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Trap Grand Marshal Member
Hey guys.. I'm new to Bash programming and I'm encountering this weird problem.. I'm trying to read a text file line-by-line and store into an array.. However, by using the WHILE-LOOP to read each line from file, the variables (normal var or arrays) doesn't seem to update.. The variables were automatically cleared upon exiting the WHILE-LOOP and revert back to it's previous state. #!/bin/bashclear; echox=10echo "Original X: $x"i=0cat "test.txt" | while read FileLinedo MyArray[$i]="$FileLine" x=$(($x + 1)) echo "Array ($i): ${MyArray[$i]}" i=$(($i + 1))doneechoecho "Array (*): ${MyArray[*]}"echo "No.of Elements: ${#MyArray[*]}"echo "Is X updated?: $x"echoContents of "test.txt" line1 xline2 yline3 zThe output in the terminal was: Original X: 10Array (0): line1 xArray (1): line2 yArray (2): line3 zArray (*):No.of Elements: 0Is X updated?: 10You can see that variable X was not updated and reverted back to 10. Are they ways or workarounds to get the variables updated..?
Saint_Michael started following Inspiron
Participant: truefusionStatus: Last submission as final submission. This request shall be remain opened for the next 14 days with effect from 20 June 2006 as Day 1, for competing designers to submit their designs. The credit points shall be rewarded to truefusion on 3rd July 2006 if there are no further submissions within this 14-day period.
All are pretty well done except that when the content area gets too long or gets larger, the glass effect disappears. Can you re-modify such that no matter how big the content area is, the effect still stay smoothly glassy. A possible solution can be that the glass gradiant to slowly fade towards black downwards. A screenshot of what I am actually talking about is in the PM. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Participant: truefusion Status: Finalising design modification and template layout
Not bad for a new flash designer. I quite like the overall design. This showed me that you are capable to create flash-based menu. Bookmark or track this topic for the release of the final design. You will then use it to create the animated flash menu. I was also expecting a flash intro. Are you able to do that?
It's looking good. Before proceeding to slicing the template into HTML format, I would like another box area of the left navigation menu without the buttons for future use. The left box area should be flexible in its size in terms of editing the width and height in HTML. Likewise for the content box area without the divider bars for future use. The PSD source file should be featured with ease such that I am able to add another button into the navigation left column, together with the button text, colors and design. The left navigation box should also be easily resized with an addition of another button. The template with the additional box areas for future use should be packaged separately from the original template, which is what the current design is like now. Hence the entire package should be in a zip file which include the following: 1. HTML template (original design as what it is now) 2. HTML template (including additional box areas that may be used in future) 3. Full PSD source file(s) 4. Readme (if any on how to edit the PSD file or the HTML template) 5. A screenshot of template at 50% of original size, watermarked entirely with "copyrighted by truefusion" 6. A screenshot of template at 50% of original size, watermarked entirely with "copyrighted by Inspiron" Please kindly also remember to post the packaged link via PM. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Participant: truefusion Status: Finalising design modification & slicing design into HTML format
Norton AntiVirus or other Symantec programs are just examples that will bring you out of full screen games, or even in the middle of an exciting movie. There are other software that are able to bring you out of the full screen mode too, as they were programed to be the most top of all other software, grabbing your attention. You must have recently installed a new program that causes this problem. Verify if the program is causing the problem by uninstalling it and play your game. If it doesn't affect, it could be some other programs that is causing the problem.
Pretty impossible to be his fault because it did worked for a moment without changing any configurations. If it did worked, even for once, it means that your configurations are correct. Hence the factors that made it not to work has to be the servers fault, either your webhost server or your domain provider, which you cannot access from your computer.. If your webhost provider is Xisto, try pinging as well as doing a tracert to your own Xisto domain. Likewise, get a few of your friends to go to your URL to verify if you are not alone having the problem. In this situation, the Administrators of your webhosting provider and domain provider are the right person to serve you. Email them, feedback or request for support directly to them will be a better way to solve your problem.
Sometimes it due to certain programs that were made to be on top of all other programs, including your full screen game. A very good example is with Symantec product software. Whenever there's a notice or an alert triggered on Norton Anti Virus, Internet Security or any Symantec products, it will bring you out of your game immediately. I know its very annoying as I've experienced before when I had Norton Internet Security installed on my system. I've changed to AVG AntiVirus and had not experienced such problems yet. Probably I will never experience it as AVG antivirus never gives an alert at all.Likewise for other programs other than Symantec products, the always on top feature are the ones that causes you to come back to Windows, leaving your game still running in the background.
Thank you for your interest in designing the flash. It's okay just to do the splash screen for the site and not really necessary to port the html design truefusion created into flash. It's harder and alot more inconvenience to update the flash site. Simple for managing is the key of what I'm expecting. Animations, sound effects and graphical design should be based according to the template theme as described in my first post. They should be created or designed by yourself with your creativity. I'm okay with the time taken as long as it's not more than 14 days after the last submission.
haha.. that logo is my avatar in this forum. Nice try.. The added text at the top is looking good. However I would like a slight modification in the newly added top text. I'd prefer it to be probably 3/4 of this size and is aligned to the right. The current one is too big and occupied the whole space. Mirror effect is good! Mouseover is alright. But I'd prefer it to be more neon glassy effect which still matches the overall template design. Some background detail may also be added to the buttons to enhance the design. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Participant: truefusion Status: Pending for design modification - 5th phrase ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I requested for designers to send me their designs via PM because I want each design to be unique. This will prevent a designer from grabbing or leeching other designer's creative ideas in creating the template. This also serves as a mean to protect the original designer's work. However I'll be planning to release a screenshot of it once there are no further submissions and after 14 days from the last submission. If you've any ideas in designing, you can also submit your screenshot to me via PM.
truefusion, you are doing very well in designing.. I really like your design alot and your efforts in making this template proper for me. There's still some last touch=ups before finalising and slicing up the template for html. Let me start commenting from the top of the design. The logo certainly looks better than the previous few designs. You've in fact shown very good glass designing which in future you may use this skill for sig designs. However the middle shape art inside the red circle wasn't my cup of tea. I would prefer something without much sharp edges. The current one has too much. Actually I'd prefer this template to be more technological themed. Somewhat it has now became a gaming theme. Hence it will be best if you can change the shape to something technological. Probably a 3D grid or something related to technology. The size of the nagivation area is perfect and I like it very much. Thank you. I've no further requirements for it already. I realised you've added another bother link for it and it looked awesome. Likewise to the smaller divider in the content area, the size is perfect. However, I would like to see another screenshot with the mouseover effects on one of the buttons in the navigation menu. Here's what I would like to request on this design. I would like to add a text based on the template design theme. The size should not be so large and should be placed above the content area, right aligned and should not exceed the right bother of the content area. The text is "chungyew.co.nr". You shall decide on the background for the text and text renders with your professionalism, however it should be based on the template theme. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Participant: truefusion Status: Pending for design modification - 4th phrase
Ha.. What a good idea to it using images that looked like a link to replace a link.