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Posts posted by tonic

  1. Here I'll give u a quick start.

    PART A - Setup Databse

    1. When you get your account, login to your cPanel.

    2. Click on "MySQL Databases"

    3. Create a new MySQL database.

    4. On the same page create a new MySQL User.

    5. After creating a user and database, on the same page give your new user the "ALL" Privileges to your newly created database.

    6. Remember your database name and your username and password.


    PART B - Install phpBB

    1. Download phpBB from https://www.phpbb.com/downloads/

    2. Upload this file you downloaded to the /public_html/ folder by using File Manager in cPanel.

    3. Now you should see ie. /public_html/phpBB.zip in File Manager.

    4. Click on the file then click on i think Extract Content (On the top right corner)

    5. Now you should have /public_html/phpBB/ you can always rename this folder to something different.

    6. Then go to http://forums.xisto.com (this should be the folder u named)/install/install.php

    7. Then just follow the install procedures carefully.


    PART C - MISC.

    CHMOD - This is the access privileges, phpBB might ask you to change the CHMOD of certain files or folder, you can do this by using File Manager or an FTP Program (I suggest FlashFXP, 30 full trial)


    Use your forum as the main page - you'll have to extract all the files in /public_html/phpBB/ into /public_html/. Or you can create a index.html to redirect.

  2. Yea if you want to use windows servers, you'll need to learn ASP. Its more convenient to use ASP in Windows enviroment because you dont really need to setup all the PHP, Apache servers etc... to test. But now days alot of good scripts are written in php like wordpress, forums etc...

  3. Normally you just upload the file into a folder created in /public_html, then you'll need to setup a new MySQL datebase and give full permission for the database to a MySQL user. Then you usually just run a install.php file located somewhere in your forum folder.I'm not too familiar with YaBB, since it uses Perl, I dont know what other procedures you need to do before running.If you dont mind, use phpBB instead, its free and you can put Google Ads in the forum. Also I have more experience with this forum than YaBB, therefore I give you better technical support.

  4. Before I had the same problem with PDF files, usually when I'm loading large PDF files. I think the problem is caused by Firefox attempting to download the whole file first before showing it. Ever since I have installing Adobe reader 7, its been more responsive when opening large PDF files.Also there are differences when loading in different broswers. When loading the same PDF file in IE, I acutally see the progress of the file in the status bar, in Firefox it shows nothing, so feels like it froze.

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