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Everything posted by taz15964

  1. To all of you, many many thanks its very kind of you to take time and respond to my question the way you have.A lot of the things that you have said to me makes sence, and I appreciate your comments.I have to say that the way i behave today is due to a few phrases and opinions that i would like to share, you might find them funny or helpfull either way here they are.1. A stranger will never effect my mood negativly, no matter what, he/she is not worth it. (As a sales assistant in an expencive shop, this was very important).2. Smile, yes when i feel down i just smile... i then laugh at myself for smiling, and there you go i feel much better.3. Laugh at yourself. Life is too short to not find yourself funny. If you do something funny, trip up spill something be the first one to laugh.4. (This is my fav one) You are not singing because you are happy, your happy because your singing. (A friend of mine told me that and it works for me, pick a song that is really uplifting and sing, see how you feel after the song.)Again many thanks to all.Kind regardsTaz
  2. Dear All,I was hoping to get some help, or if not just to know that some one out there feels the same way i do.I am a 27 year old man.It seems that a lot of people these days are angry, angry for so many reasons, from driving the car, manners etc. But i have to say that i am not one of these people, and i don't know if that is a good thing or not. I very rarely get angry once a month and even then i do not raise my voice i do not shout but tell the offender how i feel, and how their actions have upset me. I am very optimistic i smile a lot and i try to always be polite to other people. I am not some religious man, i do go out and have drinks, get drunk and have fun with friends. My life is not perfect in actual fact i am in financial problems and due to RSI a life in design is no longer open to me. But even that doesn't get me down i just move on to the next thing and try and sort out my life. Here is the question. Am i normal? Are my feelings and the way i look at life a normal thing because i really don't see anyone else around me who behaves like me.Or am i suppressing my anger to the point that i am not even aware of it. Is the fact that my father being an angry man, repulsed me from those types of emotions.Should i look for a way to feel more anger or is my attitude a good thing?If anyone knows what i am talking about please let me know.Kind regards Taz
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