good old PC.

  8. Even though i am still a newbie, i already feel the drag of posting just to keep your hosting account alive (I had my account suspended once). Sometimes you just want to browse thorough the forum and post nothing at all, at other times you may post a few which catch your attention. Furthermore,its difficult to have posts that give you a lot of hosting credits other than tutorials and lenghty posts. I would like to suggest using forum login time as a extra source for receiving hosting credits as one's time spent in the forum is oso as precious as posting.What do you think???

  9. Whether you are studying or working right now, take a 5 mins break, put down whatever you are doing now and just enjoy what I am going to show you next.


    Look at the dancer below. What do you see? Is she turning clockwise or counter-clockwise?


    Posted Image


    If you see her turning clockwise (right) then your left side of the brain is doing most of the work, which means you are more of a logic/analyzing person.


    If you see the dancer turning counter-clockwise (left) then your right side of the brain is in charge, this means you are the artistic/intuition person.

  10. Well here is an example if what you would have to do in your area expertise:
    Software Engineer

    Technical Lead/Manager

    As you can see you need to be doing a lot of hard work to be even considered, now in your case as being a student theGoogle Operations in India web page might be of some interest to you.

    Working for google is cool as they are always developing next-gen technologies and ways to search and navigate the vast internet. I am particularly interested in the software engineer position posted so let us take a look at the requirements.


    * BS or MS in Computer Science or equivalent (PhD a plus). - wow PhD just for entry!
    * Several years of software development experience. - several could mean u r a veteran so fresh grads very slim chance
    * Extensive experience programming in C++ and/or Java. - extensive could mean many projects completed
    * Enthusiasm for solving interesting problems. - this is a interesting requirement & could be how they would test u on the spot
    * Experience with Unix/Linux or Windows environments, C++ development, distributed systems, machine learning, information retrieval, network programming and/or developing large software systems a plus. - wide coverage of topics mean u have to be well versed in many aspects so they could be looking at a all-rounded intellectual guy

    After looking thru each requirement, there is no doubt many believe that it is tough to apply for a software engineer position @ google but if u got what it takes then go ahead and give it a try, no harm trying rite?

    anyway i hope u guys can comment on what i think about applying for google and feel free to add on to what I already mentioned.

  11. trap17 forum is also a place for people to share and contribute ideas in return for hosting credits and recognition. Those sites recommended will be more of monetary rewards. I am actually looking for freelance game writing, whether it is a preview ,review or comments on games of a similar reward system so any recommendations welcomed,thanks.

  12. Great and lengthy tutorial there! I managed to read most of it and found it easy to understand and useful for implementing on my own site. Though a condensation of the tutorial or the codes are welcomed. By the way, how would you do it if i want a visitor to view a video or a advertisement of my site while waiting for the site to finish loading?

  13. Starting an online business is not rocket science, but it's very easy to fail if you are not careful either. Below I will try to outline some of the steps you can to increase your chances of success.

    Decide what you want to do. it is very important that you do someting you enjoy doing. I suggest evaluating your interests first.

    Carry out keyword research.

    Register a domain.

    Create your web site.

    Market it.

    For steps 3 & 4, Xisto can fulfil it but as for steps 2 and 5, can you explain in details like the tools or sites involved?

  14. juz got my site and installed joomla, I must say that joomla is definitely a feature-packed CMS but in terms of customising for your own use, newcomers might find themselves lost (myself included). you have to figure out where and what each module does in the template before you can actually start to customise. will continue to explore joomla to do my own site.

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